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Food Safety Program │Investment Agriculture Foundation of BC (IAF)



Up to a total funding limit of $25,000.


The Food Safety Program (FSP) seeks to increase adoption of new or improving existing food safety practices and systems by BC on-farm and BC post-farm businesses to enable the BC agrifood sector to meet existing and new national and international food safety regulatory requirements.

Eligible Applicants

All Applicants must:

  • Have an active nine-digit business registration number (BN) from the Canada Revenue Agency or have an active GST number and file business or farm income taxes in BC.
  • Be based and operating in BC.
  • Be a society, not for profit corporation, corporation, cooperative association, or an individual.
  • For post-farm applicants, be provincially and federally licensed, as required, to operate their businesses in BC.
  • For on-farm applicants, provide a copy of BC Assessment showing farm status*.
  • Operate an agrifood business that produces / processes / handles food, commodities, or beverages for human alimentary consumption.
  • Be following all requirements of the law and agree to remain in compliance for the term of the Sustainable CAP Initiative if the application is approved.
  • Be registered with the BC Premises Identification Program if they raise “animals” as defined in the Premises Identification Regulation made under the Animal Health Act, S.B.C. 2014, c. 16.


Eligible Applicants for Stream 1: On-Farm include:

  • Farmers/growers producing crops for human consumption.
  • Producers/ranchers raising animals for human consumption.
  • Packers or co-packers that handle food for human consumption.


Eligible Applicants for Stream 2: Post-Farm include:

  • Processors, transporters, warehouses, distributors, packers, and importers that process or handle processed food and beverage for human consumption.
  • Processing facilities (beyond basic washing, grading, and packaging) located on or off a farm premise and not covered by a certified on-farm food safety program.
  • Food hubs, which are shared-use food and beverage processing facilities that offer food and agriculture businesses access to commercial processing space, equipment, expertise, and resources to support business development and growth.

Eligible Expenses

Category 1: Food safety assessments

Food safety assessments are also called gap-assessments. Eligible applicants’ food safety assessments must be completed by an approved Qualified Food Safety Professional (QFSP) or Certifying Body (CB), which are qualified professionals in good standing with the appropriate regulator(s). Please note:

  • Eligible applicants will be required to obtain a quote for a food safety assessment from an approved QFSP or CB. If applicants pass IAF’s initial eligibility review, they may obtain this quote prior to their initial workplan call with the program’s Technical Advisor.


Category 2: Food Safety Improvements

This category focuses on implementing the improvements outlined in a previously completed food safety assessment. This assessment does not have to be completed through Category 1 of FSP, but must have been completed by a Qualified Food Safety Professional (QFSP) or Certifying Body (CB) as defined by the program here, and must include:

  • Deficiencies in existing food safety practices & infrastructure against a recognized food safety standard. A list of standards/certifications recognized by FSP may be found under Category 3, and in the FAQ.
  • Recommendations in order of priority to mitigate key food safety risks identified.


Category 3: Food Safety Certifications

Activities under this category focus on completing final audits which lead to successful certification or registration in nationally or internationally recognized food safety programs. Participants are eligible for multiple OFFS/HACCP Plans if they are incremental or new to the product being certified by the applicant.

Deadline Date

Applications Close: When funding is fully committed. Please click the link indicated below for update.


Contact Name: Contact the IAF Team

E-mail Address:


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Download Now! Five Grant Gotchas

There is grant money waiting for YOU! BUT if you step in a “grant trap,” your application is a NO! Learn the FIVE most common errors to AVOID in government grants! Get the 5 Grant Gotchas now to save you countless hours.

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