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Alberta Business Grants Ltd.

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Nature Smart Climate Readiness Program (NSCRP, or “Nature Smart”) – Grasslands | OSCIA

August 27, 2024


Up to a maximum cost–share payment of $40,000 per project.


Funding through the Nature Smart Climate Readiness Program (NSCRP, or “Nature Smart”) supports two separate types of projects, conserving existing grasslands OR establishing new grasslands. Grasslands directly support nature–based solutions to store and capture carbon, mitigate the impacts of climate change, and contribute to biodiversity.

Conservation grassland projects under the Nature Smart program are anchored on an existing grassland – they represent protection and enhancement of the grassland to maintain and increase carbon storage and sequestration.

Projects to support grassland restoration under the Nature Smart program pertain to the establishment of a new grassland on agricultural land which would be suitable to grasses, but where there are currently no grasses or where grasses or other vegetation are currently harvested or grazed.

A single project cannot include both conservation of existing grassland and restoration of new grasslands – these would be separate projects. Conserved or restored grassland projects cannot be used for agricultural production, harvesting or grazing.

Eligible Applicants

    To be eligible for Nature Smart, an applicant must meet the following three criteria:

  1. Own farmland in Ontario as demonstrated by:
      • A valid farm business registration number (FBRN)


      • A Religious Exemption Letter provided by the OMAFRA Appeal Tribunal (provide with application submission)


      • A Cultural Exemption Letter provided by the Indian Agricultural Program of Ontario to First Nations farmers, verifying the farm business operates in a First Nations community (provide with application submission)


      • An income exemption from the Farm Property Class Tax Rate Program (i.e., Start-up farm businesses, Business structure change, Not a normal production year, Age/Illness/Death of a spouse) (provided with application submission)


    • A current Municipal Property Assessment Notice, Municipal Tax Bill, or a Farm Property Tax Class Assessment, in the name of the applicant, for a minimum of 25 acres or more assessed as farmland which includes the proposed project location (provide with application submission)
  2. Applicants must:
    • Own the farmland where they would like to complete the proposed project.
    • Be willing to enter into a signed Conservation Agreement with OSCIA, committing the farm business to maintaining the proposed project for ten (10) years.
    • Be in compliance with all requirements of law and remain in compliance for the duration of the project.

Eligible Expenses

    Eligible activities and costs may include:

  • Mixed planting of native grassland species (e.g., little bluestem, Indian grass, brown–eyed Susan) or non–native grassland species (e.g., timothy, orchard grass, clover).
    • Legumes cannot represent more than 40% of the speciation based on the planting rate.
    • Species planted must not be invasive to Ontario. Contact OSCIA prior to application submission if you are unsure of a species’ status.
  • Site preparation and maintenance
  • Rental and/or purchase of specialized planting equipment
  • Custom planting costs
  • Brush encroachment mitigation and control of invasive species to improve establishment and maintenance of the grassland, including mowing or chemical treatment (according to best management practices)
  • Livestock exclusion fencing (application must mention the presence of livestock)
  • Opportunity costs associated with land taken out of production
  • Controlled burns in grassland according to best management practices
  • Permits
  • Adding nesting structures or other wildlife habitat features based on best management practices. These include, but are not limited to:
    • Bat houses and/or bat roosts
    • Specialized nest boxes for Species at Risk birds (e.g. barn owl, barn swallow, prothonotary warbler, short–eared owl)
    • Winter bird roosts
    • Pollinator nesting sites to support pollinators and plant species at risk
    • Snake hibernacula (overwintering sites)
    • Pollinator plantings
  • In–kind time to support project implementation and/or maintenance.
  • Costs of a third–party technical expert to provide project planning, design and support

Deadline Date

Intake closes: August 27, 2024 (5pm ET)



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There is grant money waiting for YOU! BUT if you step in a “grant trap,” your application is a NO! Learn the FIVE most common errors to AVOID in government grants! Get the 5 Grant Gotchas now to save you countless hours.

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