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Agriculture Technology Grants

This blog addresses Agriculture Technology (AgTech) Grants. Most of these grants are available to businesses across Canada.

The grants are grouped in three categories:

  • AgTech Grants
  • Agriculture Employee Grants
  • Call for Agriculture Challenges

Most grants open and close, so don’t be discourage if it’s currently closed. Prepare instead!

Hope you find one that works.

AgTech grants are a booming sector. If you’re looking for a list of regular agriculture grants, you can read 27 Agricultural Grants & Secret Sauce or search them across Canada in our free Grant Database.

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There is grant money waiting for YOU! BUT if you step in a “grant trap,” your application is a NO! Learn the FIVE most common errors to AVOID in government grants! Get the 5 Grant Gotchas now to save you countless hours.

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AgTech Grants

Agricultural Climate Solutions Program:

Value: Up to $100,000.


The goal of the Agricultural Climate Solutions Program (ACS) is to accelerate co-development, testing, adoption, dissemination and monitoring of technologies and practices, including beneficial management practices (BMPs), that sequester carbon and/or mitigate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.


The following agriculture sector organization types are eligible to apply for Step 1 and Step 2 of this program:

  • not-for-profit organizations, including producer organizations
  • Indigenous groups

Eligible applicants must be legal entities capable of entering into legally binding agreements. For both grant and contribution funding, eligible activities must be carried out within Canada. Successful applicants will be required to develop a network of project participants to implement their comprehensive project proposal based on the living lab model. Project participants may include:

  • Indigenous groups
  • producers
  • not-for-profit organizations
  • for-profit organizations
  • academic institutions
  • other federal government departments, including AAFC
  • provincial / territorial departments and agencies
  • municipal governments

Eligible Expenses:

Under the Agricultural Climate Solutions Program, funding is available in a 2-step process and will provide 2 types of funding.

Step 1 consists of grant funding to support organizations in building capacity, developing networks of participants, and drafting comprehensive project proposals that will be submitted for Step 2 contribution funding and/or collaborative research and development support.

  • Step 1 is optional support that can be requested by eligible recipients who wish to apply for Step 2 funding and/or support
  • Applicants may apply for an Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) grant of up to $100,000

Step 2 consists of contribution funding and may include collaborative research and development support from AAFC, to implement approved comprehensive project proposals, following the living lab approach.

  • Step 2 application process is anticipated to open in August 2021 and close in December 2021; it is expected that approved comprehensive projects will start project activities in spring 2022.

Deadline: Step 1: June 15, 2021. Step 2: The grant funding application process will close on June 30, 2022.

Note: Approval of funding under Step 1 grant funding is not a requirement for consideration of funding and/or support under Step 2.

Contact: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada – Agricultural Climate Solutions │ 1-877-246-4682 │


 AgriInnovate Program | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada:

Value: Applicants may apply for AgriInnovate Program funding up to 50 percent of total eligible costs, to a maximum of $10 million. Usually an interest-free loan.


This program provides repayable contributions for projects that aim to accelerate the commercialization, adoption and/or demonstration of innovative products, technologies, processes or services that increase agri-sector competitiveness and sustainability.


For-profit organizations that are incorporated in Canada.

They can include:

  • Businesses and/or corporations
  • Co-operatives
  • Corporations and co-operatives in Indigenous communities

Eligible Activities:

  • Commercialization of innovative agricultural, agri-food or agri-based products, technologies, processes or services where the innovations will be introduced to the market when the project is completed
  • Adoption of innovative agricultural, agri-food or agri-based products, technologies, processes or services where recent innovations are adopted and adapted to existing operations
  • Demonstration of innovative agricultural, agri-food or agri-based products, technologies, processes or services, where all necessary testing and piloting has been completed, and which involve one or more of the following:
  • Demonstration to a targeted user in order to secure a key customer necessary to penetrate the market;
  • Production of samples for market validation; or,
  • Creation of a reference or showcase site for pre-commercial demonstration.

Deadline: March 31, 2023, or until funding has been fully committed or until otherwise announced by the program. The program ends March 31, 2023.

Contact: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada | 1-877-246-4682|


AgriRisk Initiatives (ARI) – Administrative Capacity Building Stream:

Value: The maximum AAFC contribution per recipient will not exceed $5 million per fiscal year. This contribution could include, without exceeding the maximum federal contribution of $5 million per fiscal year, a one-time federal contribution for seed funding up to $750 thousand.


The AgriRisk Administrative Capacity Building (ACD) stream provides funding to implement and test new financial tools which allow producers to manage a defined business risk.


Eligible applicants are:

  • not-for-profit and for-profit organizations
  • Provincial and territorial governments

Eligible applicants must be legal entities capable of entering into legally binding agreements.

Eligible activities include:

  • administration for delivering a risk management tool (such as office space, material, IT systems)
  • establishment and adaptation of organizational structure for delivery of the new tool
  • updating actuarial, financial or technical data
  • communications, advertising and marketing
  • development of work processes, policy wordings and product options
  • seed funding – the creation of a capital reserve fund for an insurance fund or similar fund (support for seed funding will be conditionally repayable)

Deadline: Continuous basis until program funds have been allocated. The program ends March 31, 2023.

Contact: ARI Microgrants│ 1-877-246-4682 │


AgriRisk Initiatives (ARI) – Microgrants:

Value: The maximum AAFC grant per application will not exceed $25,000 per fiscal year in non-repayable grant funding (to a maximum of three years of funding).


AgriRisk Microgrants are available for academic research proposals that explore the development or improvement of alternative risk management tools and/or practices. The research needs to be relevant to the Canadian agriculture sector and be transferable beyond the applicant, resulting in a public good or benefit.


  • Eligible applicants are academic institutions with proposals led by an academic researcher with the capacity to undertake the research. Eligible applicants must be legal entities capable of entering into legally binding agreements.
  • Graduate students as well as domestic and international researchers may apply, through their academic institution with the support of their thesis advisor and/or department head.
  • All applicants, including researchers outside Canada, must clearly demonstrate how their proposal is relevant and will benefit the Canadian agricultural sector.

Eligible Costs:

Eligible project costs can include: overhead costs, researcher salaries, student stipends, travel, contracted services, and other direct project costs (such as consumable materials, translation costs, marketing costs, costs related to the dissemination of project results, etc.).

Project costs will only be eligible from the date a project is approved. Payments will only be made once a grant funding agreement is signed.

Deadline: Continuous basis until program funds have been allocated. The program ends March 31, 2023.

Contact: ARI Microgrants│ 1-877-246-4682 │


AgriRisk Initiatives (ARI) – Research and Development Contribution Funding Stream:

Value: The maximum AAFC contribution per applicant will not exceed $500,000 per fiscal year. Cost sharing: 75% from AAFC and 25% from the applicant


The ARI R&D stream prioritizes projects involving new financial tools which allow producers to manage a defined business risk. Total ARI program funding is approximately $55 million over five years, with the program ending March 31, 2023.


Eligible applicants are not-for-profit organizations, which are:

  • industry associations
  • Indigenous groups
  • co-operatives, mutual insurance companies or reciprocals
    Eligible applicants must be legal entities capable of entering into legally binding agreements.

Eligible activities include:

  • data collection, analysis and modeling (using satellite data, sensor data, large datasets, machine learning, etc.)
  • actuarial work into potential financial tools
  • testing / determining the feasibility of implementing financial tools, including those available in other jurisdictions

Deadline: Continuous basis until program funds have been allocated. The program ends March 31, 2023.

Contact: ARI R&D Contribution Funding stream │ 1-877-246-4682 │


Agricultural Clean Technology Program: Adoption Stream | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada:

Value: Funding by project: up to $2 million; Funding by recipient: up to $5 million.


The Adoption Stream will provide non-repayable contributions to support the adoption of clean technology by Canadian farmers and processors, to meaningfully reduce GHG emissions. The program will prioritize investments that show promise to generate measurable GHG emissions reductions in line with the Government of Canada targets. These on-farm and agri-food sector investments may include proven technologies, including proven technology upgrades that reduce GHG emissions.


  • for-profit organizations, including farm businesses and agri-food processors
  • not-for-profit organizations, including co-operatives
  • individuals, sole proprietors
  • Indigenous groups

Deadline: Due to high demand, the application intake period for the Agricultural Clean Technology Program – Adoption Stream has been suspended. If your Project Summary Form was received between August 1, 2021 and March 30, 2022, the program may contact you if funding is available.

Contact: Agricultural Clean Technology Program: Adoption Stream | 1-877-246-4682 |


Agricultural Clean Technology Program: Research and Innovation Stream:

Value: Funding by project: up to $2 million; Funding by recipient: up to $5 million.


The R&I Stream will prioritize investments in the development and commercialization of clean technologies that are near market-ready and show promise to considerably advance reductions in greenhouse gas emissions compared to what is currently available.


Eligible applicants are:

  • for-profit organizations, including agri-food processors
  • not-for-profit organizations, including co-operatives
  • Indigenous groups
  • Eligible applicants must be legal entities capable of entering into legally binding agreements. Project work and activities must be carried out in Canada.

Eligible Cost:
Contributions will be:

  • non-repayable for research, development and demonstration activities
  • repayableFootnote where activities involve commercialization and scale-up

Deadline: Ongoing.

Contact: Agricultural Clean Technology Program: Research and Innovation Stream | 1-877-246-4682 |


AgriScience Program | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada:

Value: The maximum AAFC funding amount for a Project will be less than $5 million over five-years.


The AgriScience program aims to accelerate the pace of innovation by providing funding and support for pre-commercial science activities and cutting-edge research that benefits the agriculture and agri-food sector and Canadians.

There are 2 components:

  1. AgriScience – Clusters component: Proposals are intended to mobilize industry, government and academia through partnerships, and address priority themes and horizontal issues that are national in scope. Applications for Clusters closed as of February 1, 2018.
  2. AgriScience – Projects component: A single project or a smaller set of projects that would be less comprehensive than a Cluster. Applications for Projects closed as of July 8, 2022.


The following organization types are eligible under this program component:

  • For-profit organizations; they may include:
    • businesses and/or corporations
    • co-operatives
    • Indigenous groups
  • Not-for-profit: organizations that operate solely for social welfare, civic improvement, pleasure or recreation, any other purpose except profit. They may include:
    • associations
    • corporations
    • co-operatives
    • Indigenous groups

Deadline: The program ends March 31, 2023, or until funding has been fully committed.

Contact: AgriScience Program | 1-877-246-4682 |


Back to Ag Program:

Value: Up to $10,000 per individual


The Back to Ag Program is a funding project focused on supporting the cost of adaptive technology for farmers that have experienced a traumatic injury. The Back to Ag Program is funded by Farm Credit Canada (FCC) and delivered in partnership with Canadian Agricultural Safety Association (CASA) and the Rick Hanson Foundation.


  • Must be resident in Canada;
  • Eligible farmers must be the age of majority in the province they reside and actively be involved in an agricultural operation.
  • Experienced a life-altering incident resulting in a traumatic injury and would like to return to work on the farm safely.

Eligible Expenses:

Eligible Project Activities and Expenditures:

  • Farming must be conducted in Canada;
  • Expenditures to be incurred after the signing of the award letter;
  • Renovation, construction and retrofitting of out buildings or equipment
  • Retrofit and Modification of vehicles including
  • Provision of accessible information/communication technologies

Deadline: Year-round

Contact: Back to Ag program │


Canadian Agri-Food Automation and Intelligence Network │ CAAIN:

Value: reimburses up to 40% of eligible costs incurred by projects


We support innovation that will drive increased precision, productivity, and value for food producers and processors. The advances should also enable technology companies and agri-food sector researchers and entrepreneurs to apply their expertise to an important industry with the potential to provide global impact, create employment in Canada and internationally, and drive our country’s economic growth. Our funding focus prioritises three innovation pillars:

  • Automation & Robotics
  • Data-Driven Decision-Making
  • Smart Farms


Part of our mandate is to grow the Canadian agri-food industry. To do so, we must support projects that will generate skilled private-sector employment, which, in turn, depends on the success of small businesses that are the backbone of our nation’s economy. Hence our requirement for the active involvement of at least two SMEs. That said, there’s nothing saying major corporations, academic institutions, and research organisations can’t get in on the action. In fact, we encourage such collaboration.

Learn more about your eligibility by checking the list of Open Funding Calls.

Deadline: Open and closes.

Contact: Canadian Agri-Food Automation and Intelligence Network (CAAIN) │ 780-975-8635 │


Capacity Building │ Protein Industries Canada:

Value: Varies.


At Protein Industries Canada our sights are set on building capacity within Canada’s plant protein sector, in a way that delivers benefit to our members and the entire value chain. Protein Industries Canada has two investment streams:

  • Technology – Co-investment with private sector companies to create new products, technologies and services to help grow the value-added processing sector.
  • Capacity Building – Co-investment to help create a competitive and sustainable global business environment and incent new approaches to doing business within the sector. Capacity Building is the transformational, long-term investment that will bring benefits for the sector as a whole. The three top-line objectives of the Capacity Building Program are: Help create a competitive and sustainable business environment; Incent new approaches to doing business within the sector; and Build capacity in the sector.

The Capacity Building priorities and their goals were defined based on member and industry consultations, discussions with multiple stakeholders and information gained from the review of projects in the Technology Program.


Agrifood industry in Canada.

Eligible Expenses:

Eligible Project Costs are defined as project costs that are directly related to a project and are eligible for reimbursement by PIC.

  • Labour Costs: Labour costs can be claimed as an eligible project expense for existing or new employees who are working directly on the project. Labour costs are calculated by multiplying the hourly rate by the number of hours the employee worked on the project.
  • Sub-contractors & Consultants: Sub-contractors and consultants required to complete work that is essential to the success of the project and for expertise or skills that do not exist within the project team are eligible project expenses. All costs must be claimed at Fair Market Value and must be in line with industry practices.
  • Materials & Supplies: Materials and supplies are claimed as eligible project expenses when the materials are consumed not when the materials are purchased.
  • Room or Facility Rentals: Costs for room or facility rentals that are separately dedicated to the project are eligible project costs.
  • Travel: Travel costs that are incurred exclusively for the project are eligible project expenses.
  • Intellectual Property Costs: Reasonable intellectual property costs with a direct link to project activities and technologies are eligible costs.
  • Other Direct Project Costs

Deadline: Ongoing.

Contact: Protein Industries Canada │ 1 (306) 949-0049 │


Technology │ Protein Industries Canada:

Value: Varies.


Protein Industries Canada has made the following available to any technology project that incurs eligible project expenses between now and March 31, 2021. We are hopeful that these changes will help our project consortiums navigate the current situation and ensure that research and innovation continue.

  • Protein Industries Canada’s contribution towards eligible project salary and wage expenses will increase to 75 per cent, for the fiscal year April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021.
  • Advance Model: Protein Industries Canada will provide monthly or quarterly advances of Protein Industries Canada’s expected portion of eligible project expenses based on cash flow projections of projects. This means that projects will be able to receive Protein Industries Canada’s portion prior to incurring the expense.
  • Companies may choose to defer payment of the four per cent Project Administration Fees. Projects will still be invoiced for Project Administration Fees throughout the year, but the payment due date will be the earlier of the project end date or March 31, 2021.


Agrifood industry in Canada.

Eligible Projects:

  • PIC will co-invest in collaborative consortia that leverage strengths, address gaps and incent innovation across the value chain.
  • Chosen projects will align to PIC’s four priority areas (create, grow, make and sell) and will demonstrate impact up or down the value stream.
  • PIC’s contribution, both in magnitude and in proportion, to an approved project will be determined by how, and the extent to which, project outcomes are aligned with its program areas and ISI themes, and the potential for transformation.

Deadline: Ongoing.

Contact: Protein Industries Canada │ 1 (306) 949-0049 │


CENGN Smart Agriculture Program:


Validate Your Smart Agriculture Technology Solution in a Commercial Grade Infrastructure.

Leveraging technologies like Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence for agriculture solutions are the key to revolutionizing the agricultural industry, which will lead to stimulating job and economic growth, as well as solidifying Ontario’s leadership in Smart Agriculture.

CENGN helps growing Canadian businesses overcome commercialization barriers and connect their innovations in the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) sector with the country’s vibrant and powerful agricultural industry. By harnessing the transformative tech coming from Canada’s small and medium enterprises, CENGN supports the growth of farming revenue, efficiency, and environmental friendliness.

Deadline: Ongoing.

Contact: Lisa Klimstra, Business Engineering Manager │


Industrial Research Assistance Program (IRAP) | National Research Council Canada (NRC):

Value: Maximum $150,000. The business shares 25% of the total project costs and NRC provides up to a 75% contribution with payments as milestones are reached.


The Industrial Research Assistance Program is designed to help companies to develop technologies and successfully commercialize them in a global marketplace. It provides advisory services, funding, and networking for qualified small and medium-sized enterprises in Canada. Eligible companies can apply for financial assistance under the following programs:

  • Technology Innovation Projects
  • Youth Employment Strategy programs
  • CHTD


  • Be a small and medium-sized enterprise in Canada, incorporated and profit-oriented
  • Have 500 or fewer full-time equivalent employees
  • Have the objective to grow and generate profits through development and commercialization of innovative, technology-driven new or improved products, services, or processes in Canada

Deadline: Ongoing

Contact: IRAP | 1-877-994-4727 |


Next Generation Manufacturing Canada:

Value: Varies


We’re the engine of the Canadian government’s ambitious investment in the Advanced Manufacturing Supercluster, matching federal funds and private investments to industry-led projects.


Any member of the Advanced Manufacturing Supercluster may submit an application for project funding or apply to be considered as a partner or co-investor in Supercluster projects.

  • Recipients of Supercluster funding must be incorporated in Canada.
  • For-profit organizations or not-for-profit organizations
  • Other publicly funded not-for-profit organizations, post-secondary institutions, federal
  • Crown corporations, and government departments or agencies are not eligible to receive
  • Supercluster funding directly, although they may bring their own contributions to projects or be sub-contracted by funded recipients to carry out project activities.
  • International organizations may also participate in Supercluster projects, but not be eligible for Supercluster funding.

Eligible Expenses:

  • Transformative, involving the development of technological capabilities with the potential to confer a significant global competitive advantage to Canadian industry;
  • Applied, supporting later stage technology and manufacturing readiness with potential to generate significant long-term commercial and economic benefits, including jobs maintained and created;
  • Collaborative, attracting the participation of industry partners, especially small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs);
  • and, Enduring, leaving a legacy in skills development, tools, testbeds, intellectual property, business knowledge for Canada’s advanced manufacturing ecosystem

Deadline: Projects before the end of March 2023.

Contact: NGen │ General: Projects: Training:


Poultry Innovation Partnership (PIP Fund):

Value: Varies.


Together, the Poultry Innovation Partnership can do research, extension and tech transfer more effectively than each partner could on their own. We are committed to building a community that tackles industry problems.




Deadline: Ongoing.

Contact: Poultry Innovation Partnership │ + 1 780 221 1462 │


Clean Tech Fund | Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC):

Value: Funding on average 33% (up to 40%) of eligible projects costs. An average contribution of $2 million to $4 million, with funds disbursed over the life of the project up to a five-year period.


SDTC provides funding to promising clean technology development and demonstration projects that are start-ups or scale-ups. For instance, when the technology itself is beyond proof-of-concept but is pre-commercial. The technology must demonstrate the potential for GHG emissions reductions, reductions in water consumption and/or the reduction of water, soil or air contamination. The project must include some further development of the technology, mitigate existing technology risk and include validation of the economic viability of the technology.


Your great new idea for a business expansion or a new product line could be eligible for SDTC funding if you have:

  • A Canadian company with a defined project
  • A strong end-user value proposition
  • The potential to attract a consortia partner to validate the market need and
  • Demonstrated environmental and economic benefits for Canadians

Eligible Expenses:

  • Salaries and benefits, including administrative labour related to the Eligible Project,
  • Professional, scientific, technical and contractual services costs
  • Field testing services and feasibility studies related to the Eligible Project
  • Licence fees and permits
  • Supplies and equipment, laboratory and field supplies and materials
  • Purchase, installation, repair, upgrade, testing and commissioning of equipment, materials and products, including diagnostic and testing tools and instruments
  • Furniture (pro-rated amount as applicable)
  • Reasonable travel and conference expenses related to the Eligible Project
  • Printing and production services
  • Shipping costs, including customs costs
  • Utilities, waste removal, consumables
  • Data collection services, including processing, analysis and management
  • Communication, distribution and translation costs
  • Capital items specifically required for the delivery of the Eligible Project
  • The depreciation expense of capital items during the period of funding (i.e. cost of utilization) that have residual value as determined by GAAP

Deadline: Ongoing

Contact: Sustainable Development Technology Canada | 613-234-6313 |


Seed Fund | Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC):

Value: Funding on average 33% (up to 40%) of eligible projects costs. An average contribution of $2 million to $4 million, with funds disbursed over the life of the project up to a five-year period.


The Seed Fund supports promising early-stage Canadian entrepreneurs with one-time grants of $50,000 to $100,000 for innovative technological projects with environmental benefits. We partner with a select group of approved Canadian accelerators and other entrepreneurial service organizations across Canada to identify the entrepreneurs who will become tomorrow’s cleantech leaders.

Potential applicants must be nominated by one of our accelerator partners.


  • Be nominated by one of our partner accelerators and be a Canadian-owned company operating in Canada. You can find a complete list of partner accelerators here:
  • Have an idea that brings technology to bear on a significant environmental problem and an entrepreneurial team with the skills to take that idea to the next level.
  • Be past the R&D stage and looking to take first steps towards figuring out how to commercialize your idea.
  • Be able to describe how your idea will demonstrate quantifiable environmental benefits (i.e., GHG reduction, clean air, soil, or water, etc.).
  • Have raised at least twice the amount of requested funding through private equity sources, not including monies from friends and family.

Eligible Expenses:

The Seed Fund seeks to support companies developing sustainable technologies in focus areas including but not limited to food, water, energy and communities.

Deadline: Winter Round – January;  Spring Round – April; Fall Round – September

Contact: Sustainable Development Technology Canada | 613-234-6313 |


Agri- Food Innovation Program │ Alberta Innovates:

Value: Varies.


The agri-food sector is a major driver of economic activity in Alberta. From significant contributions to our GDP, trade balance, and employment to being the source of our food supply, regenerating soil, and driving innovation, a vibrant agri-food sector is essential to help forge a healthy, sustainable, and prosperous future for Albertans today and for generations to come.

Project Funding:

  • Agri-Food and Bioindustrial Innovation Program (ABIP)
    This program supports innovators, technology developers and industry clients to accelerate technology development and deployment, as well as enhance the competitiveness and sustainability of the agri-food and bioindustrial sectors in Alberta. Funding is available through a continuous intake process. Visit the ABIP page  for program details.
  • Agriculture Funding Consortium
    Alberta Innovates is a member of the Agriculture Funding Consortium, a collaborative one-window approach to funding agriculture research and innovation. The consortium provides co-ordinated funding and stimulates private/public sector participation that supports sustainability, diversification and growth of Alberta’s agriculture and food industry. The 2022-23 call is now closed. For information on the program, click  here.
  • Smart Agriculture and Food Digitalization and Automation Challenge
    The Smart Agriculture and Food Digitalization and Automation Challenge provided funding for projects that develop or advance smart technologies to increase productivity, reduce production costs or increase the value of Alberta’s agri-food commodities. This program is now closed to applications. For current funding opportunities, please refer to the Agri-Food and Bioindustrial Innovation Program outlined above. Visit the SAFDAC webpage for information on the 18 projects funded under the program.
  • Chronic Wasting Disease Research Program
    The Chronic Wasting Disease Research Program supports collaborative research directly related to understanding and managing CWD, a prion disease that affects deer, elk and other cervids. This program is open and accepting applications. Visit the Chronic Wasting Disease Research Program webpage for full details.

Deadline: Open and Closes.

Contact: Virginia Mulligan, PhD, Program Manager – Agri-Food Innovation │ 780.868.7417 │
Ron Clarkson, Director of Prion Programs – Agri-Food Innovation │ 780- 429-9349 │


Strategic Innovation Fund (SIF) | Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED):

Value: Varies


The Strategic Innovation Fund (SIF) supports large-scale, transformative and collaborative projects that help position Canada to prosper in the global knowledge-based economy. SIF projects promote the long-term competitiveness of Canadian industries, clean growth, and the advancement of Canada’s strategic technological advantage.

The program has two broad components:

  • Business Innovation and Growth (Streams 1 to 3) – Funding helps support R&D and commercialization, the growth and expansion of firms and the attraction and retention of large-scale investments in Canada.
  • Collaborations and Networks (Streams 4 & 5) – Funding helps support industrial research, development and technology demonstration through collaboration between academia, non-profit organizations and the private sector.


Business Innovation and Growth (Streams 1 to 3)

  • The Applicant must be a for-profit corporation—small, medium or large-sized—incorporated pursuant to the laws of Canada and proposing to carry on business in Canada.
  • The Recipient is responsible for managing the project, submitting claims, receiving and repaying (if applicable) the government contribution and reporting on results.

Collaborations and Networks (Streams 4 & 5)

Stream 4 offers periodic competitive calls for proposals based on government priorities.

  • Applicants are a consortium that may include Canadian universities, colleges, research institutes, for-profit corporations (including SMEs) and/or not-for-profit entities.
  • The projects need to have a Lead Applicant which must be incorporated pursuant to the laws of Canada, carry on business in Canada and propose to conduct industrial research and technology demonstration activities. The Lead Applicant will be responsible to submit a project application and manage the project.

Applications for Stream 5 are accepted on a continuous basis.

  • The Lead Applicant is either a not-for-profit organization incorporated in Canada or a for-profit corporation incorporated in Canada, in collaboration with Canadian universities, colleges, research institutes, for-profit corporations (including SMEs) and/or not-for-profit entities. The Lead Applicant will be responsible for submitting an application to SIF on behalf of the ecosystem, managing the Ecosystem’s projects, submitting claims, receiving the Government contribution and reporting on results.

Deadline: Varies.

Contact: Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada | 1-800-328-6189


Testing Stream | Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED):

Value: Standard component $550,000, Military component $1,150,000


The Testing Stream aims to procure, test and evaluate innovative late-stage pre-commercial prototypes. SMEs who qualify for our innovation source list will:

  • be eligible to sell to the Government of Canada without further competition for 3 years
  • be eligible for additional contracts (to a maximum of $8M per contract)


The Bidder must be a for-profit with 499 or fewer full-time equivalent (FTE) employees. This calculation must take into account and include affiliated businesses, such as parent companies and subsidiaries that are either in or outside of Canada.

  • research and development activities that take place in Canada
  • 50% or more of its annual wages, salaries and fees are currently paid to employees and contractors who spend the majority of their time working in Canada
  • 50% or more of its FTE employees have Canada as their ordinary place of work
  • 50% or more of its senior executives (Vice President and above) have Canada as their principal residence

Eligible Activities:

  • Standard component: Clean technology, Digital, Safety and security, Health
  • Military component: Digital defence, Cyber operations and resilience, Fully networked command, communications, and control, Countering small Unmanned Aerial Systems (C-sUAS), Enhanced soldier systems – Close combat, Training and In-service support (ISS), Other defence capability enablers

Deadline: February 5, 2021.

Contact: Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada │ 1-800-328-6189 │


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There is grant money waiting for YOU! BUT if you step in a “grant trap,” your application is a NO! Learn the FIVE most common errors to AVOID in government grants! Get the 5 Grant Gotchas now to save you countless hours.

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Alberta Yield: Ag and Food Tech Advisory Program:

Value: No cost to participate either one-on-one and/or cohort-based mentorship experiences


The program can help company leaders with customer development, market validation, increasing sales, refining business models, and improving investor readiness. Each participant will be paired with seasoned advisors to technology-based companies who will mentor and coach the founders/leaders through the program. There are two streams in this program:

Cohort-Based Stream:

Applications for the March 1, 2021 start date are no longer being accepted.

Applications for the June 14, 2021 start date will be open April 1, 2021 and close May 16, 2021.

One-on-one Stream:

Applications are accepted continuously, based on an interview.

This stream is limited to five participants at any one time.

Successful applicants will be added to a waiting list and sequentially rotated into this stream as mentor availability permits.


  • Must be an Alberta-based innovation-driven agricultural technology or agri-food company
  • Must have a product or service with enough features to attract early-adopter customers to use it, provide feedback, and to validate demand
  • Must demonstrate market traction via sales or customer feedback from user trials

Eligible Expenses:

Alberta Yield is a mentorship program that will help you:

  • Establish your product or service
  • Scale your business
  • Increase your networks
  • Access investment

Deadline: Cohort-Based Stream: May 16, 2021; One-on-one Stream: Ongoing.

Contact: TEC Edmonton │ 1.888.492.8977 │


Career Focus Green Jobs | BioTalent Canada:

Value: 50% to a maximum of $13,500


The Career Focus Green Jobs program is a wage subsidy program for employment opportunities that have a green mandate or any job with an employer that has an environmental focus. It helps knock down that cost barrier by covering the cost of a new graduate’s salary. Employers can bring on an eager, educated young worker for a special project – and at the end of the placement end up with a skilled candidate already oriented to their company.



To qualify as a green job either the job needs to have a green mandate or the employer needs to have an environmental focus. Green jobs are employment opportunities that meet the following criteria:

  • Help reduce the consumption of energy and raw materials
  • Limit greenhouse gas emissions
  • Minimize waste and pollution
  • Protect and restore ecosystems

Green jobs can also include employment opportunities in:

  • Non-profit environmental organizations
  • Solar and wind technology companies
  • Environmental science centers
  • Watershed and water resource agencies
  • Farms and farming co-ops
  • Conservation organizations
  • Museums and educational institutions
  • Waste management companies
  • Information technology companies


  • Be a graduate from a post-secondary institution within the last three years
  • Be between the ages of 15-30 (inclusive at the start of the placement)
  • Be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident, or hold refugee status
  • Be legally entitled to work according to the relevant provincial legislation and regulations
  • Not be in receipt of Employment Insurance at the start of your placement

Deadline: Currently closed. Future deadline to be determined.

Contact: BioTalent Canada |


 ECO Canada Placement Program:

Value: Varies.


For over 20 years, Eco Canada have been connecting environmental employers and skilled junior talent through employment programs that offer wage subsidies to drive valuable on-the-job work experience and essential skills training.

These programs are very rewarding and lead to amazing advantages including:

  • The ability to stand out in a competitive job market
  • Gaining meaningful work experience and career longevity
  • Building a personal network of professional peers
  • Learn valuable technical and essential soft skills to increase employability
  • The chance to discover new roles and start your career more quickly

List of Eco Canada’s Placement Program:

  • Co-op Student Placement – Up to 75% to a maximum of $7,500 to hire students working in environmental fields.
  • Youth Employment in Natural Resources – Up to 75% to a maximum of $22,500 to hire junior professionals under the age of 31 for full-time permanent environmental positions.
  • Science Horizons Youth Internship Program – Up to 70% to a maximum of $15,000 to hire junior professionals under the age of 31 fir full-time permanent environmental positions.
  • Digital Skills for Youth – 100% of a candidate’s salary up to a maximum of $25,000 for environmental jobs that require digital abilities for placements for 3 months or longer.

Deadline: Varies.

Contact: ECO Canada | 1-800-890-1924 |


Mandatory Isolation Support for Temporary Foreign Workers (MISTFWP):

Value: Maximum non-repayable contribution amount of $1,500 for each temporary foreign worker


The Mandatory Isolation Support for Temporary Foreign Workers Program (MISTFWP) is a one-time $50-million program to help with the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on food supply in Canada by assisting the farming, fish harvesting, and food production and processing sectors. The program will assist Canadian employers with some of the incremental costs associated with the mandatory 14-day isolation period imposed under the Quarantine Act on temporary foreign workers upon entering Canada.


Canadian employers in the farming, fish harvesting, and food production and processing sectors.

Eligible Expenses:

Eligible activities are of the following nature and type:

  • wages and benefits of the temporary foreign workers during the mandatory 14-day isolation period
  • off site accommodations during the mandatory 14-day isolation period
  • transportation to and from off site accommodations required during the mandatory 14-day isolation period
  • food or a food allowance during the mandatory 14-day isolation period
  • health and safety supplies such as gloves, masks, hand sanitizer, disinfectant cleaners and soaps required for the mandatory 14-day isolation period
  • other incremental costs directly associated to the 14 day mandatory isolation period imposed on temporary foreign workers under the Quarantine Act
  • Employers must comply with the mandatory 14-day isolation protocols, any other public health order and the regulations of the Temporary Foreign Workers Program for the duration of the 14-day isolation period. Employers must also comply with regulations concerning wages and other employment conditions of the program or stream they hired their temporary foreign workers through (for example, Seasonal Agricultural Worker Program, Temporary Foreign Worker Program) during the mandatory 14-day isolation.

Deadline:  Extended until April 21, 2021

Contact: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada – Mandatory Isolation Support for Temporary Foreign Workers Program │ 1-877-246-4682 │


Youth Employment and Skills Program (YESP) | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada:

Value: Maximum of $14,000

Description: The Youth Employment and Skills Program provides a wage subsidy to employers who hire youth for agricultural jobs.  The program offers support for 50% of wages to a maximum of $14,000.  Additionally, the program offers 100% of costs for relocation to a maximum of $5,000 if the employee must relocate for the position.



Eligible employers are agricultural related organizations such as farmers, food processors and agricultural related non-governmental organizations (NGOs) who can offer opportunities that will give youth: agriculture career-related work experiences and skills in Canada. These organizations may be from: industry, not-for-profit organizations, provincial and municipal governments, associations

Boards, councils, universities


  • 30 years or younger when you started the internship; unemployed or underemployed, a student, or a previous intern of any Youth Employment and Skills Strategy (YESS) program; a Canadian citizen or permanent resident
  • Youth facing barriers includes: living with a disability, being Indigenous, living in a low income household, being a single parent, residing in a remote location, living with family care responsibilities, coming out of, or have involvement with the justice system, other barriers approved on a case by case basis

Eligible Expenses:

  • Funds may be allocated for salaries and benefits paid to the employee or required as a result of their employment.
  • Employee benefits that the employer normally pays to their employees are eligible expenses, that is cell phone, travel, vacation pay, etc.
  • Employee relocation costs, which include reasonable travel and accommodation costs, are eligible.
  • If the intern is a youth facing barriers, the applicant is eligible to claim expenses related to the intern to help support and employ them. These expenses could include critical transportation, assistance with dependents, accommodation needs, accessibility equipment/technology etc. The employer is responsible for paying the employee.

Deadline: Ongoing. Employers can apply on or after May 26, 2020 for their project to be considered.

Contact: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada – Youth Employment and Skills Program │ 1-866-452-5558 │


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Challenges open and close all the time. By the time you are reading this post, some of these Challenges are close.

I’m including them so that you can learn how Challenges work. Study them. Be ready for them, and you can prepare to win one.

Canadian Meat Processing Technology Development Challenge:

Value: Phase 1: $150,000.00 CAD; Phase 2: $1,000,000.00 CAD.


Canadian meat processing technology development challenge seeks to support technological innovation within all forms (primary and secondary) of meat(protein) processing facilities that will introduce new automated advances to existing processing formats, regardless of processing plant or abattoir size, while addressing increased safety measures for workers, maintaining food quality levels, as well as abiding by food safety regulations.

Proposed technologies must include advances in automation through robotics, artificial intelligence, or other forms of innovation that are scalable and suitable to each sub-sector within the processing industry, such as stunning, slaughtering; butchering; grading; cutting; and packaging.


Solution proposals can only be submitted by a small business that meets all of the following criteria:

  • for profit
  • incorporated in Canada (federally or provincially)
  • 499 or fewer full-time equivalent (FTE) employees
  • research and development activities that take place in Canada
  • 50% or more of its annual wages, salaries and fees are currently paid to employees and contractors who spend the majority of their time working in Canada
  • 50% or more of its FTE employees have Canada as their ordinary place of work
  • 50% or more of its senior executives (Vice President and above) have Canada as their principal residence

Eligible Expenses:

Eligible costs are specified in individual funding agreements and may include:

  • salary costs: meaning amounts that are paid, or to be paid by an employer on a regular basis in the undertaking of the project, from which the employer withholds payroll deductions to the proper authorities on behalf of the employee. Salaries can include statutory holidays. Exclusions from salary costs are sick leave, vacation pay, profit, overhead, benefits, incentives and bonuses.
  • contractor’s fees and sub-contracts (not to exceed one-third (1/3) of total eligible project costs
  • travel costs in accordance with the National Joint Council Travel Directive
  • reports and studies
  • overhead (maximum amount of eligible costs is set at 15 %): meaning those costs which, though necessarily having been incurred during the period of the performance of the Project activities for the conduct of the eligible recipient’s business in general, cannot be identified and measured as directly applicable to the project
  • material cost: meaning the costs of materials which can be specifically identified and measured as having been used or to be used for the performance of the Project and which are so identified and measured consistently by the eligible recipient’s cost accounting system as accepted by Canada
  • patenting costs
  • capital costs: capital items (fixed assets) include equipment, testing tools, and instruments that have residual values as determined by Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) at the end of the funding period. The eligible expense items allowed by the ISC are the cost of utilization/depreciation of capital item (fixed assets) specifically required for the delivery of the eligible project.

Deadline: January 13, 2021

Contact: Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) │ 1-800-328-6189 │


Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA) Challenge:

Value: Phase 1: $150,000.00 CAD; Phase 2: $1,000,000.00 CAD

Description: Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA) challenge is seeking labour-saving automation and robotic technologies to reduce time spent on labour intensive tasks and reduce costs for CEA facilities. These labour intensive tasks include production (planting, trimming and pruning) and harvesting tasks.


  • for profit
  • incorporated in Canada (federally or provincially)
  • 499 or fewer full-time equivalent (FTE) employees
  • research and development activities that take place in Canada
  • 50% or more of its annual wages, salaries and fees are currently paid to employees and contractors who spend the majority of their time working in Canada
  • 50% or more of its FTE employees have Canada as their ordinary place of work
  • 50% or more of its senior executives (Vice President and above) have Canada as their principal residence

Eligible Expenses:

  • salary costs: meaning amounts that are paid, or to be paid by an employer on a regular basis in the undertaking of the project, from which the employer withholds payroll deductions to the proper authorities on behalf of the employee. Salaries can include statutory holidays. Exclusions from salary costs are sick leave, vacation pay, profit, overhead, benefits, incentives and bonuses.
  • contractor’s fees and sub-contracts (not to exceed one-third (1/3) of total eligible project costs
  • travel costs in accordance with the National Joint Council Travel Directive
  • reports and studies
  • overhead (maximum amount of eligible costs is set at 15 %): meaning those costs which, though necessarily having been incurred during the period of the performance of the Project activities for the conduct of the eligible recipient’s business in general, cannot be identified and measured as directly applicable to the project
  • material cost: meaning the costs of materials which can be specifically identified and measured as having been used or to be used for the performance of the Project and which are so identified and measured consistently by the eligible recipient’s cost accounting system as accepted by Canada
  • patenting costs
  • capital costs: capital items (fixed assets) include equipment, testing tools, and instruments that have residual values as determined by Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) at the end of the funding period. The eligible expense items allowed by the ISC are the cost of utilization/depreciation of capital item (fixed assets) specifically required for the delivery of the eligible project.

Deadline: January 19, 2021.

Contact: Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) │ 1-800-328-6189 │


Deep Space Food Challenge │ Impact Canada:

Value: Up to 10 Prizes of CAD $30,000 (Phase 1); Up to 4 Prizes of CAD $100,000 (Phase 2) ; Grand Prize of CAD $380,000 (Phase 3)


The Deep Space Food Challenge seeks to create novel food production technologies or systems that require minimal inputs and maximize safe, nutritious, and palatable food outputs for long-duration space missions, and which have potential to benefit people on Earth.

The Deep Space Food Challenge is a stage-gated challenge and is expected to be comprised of three phases:

Phase 1: Design Report – Challenge launched on January 12, 2021. Applications are open until July 30, 2021. Teams will provide a detailed explanation of a design for a novel food production technology that meets the Challenge goals and performance criteria.

Phase 2: Kitchen Demonstration – Beginning in Fall 2021, Semi-Finalists selected in Phase 1 will move on to Phase 2, where they will need to build a food production technology prototype (equivalent to a TRL 4) and have their prototype take part in a Kitchen-Level demonstration with samples of food outputs. Those who are successful in this phase will move on as a Finalist in Phase 3.

Note: New interested Applicants may be able to apply and participate directly in Phase 2. Further details will be provided prior to the launch of Phase 2.

Phase 3: Full System Demonstration – At this stage, selected Finalists will have 12-18 months to build a full-scale food production technology and demonstrate the technology at an appropriate facility, and will be competing to be the Grand Prize Winner of the Challenge.

Canadian Grand Prize Winner for The Deep Space Food Challenge – announced in Spring 2024.


  • Businesses or other for-profit organizations in Canada;
  • Not-for-profit organizations in Canada;
  • Indigenous organizations and groups located in Canada;
  • Post-secondary/academic institutions located in Canada; and
  • Individuals or groups of individuals based in Canada.
  • Individuals or groups of individuals are encouraged to submit an application to the challenge, but in order to be eligible to receive prizes, they will be required to establish a Canadian legal entity (such as a corporation or a not-for-profit organization) capable of entering into binding agreements in Canada.

Deadline: July 30, 2021

Contact: Impact Canada


Food Waste Reduction Challenge:

Value: Up to 30 Prizes of $100,000 (Open to all eligible innovators submitting a concept application at Stage 1.) Up to 12 Prizes of $400,000 (Open to all Semi-Finalists who reach Stage 2.) Up to 2 Grand Prizes of $1,500,000 (Open to all Finalists who reach Stage 3.)


Food Waste Reduction Challenge aims to support new innovations and solutions which can help address the problem of food waste and loss across the supply chain, thereby reducing the associated economic, environmental, and social costs of food waste. Collectively, these solutions will help increase food availability, save consumers and businesses money, reduce GHG emissions and improve the efficiency of the food sector.


Eligible applicants to the challenge include the following:

  • Businesses or other for-profit organizations incorporated in Canada;
  • Not-for-profit organizations incorporated in Canada;
  • Indigenous organizations and groups located in Canada;
  • Post-secondary/academic institutions located in Canada;
  • Individuals or groups of individuals based in Canada (see below for more info);
  • Non-Canadian individuals and entities (see below for more info).
  • Individual innovators or groups are encouraged to submit an application to the challenge, but in order to be eligible to receive funding, they will be required to establish a Canadian legal entity (such as a company or a corporation or a not-for-profit organization) capable of entering into binding agreements in Canada.

Non-Canadian individuals and entities are encouraged to submit an application to the challenge, but in order to be eligible to receive funding, they will be required to establish a legal entity (such as a company or a corporation or a not-for-profit organization) capable of entering into binding agreements in Canada. They may also be part of a partnership or consortium submitting a proposal as long as the applicant organization submitting the application meets the above criteria.

Eligible Expenses:

Eligible solutions must be aimed at leveraging innovation to achieve specific outcomes tied to reducing food loss and waste as identified in the following challenge statements:

STREAM A – Business Models that Prevent Food Waste:

Accelerate and scale the deployment of innovative solutions that prevent food waste across the food supply chain.

STREAM B – Business Models that Divert Food Waste:

Accelerate and scale the deployment of innovative solutions that create value from food waste, food by-products and/or surplus food.

Deadline: January 18, 2021.

Contact: Impact Canada │ 1-877-246-4682 │


RDAR Call for Proposals: Accelerating Agricultural Innovations:

Value: Varies.


RDAR is funding agricultural research that will drive real benefits for producers in the barn and on the field. Researchers can count on RDAR to provide predictable funding for leading-edge agriculture projects. This call for proposals is now open and accepting applications. Through this call, RDAR will fund research and knowledge transfer and translation projects aimed at accelerating agricultural innovations in the livestock and crop industries in Alberta.


Results Driven Agriculture Research (RDAR) has identified four research priorities.  These four research priorities were identified through the engagement sessions RDAR initiated with its Advisory Committee consisting of producer associations, commissions, marketing boards, applied research associations, and Alberta’s post-secondary institutions.

Deadline: March 18, 2021 – First intake closes; April 15, 2021 – Second intake closes

Contact=: Results Driven Agriculture Research (RDAR) │ 403-350-5424 │


Shovel Ready Challenge | Emissions Reduction Alberta (ERA):

Value: Minimum request of $2 million up to $15 million


Emissions Reduction Alberta’s new $150 million Shovel-Ready Challenge provides vital financial support to companies ready to implement leading-edge technologies in applications for both greenfield and brownfield operations. This will result in operational efficiencies, cost and emissions reductions, new investment, job creation and retention, and address longer-term environmental sustainability priorities. Successful applicants are eligible for up to $15 million with a minimum request of $2 million.

This Call consists of two funding streams:

  • STREAM 1 — Greenfield Projects
  • Construction of new facilities and operations, as well as major expansions and new production lines at existing facilities.
  • STREAM 2 — Brownfield Projects
  • Improvements to existing facilities and operations, including efficiency upgrades, technology retrofits, process improvements, and fuel switching opportunities.


This Call is open to all categories of lead applicant, including technology developers, industry operators, industrial associations, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), municipalities, and others. Applicant organizations and partners are not required to be located in Alberta. However, all projects must include the site host (building owner, facility operator, etc.) as project lead or a significant partner.

Eligible Expenses:

  • Salaries, employee benefits and labour costs
  • Indirect and administrative expenses
  • For detailed information, click here: Eligible Expense and Cost Instructions

Deadline: December 22, 2020

Contact: Emissions Reduction Alberta (ERA) │ 780.417.1920 │


Smart Agriculture and Food Digitization and Automation Challenge:

Value: Up to $500,000


The Smart Agriculture and Food Digitization and Automation Challenge supports projects to develop smart technology or generate knowledge to increase productivity, reduce production costs, or increase the value of Alberta’s agri-food commodities. Funding of up to $500,000 is available to projects that provide solutions to challenges faced by the province’s agri-food sector and that clearly demonstrate social, economic, and environmental benefits.



The lead applicant can be from within either the agri-food or technology industries. Examples include industrial associations, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), research and development (R&D) organizations, post-secondary institutions, municipalities, not-for-profit organizations and government research labs. Applicants are not required to be based in Alberta, but must demonstrate a clear value proposition for the province.


Applicants are encouraged to include additional funding collaborators, but having collaborators is not mandatory. Collaboration between multiple organizations is encouraged to enhance and leverage the value proposition by demonstrating opportunities for technology validation and sharing of results. Applicants are encouraged to engage and include Alberta’s post-secondary and research institutions in the project consortium where appropriate. It is desirable for projects to attract and train highly qualified personnel who can increase Alberta’s innovation capacity. When the applicant is not based in the province, it is especially encouraged to have Alberta-based

Eligible Expenses:

Projects may be eligible for up to $500,000 of funding. The program supports up to 100% of the total cash project costs, but preference will be given to proposals that include matching funding from the applicant or other project partners. Applicants are encouraged to seek co-funding from other agencies, and there is no limit to the amount of stacking towards the applicant’s contribution.

The maximum length for projects funded under this program is three years from project initiation.

Deadline: September 14, 2020

Contact: Alberta Innovates – Virginia Mulligan │ 780.868.7417 │



If your technology is helping improve the environment, you can find environment grants in our Some Green Grants article. If you found the right grant, your next step is to contact the grant agency. Here are Six Questions You Should Ask a Grant Agency Before You Write.

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