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There is grant money waiting for YOU!

BUT if you step in a “grant trap,” your application is a NO! Learn the FIVE most common errors to AVOID in government grants! Get the 5 Grant Gotchas now to save you countless hours.

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Professional Development | BC Arts Council (BCAC)

April 10, 2025


Maximum request amount is $7,500.


Professional Development grants assist professional artists, cultural practitioners, production and technical personnel, and arts administrators with specific, short-term learning activities intended to advance their practice or career. Activities should lead to clearly articulated learning or career outcomes, goals, or objectives.

Eligible Applicants

To be eligible, you must:

  • Be a Canadian citizen or Permanent Resident of Canada.
  • Be a B.C. resident who ordinarily resides in B.C. and has lived in B.C. for at least 12 continuous months immediately prior to submitting an application.
  • Be recognized as professional by other practitioners working in a similar discipline.
  • Be committed to working full-time at your practice when financially possible.
  • Demonstrate professional status by submitting a CV or resume that indicates the following:
    • Details about the appropriate and relevant training you have completed in your discipline that has prepared you to work in your field of practice. Training may be through post secondary institutions, traditional knowledge transfer, or apprenticeship with a qualified practitioner.
    • Have a minimum two years of being paid to do your work in your field following basic training.
    • Meet discipline-specific criteria outlined below:
      • Performing Artists: A demonstrated body of previous professional work for which you have received professional fees.
      • Visual or Craft Artists: At least two professionally curated shows or exhibitions for which you have received professional fees.
      • Visual Arts Critics or Curators: Have curated two or more exhibitions or published two or more works of critical writing for which you have received professional fees.
      • Media Artists: Have directed/created or held creative control on at least one project subsequent to basic training for which you have been paid professional fees. This may include student works which have been professionally exhibited or screened.
      • Creative Writers: At least one book professionally published.
      • Arts Administration, Publishing, Producer, Artistic Support Staff: Two or more years of full- or part-time paid employment (permanent or contract) in arts or cultural administration or artistic support at an arts organization, or at a professional book or periodical publisher.
      • D/deaf, Disability and Mad Arts: A demonstrated body of work in or across any artistic practice for which you have received professional fees.
      • Community-Engaged Arts Practice: Facilitated two participatory arts projects in a community setting or learning environment.
      • Multi- and Interdisciplinary Practice: A demonstrated body of professional public work that integrates multiple fields of practice, and for which you have received professional fees.
      • Museum or Indigenous Culture Centre Professionals: Two or more years of full- or part-time paid employment (permanent or contract) in a museum or Indigenous Cultural Centre.
      • Production and Technical Personnel: Two or more years of full- or regular part-time paid employment (permanent or contract) in arts and cultural production or as a technician in an arts and cultural institution, organization, or venue.
  • For Indigenous Artists: Have received at least one grant through the First Peoples’ Cultural Council‘s Indigenous Arts Program and have submitted any outstanding final reports for that grant.

Eligible Expenses

Grants are available to support:

  • Subsistence expenses (maximum $750/week for full-time activities) intended to support basic living costs when you are devoting most of your time to the learning activity. For part-time activities, the weekly subsistence rate should be prorated accordingly. Weeks do not need to be consecutive.
  • Travel expenses, accommodation, and meal per diems for professional development activities outside of your region. Travel expenses may be for yourself or for a mentor/advisor. The maximum meal per diem is $65 per day. Expense details must be provided in the budget.
  • Consumable supplies and costs of materials directly related to the learning activities, including software subscriptions.
  • Rental or lease of specialized equipment and supplies directly related to the learning activities.
  • Accessibility services (for example, ASL interpretation, personal support worker) or rental equipment related to access needs of mentors or advisors during project activities.
  • Fees paid to mentors, instructors, advisors, Elders, and Knowledge Keepers**.
  • Course, workshop, or learning residency registration fees.
  • Childcare costs associated with time off for classes or learning activities.
  • Rental of venue or studio required for learning activities.

Deadline Date

Applications will be accepted until 11:59 p.m. (Pacific Time) on Thursday, April 10.


Contact Name: Paneet Singh | Program Advisor or Justine Shore | Program Advisor

Phone Number: 778-572-6567 | 250-940-8538

E-mail Address: |


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Download Now! Five Grant Gotchas

There is grant money waiting for YOU! BUT if you step in a “grant trap,” your application is a NO! Learn the FIVE most common errors to AVOID in government grants! Get the 5 Grant Gotchas now to save you countless hours.

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