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Alberta Business Grants Ltd.

There is grant money waiting for YOU!

BUT if you step in a “grant trap,” your application is a NO! Learn the FIVE most common errors to AVOID in government grants! Get the 5 Grant Gotchas now to save you countless hours.

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Labour Force Training │ Government of New Brunswick:





The Labour Force Training program’s objective is to provide funding to eligible businesses and organizations which may assist in the training of existing employees so that they may develop the necessary skills to increase, improve and/or maintain labour market attachment.

Eligible Applicants

An Applicant should be an employer:

  • Private sector; Non-profit organization*; First Nations, Regional Service Commissions
  • The applicant’s place of business should normally be established in New Brunswick.

* Non-profit organizations that apply must provide a letter signed by a member of the Board of Directors with signing authority. The letter must outline (1) how they will dedicate their financial resources towards their share of the training cost (applicant’s contribution towards eligible training costs) and (2) demonstrate that their contribution is not based solely on government and/or private funding.

Training Participants

  • A current employee or the owner of the company: The training participant must be employed by the applicant.
  • A potential employee:
  • Must be selected by the applicant.
  • Must require training to obtain an available job with the applicant.
  • The eventual job must be in N.B.
  • Must be legally entitled to work in Canada.
  • Must be working in N.B. on a permanent basis.

Eligible Expenses

Eligible training related costs:

  • Tuition fees or fees charged by a training provider:
  • Mandatory participant fees
  • Mandatory Textbooks, software (Ex: Software developed for training purpose. Software developed in order to teach training participants how to use new equipment) or other required materials
  • Examination fees directly tied to the training

Deadline Date





New Brunswick

I’m going to let you in on a secret: You don’t have to waste countless hours or drown in paperwork to win grants

With ABG, you can find the right grants, prepare for your meeting, and write a winning application that will get you the most money, in the least amount of time.

Contact Alberta Business Grants right now.

Download Now! Five Grant Gotchas

There is grant money waiting for YOU! BUT if you step in a “grant trap,” your application is a NO! Learn the FIVE most common errors to AVOID in government grants! Get the 5 Grant Gotchas now to save you countless hours.

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