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Arts Strengthening Program │First Peoples’ Cultural Council (FPCC)

Closed to applications


One-on-one Arts Mentorships – Up to $30,000; Arts Group Knowledge Transfer – Up to $50,000


The FPCC Arts Strengthening Program supports B.C. First Nations arts revitalization opportunities for one-on-one arts mentorships or arts group knowledge transfer. Projects in this funding stream dedicate attention to the transfer of essential artistic and cultural knowledge to new generations of B.C. First Nations artists to support the continuation of significant cultural practices. There are two priority options when applying:

  • One-on-one Arts Mentorships
  • Arts Group Knowledge Transfer

Eligible Applicants

  • One-on-one arts mentorships:
    • B.C. First Nations individuals. Applicants must be 17 years of age (with a guardian’s signature) or older.
  • Arts group knowledge transfer:
    • B.C. First Nations individuals. Applicants must be 19 years of age or older.
    • Recognized B.C. First Nations bands or Tribal Councils.
    • Not-for-profit societies registered in B.C. in good standing and governed by B.C. First Nations individuals where at least 75% of directors are from recognized B.C. First Nations.
    • B.C. First Nations–led museums and cultural spaces where at least 75% of directors are from recognized B.C. First Nations.
    • Urban and off-reserve B.C. First Nations-led organizations where at least 75% of directors are from recognized B.C. First Nations.
    • B.C. First Nations schools or adult education centres operating in B.C. on First Nations lands. Please note that applications from First Nations schools that serve one community must be submitted through their respective Nation or Band Office.

In addition to the above criteria, eligible applicants must:

  • Have been a resident of B.C. for at least one year. If there is a question about whether you live in B.C., you may be asked to provide documentation. Proof of residency can include a valid B.C. services card, a valid B.C. driver’s licence or evidence of income taxes paid in the previous year as a B.C. resident.
  • Have previous experience or a creative mandate that demonstrates a commitment to their practice.
  • Demonstrate the support of recognized artists, creatives and cultural or community leaders within B.C. First Nations communities they are connected to and that the project affects.
  • Submit only one application as an applicant to the Arts Program per deadline.

Eligible Expenses

  • Salaries and wages – must be project specific and explained clearly in budget description.
  • Elder and/or Knowledge Holder consultation fees, include names and explain clearly in budget description.
  • Fees and honoraria for collaboration with other artists, mentors and/or elders – explained clearly in budget description.
  • Equipment required for the project (with strong justification in project description, up to 20% of funding request).
  • Childcare expenses for activities directly related to the project.
  • Materials and supplies.
  • Specialized tools required for the project (with strong justification in project description, up to 20% of funding request).
  • Travel, accommodation and transportation.
  • Space rentals.
  • Administration costs (up to 15% of funding request).
  • Research and training.

NOTE: In the Budget Worksheet description boxes, list the items and amounts that make up total sums to demonstrate how you arrived at the number you are entering. For example, when listing wages, note how many hours or days and how much per hour or day. This kind of detail helps the Peer Review Committee understand the formula used to achieve the amounts requested.

Deadline Date

March 19, 2025 at 4:30 p.m. PT


Contact Name: Nikki Rohani | Arts Program Coordinator

Phone Number: (250) 652-5952

E-mail Address:


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