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There is grant money waiting for YOU!

BUT if you step in a “grant trap,” your application is a NO! Learn the FIVE most common errors to AVOID in government grants! Get the 5 Grant Gotchas now to save you countless hours.

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Island Community Food Security Program | Government of Prince Edward Island



100% of eligible expenses up to $10,000 per project for eligible program expenses.


The Island Community Food Security Program is designed to support the expansion of local markets while simultaneously supporting goals related to community food security, particularly increasing access to affordable local food and improving health and food safety.  The program will focus on strengthening local food systems through community-led education and outreach activities, namely:

  • Linking farmers to consumers;
  • Promoting good nutrition and healthy food choices;
  • Building community self-reliance and collaboration;
  • Enhancing the pride and joy of growing, preparing, and eating food;
  • Building the capacity for people to create change through education and empowerment; and
  • Creating multi-sector partnerships and networks that work toward community food security.

Eligible Applicants

  • Mi’kmaq First Nations and other Indigenous groups;
  • Non-profit organizations with a registered charity number, business number, and/or incorporated number;
  • Agriculture industry organizations, clubs, and associations; and
  • Community-based coalitions, networks, municipal governments, schools, early childhood centres.


  • Organizations must have capacity to enter into a legal agreement to receive funding (i.e., a charitable organization number or a provincial incorporation number);
  • Projects brought forward by individuals not affiliated with an organization are not eligible; and
  • When more than one group collaborates on a project application a letter of support from the partnering organizations should be included.

Eligible Expenses

Eligible Activities/Expenses:

  • Healthy food education;
  • Implementing food literacy training for foodservices and/or procurement staff;
  • Developing a sustainable seasonal lunch menu for schools or early childhood centres, using primarily local ingredients;
  • Developing and piloting food literacy workshops or course modules;
  • Community fridges;
  • Seeds and other eligible costs for establishing and maintaining community/school/ gardens, greenhouses or indoor gardens (Seasonal);
  • Community meals;
  • Organizational events (meals at events promoting local food);
  • Materials, supplies and small equipment;
  • Training delivery costs (e.g., room rental, training supplies, printing and photocopying);
  • Professional fees (related to project only);
  • Promotion and marketing initiatives;
  • Travel (in province only);
  • Facility rental (excludes space already owned by organizations involved in the project); and
  • Other reasonable project-related expenses as identified in the project application and approved by the program committee.

Deadline Date

Ongoing. Please click the link indicated below for update.


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Download Now! Five Grant Gotchas

There is grant money waiting for YOU! BUT if you step in a “grant trap,” your application is a NO! Learn the FIVE most common errors to AVOID in government grants! Get the 5 Grant Gotchas now to save you countless hours.

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