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Nova Scotia Seafood Innovation and Technology Adoption Program (NS-ITAP) │Perennia

February 28, 2026


Up to $99,900 in non-repayable assistance per project inclusive of all operations per fiscal year.


Perennia is providing non-repayable financial assistance to Nova Scotia commercial entities in the fishing, aquaculture, marine plant harvesting and seafood buying/ processing sector to increase productivity, competitiveness, quality and sustainability in the fish and seafood sector under NS-ITAP. Depending on the nature and scope of the project, funding may also be awarded to Nova Scotia-based industry groups or associations.

The NS-ITAP supports  ‘innovation’ and ‘infrastructure’ related projects and aims to increase the value and volume of Nova Scotia fish and seafood products that are marketed as high quality, value-added and sustainably sourced.

Eligible Applicants

An eligible applicant is a commercial enterprise, including Indigenous, operating in the province of Nova Scotia and in compliance
with all the necessary permits, leases, licenses, and regulations to operate. The enterprise must have its primary commercial
activity in the Seafood Sector which include:

  • Primary and/or secondary processing of seafood products that have been sustainably harvested in Atlantic Canada,
  • Marine plant harvesting,
  • Aquaculture (land-based or marine),
  • Live lobster holding facility (land-based), and
  • Harvesting of fish or crustacean approved for commercial fishery licenced by DFO

A commercial enterprise includes:

  • Incorporated entities,
  • Co-operatives,
  • Partnerships,
  • Sole proprietorship, and
  • Indigenous organizations with a fish or seafood related commercial activity

Eligible Expenses

NS-ITAP is offering up to $99,900 in non-repayable assistance per project inclusive of all operations per fiscal year at a maximum
assistance rate of 70 percent depending on the nature of the project. Lower rates of assistance and funding provided for the following types of projects:

  • Vessel based lobster quality projects – 50 percent to $20,000 with canopies (wheelhouse extensions) at 20 percent assistance under a bundled project
  • Trawl monitoring technology – 50 percent to $60,000
  • Seafloor mapping / sonar for groundfish trawlers – 50 percent to $60,000
  • Greenstick technology for large pelagics – 50 percent to $15,000
  • Shellfish grow-out gear – 70 percent to $99,900 for the first project with subsequent projects supported at a 25 percent
    assistance rate to $99,900

Deadline Date

Subject to funding availability, the Program is scheduled to run from May 1, 2024, to February 28, 2026.


Contact Name: Ashley Sprague, Manager of Seafood Services

Phone Number: 902-955-0248

E-mail Address:


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There is grant money waiting for YOU! BUT if you step in a “grant trap,” your application is a NO! Learn the FIVE most common errors to AVOID in government grants! Get the 5 Grant Gotchas now to save you countless hours.

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