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Alberta Business Grants Ltd.

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Environmental Damages Fund (EDF) | Environment Canada
Open to applications

The Environmental Damages Fund (EDF) is a specified purpose account administered by Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) to direct funds received from fines, court orders and voluntary payments to priority projects that will benefit Canada’s natural environment. Fines directed to the EDF are used to fund projects that focus on the following four categories […]


May 21, 2024

International Technology Pilot and Demonstration Program — Cleantech
Open to applications

The International Technology Pilot and Demonstration (ITPD) program is designed to help Canadian SMEs validate, adapt and integrate their clean technologies with foreign corporate partners and end-users in international markets, and help SMEs break the barriers of entry, accelerate the commercialization of Canadian clean technologies and improve bankability. Successful applicants that can develop a technology piloting […]


Computers for Schools Intern (CFSI) Program:
Open to applications

The Computers for Schools Intern (CFSI) program supports the Government of Canada’s Youth Employment and Skills Strategy. CFSI seeks to enhance the employability and marketability of youth through internships specifically targeted to develop expertise and skills needed to actively participate in the digital economy.


May 20, 2024

Alberta Made Production Grant:
Open to applications

The grant assists Alberta producers to develop Alberta content. It also helps them attract and maintain skilled labour by providing employment opportunities for emerging talent and established industry professionals. Recognizing that small-budget productions have different funding needs than large-budget productions, the grant provides funding to help productions manage their immediate cash flow needs via an […]


Science Horizons Youth Internship Program | Government of Canada:
Open to applications

The Science Horizons Youth Internship Program provides wage subsidies to eligible employers across Canada to hire university, college and polytechnic graduates for internships in the environmental science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields.


deadline_date: March 31, 2027
Open to applications

The Low Carbon Economy Fund:
Open to applications

The First Nations funding stream of the Indigenous Leadership Fund is open until March 31, 2027. The Low Carbon Economy Fund (LCEF) supports projects to reduce Canada’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, generate clean growth, build resilient communities, and create good jobs for Canadians.


deadline_date: May 30, 2024
Closed to applications

Artist Entrepreneur │ FACTOR
Closed to applications

Artist Entrepreneur is a pilot program for artists rated 3 or Platinum Album Certified Artists who are investing in their own masters, copyrights, and/or live performances. It replaces the Comprehensive Artist program and is designed for increased flexibility for eligible activities and expenses during the program year – aligned with FACTOR’s fiscal (April 1 – […]


Cultural Industry Organizations Project Grant:
Open to applications

The Organization Project Grant assists Alberta-based companies engaged in the production of books, magazines or sound recordings, as well as some screen-based projects. Grants may be used to support projects in art production, training, career development, marketing and research.


deadline_date: June 28, 2024
Closed to applications

Revitalization Extensive Project Fund (REPF) – Neighbourhood Funding | City of Edmonton:
Closed to applications

The Revitalization Extensive Project Fund offers organizations the opportunity to apply for funding for larger-scale projects in Revitalization Areas. Revitalization Extensive Project Funding (REPF) is for larger scale projects between $20,001 and $50,000. This funding enables the trans-formative projects that Revitalization areas need and allow the City to further leverage the meaningful community investments being made.


Revitalization Project Macro-Grant – Neighbourhood Funding | City of Edmonton:
Open to applications

The Revitalization Project Macro-Grant, previously known as the Revitalization Matching Fund, is available to support new opportunities and activities in Revitalization Areas that align with the goals of neighbourhood revitalization for each eligible community involved with the City of Edmonton Neighbourhood Revitalization Initiative. Revitalization macro-project grants provide residents, businesses owners and operators, non-profit organizations $501-$20,000 […]


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