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BUT if you step in a “grant trap,” your application is a NO! Learn the FIVE most common errors to AVOID in government grants! Get the 5 Grant Gotchas now to save you countless hours.

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Reduced Tillage — Resilient Agricultural Landscape Program (RALP) │ Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association (OSCIA)



Maximum RALP funding allocation for a single project is $150,000.


RALP funding supports farmers who want to implement a new practice of no-till, strip-till or minimum tillage, and ultimately increase the number of acres under reduced tillage on annual cropland in Ontario.

Reduced tillage practices result in more resilient agricultural landscapes with an increased ability to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, reduce soil erosion, and provide many other ecological benefits.

Eligible Applicants

    Farm businesses that file farm business taxes in Ontario as demonstrated by:

    • A valid farm business registration number (FBRN).
    • A Religious Exemption Letter provided by the OMAFRA Appeal Tribunal (provide with application submission).
    • A Cultural Exemption Letter provided by the First Nations Agriculture Finance Ontario (FNAFO), formerly known as the Indian Agricultural Program of Ontario to First Nations farmers, verifying the farm business operates in a First Nations community (provide with application submission).
    • An income exemption from the Farm Property Class Tax Rate Program (i.e., Start-up farm businesses, Business structure change, Not a normal production year, Age/Illness/Death of a spouse) (provide with application submission).
    Applicants must:

    • Have a verified, 4th Edition Environmental Farm Plan;
    • Be willing to enter into a signed Land Use Agreement with OSCIA, committing the farm business to maintaining the proposed practice on the acres being applied for, for a set timeline as defined in the Land Use Agreement; and,
    • Be in compliance with all requirements of the law and must remain in compliance for the duration of the project.
    Applicants must be undertaking their project on eligible lands, including:

    • Privately owned farmland, including all managed lands for agricultural production (e.g., crop land, grazing, orchards, etc.), as well as wetlands, woodlots, and yard sites associated with farming operations;
    • Land rented for agricultural production from a third-party;
    • Federal, Provincial, Municipal, or Territorial Crown Land, under lease for the purpose of agricultural practices; or,
    • Indigenous lands being managed for the purpose of agricultural production.

Eligible Expenses

Funding is to support the transition to a new practice of reduced tillage on annual cropland that results in a minimum of thirty percent (30%) of the soil surface covered with previous crop residue after seeding of the subsequent crop. There is no direct compensation for the purchase or modification of tillage equipment, but rather a per acre payment to achieve and maintain the approved practice. Eligible activities can include:

  • Transition from conventional tillage to a new practice of no-till, strip-till or minimum tillage
  • Transition from strip-till or minimum tillage to a new practice of no-till

The rate of funding to support the practice depends on the level of tillage reduction from the farm business’ baseline tillage practices on those acres.

Deadline Date

The intake will close when the available funding has been fully allocated. Please click the link indicated below for update.

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Download Now! Five Grant Gotchas

There is grant money waiting for YOU! BUT if you step in a “grant trap,” your application is a NO! Learn the FIVE most common errors to AVOID in government grants! Get the 5 Grant Gotchas now to save you countless hours.

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