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Rural Transit Solutions Fund: Capital Projects Stream │Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada (HICC)

April 8, 2025


Federal contribution of up to $10 million.


The Rural Transit Solutions Fund, under the Canada Public Transit Fund, supports the development and expansion of locally driven transit solutions, by helping residents of rural, remote, Indigenous and Northern communities conduct their day-to-day activities, like access services, go to work, school, medical appointments, and visit loved ones.

Through this stream, eligible applicants can seek contributions of up to $10 million to help cover tangible capital assets primarily for public use such as the purchase of vehicles and supporting infrastructure.

Eligible Applicants

To be eligible for the Rural Transit Solutions Fund, applicants must be a legal entity capable of entering into legally binding agreements, be in good standing with the Government of Canada, and fall into one of the following categories:

  • A provincial or territorial government;
  • A municipal or regional government created by or under provincial or territorial statute;
  • A public sector body created by or under provincial or territorial statute or by regulation or is wholly-owned by a province, territory, municipal or regional government. This includes but is not limited to:
    • Municipally-owned corporations (e.g., autonomous organizations owned by municipalities that provide local public services);
    • Provincial or territorial organization delivering municipal services (e.g., public utilities, community health services, economic development agencies); and,
    • Any other form of local governance outside traditional municipalities (e.g., local service districts).
  • A federally or provincially incorporated not-for-profit organization or charity;
  • An Indigenous benefiting organization or recipient, including:
    • A band council as defined in section 2 of the Indian Act;
    • A First Nation, Inuit or Métis government or authority established pursuant to a Self-Government Agreement or a Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement with Canada, which has been ratified by federal legislation;
    • A First Nation, Inuit or Métis government created by federal, provincial, or territorial legislation that includes a governance structure.
  • A federally or provincially incorporated not-for-profit organization whose primary purpose is to improve Indigenous outcomes; and,
  • An Indigenous development corporation.

Eligible Expenses

Eligible organizations with at least two years of transit experience, including local governments working in partnership with experienced transit organizations, or a completed public transit feasibility study (dated after January 1, 2020) can apply for a federal contribution of up to $10 million. Organizations with less than two years of experience and no recent feasibility study may still qualify for up to $250,000 in federal funding.

The Rural Transit Solutions Fund, under the Canada Public Transit Fund, supports the development and expansion of locally driven transit solutions, by helping residents of rural, remote, Indigenous and Northern communities conduct their day-to-day activities, like access services, go to work, school, medical appointments, and visit loved ones.

Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada recognizes the diversity of Canada’s rural and remote communities and their unique transit needs. The Rural Transit Solutions Fund supports a range of public transit models including fixed-routes, on demand transit and micromobility services, such as e-bikes.

Deadline Date

Tuesday, March 4, 2025 (3:00 p.m. EST) and Tuesday, April 8, 2025 (3:00 p.m. EST) from Indigenous applicants.

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There is grant money waiting for YOU! BUT if you step in a “grant trap,” your application is a NO! Learn the FIVE most common errors to AVOID in government grants! Get the 5 Grant Gotchas now to save you countless hours.

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