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Found 40 ResultsThe Government of Quebec has given La Financière agricole du Québec the task of implementing the Cervid Producer Support Program for the Eradication of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD). This program offers financial aid […]
Farm ProducerNovember 22, 2023
Farm producers, enroled or not in our different programs, may be eligible for waterfowl damage compensation under the Wildlife Damage Compensation Program, which was implemented through the Federal-Provincial Agreement on […]
Farm ProducerPredation Compensation is a component of the Wildlife Damage Compensation Program that provides compensation to producers for injury or death to eligible livestock, fowl or specialty animals by predators.
Farm Producer, InsuranceThe Program provides compensation to New Brunswick agricultural producers who suffer crop or livestock losses due to wildlife.
Farm Producer, FarmerAgricultural Insurance is a valuable business risk management tool that provides farmers with financial protection against production losses caused by natural perils, such as drought, excessive moisture, hail, frost, wind […]
Farm Producer, FarmerThe CFIA partnered with the Government of Alberta to initiate the Canada and Alberta BSE Surveillance Program (CABSESP). This program would increase the number of high-risk Alberta cattle tested for […]
Farm ProducerThe On-farm Technology Adoption Program helps producers invest in equipment and processes that provide labour efficiencies, reduce cost of production, increase yields and support more efficient use of inputs.
Agri-food, Farm Equipment, Farm ProducerThe Wildlife Damage Mitigation program helps farms protect crop and livestock from wildlife damage to improve industry competitiveness and resilience.
Farm Producer, FarmingThe On-Farm Water Management Program will support primary producers to improve and adapt to impacts of climate change on water implications, including activities to conserve and enhance natural resources for […]
Climate Change, Farm ProducerThe Apiculture Sustainability Growth and Health Program promotes hive health, pollination expansion and adoption of efficient technologies that help with labour shortages.
Farm Producer, FarmerAlong the top of the site, you will see a "call to action." It's an orange bar.
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Edmonton, Alberta
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