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Alberta Business Grants Ltd.

Alberta Grant Gazette│November 2 of 2 – November 21

Alberta Grant Gazette November 2 of 2

“Don’t be too timid and squeamish about your actions. All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Grants, grants, grants…

Hi Everyone,

A number of grant deadlines, grant events, and business awards are below.

Have a great week,

David Kincade, MA Grant Writer Contact

Class starts Wednesday January 25, 2023 9:00 AM MST

Students who register receive complementary assistance applying for a training grant. Students are winning training grants to offset the course cost.

1. Agriculture

Agricultural Climate Solutions – Living Labs Program aims to accelerate co-development, testing, adoption, dissemination and monitoring of technologies and practices in the agri sector. Deadline: December 16, 2022.

AgriInnovate Program: funding up to 50% of total eligible costs, to a maximum of $10 million. Deadline: March 31, 2023.

Agricultural Clean Technology Program: Program funding for the Research and Innovation Stream is $50 million. Program ends March 31, 2028.

African Swine Fever Industry Preparedness Program: Welfare Slaughter and Disposal Stream: funds processor retrofits and regional preparation for welfare slaughter and disposal with up to $1 million. Apply now before funding expires by November 30, 2023.

Canadian Agriculture Strategic Priorities Program is a $10 million per year program of non-repayable contribution funding.

AgriRisk Initiatives: Administrative Capacity Building Stream is still open. Receive up to $5 million funding.

Agriculture and Food Sustainability Assurance Initiatives Program: receive funding up to $250,000. Application is still open.

Water Program assists projects that enhances agricultural water management for continued growth and long-term success of the agriculture industry. Learn more.

2. Arts and Culture

Arts Presenting Project Funding supports the public presentation of professional artists by reimbursing a portion of professional artists’ fees for the preceding year. Deadline: December 1, 2022.

Canada Cultural Investment Fund – Endowment Incentives component encourages private donors to contribute to endowment funds for not-for-profit professional arts organizations. Deadline: December 1, 2022.

Future Focus Granting Program: There is $400,000 available and applications will be accepted until the funds are expended. Apply by December 5, 2022.

FACTOR’s funding for National Service Organizations provides up to 75% of eligible expenses for up to a maximum of $650,000 per fiscal year. Deadline: December 15, 2022.

Translation component of Arts Across Canada: Up to $25 000 for each translation, plus an Annual Supplement for targeted costs. Next Deadline: January 11, 2023.

Research grants provide matching grants of up $25,000. Annual application deadline is the first working day of February.

The Artist-Driven Organizations component of Explore and Create supports the development of artistic activities. Grant amounts up to 60% of your total annual reveneus. Deadline: January 17, 2024.

Canadian Heritage announced the rollout of additional support to strengthen local and diverse journalism throug Canada Periodical Fund. Click here to learn more.


Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program: COVID-19 Resilience stream: The maximum size of projects under the stream is set at $10M total eligible costs.

Venture Capital Catalyst Initiative (VCCI) is making available up to $450 million through three new streams. Learn more.

The Jobs and Growth Fund provides funding to businesses and organizations to help create jobs and position local economies for long-term growth. Learn more.

The Tourism Relief Fund (TRF) is a $500-million national program to support the tourism sector in Canada.

The Digital Economy Program helps small businesses take their businesses online.

The Aerospace Regional Recovery Initiative (ARRI) is a national program that will provide $250 million over three years to help the Canadian aerospace sector.

Arts Presentation Fund for COVID Recovery: the City of Edmonton allocated funds for artists to present and perform their work. Application is still ongoing.

The Major Festivals and Events Support Initiative (MFESI) is a two-year, $200-million national fund to help major Canadian festivals survive and adapt to the pandemic.

Short-Term Compensation Fund for Canadian Audiovisual Productions (STCF): extended until March 31, 2023 and is budgeted at up to $150 million dollars.

Indigenous Community Support Fund: request funding for needs-based support covering the period until March 31, 2023.

Recovery support for Canadian arts, culture and heritage organizations through Canada Arts and Culture Recovery Program.

COVID-19: Support for culture, heritage and sport sectors. Learn here.

Check here to learn more about the resources availble to manage your business during COVID-19.

4. Employment | Varies

Women in Skilled Trades Initiative focuses on funding projects that recruit, retain, and help women apprentices succeed. Funding is up to $3,000,000. Deadline: December 1, 2022.

Canadian Apprenticeship Strategy (CAS): apply for up to $5,000,000 for projects that aim to support innovation approaches that address apprenticeship challenges. Deadline: December 1, 2022.

Microbusiness is now recruiting for online self-employment training. Class starts January 16, 2023.

TECHNATION’s Career Ready will open on January 1 for Winter 2023 program.  Receive up to $7000.00 subsidy.

Skilled Newcomer Internships: provides up to a maximum of $20,000 for bio-economy employers to hire, accommodate and train IEPs for a three-to-nine-month work placement.

Odyssey – Language Assistant Program: paid work experience that provides a taxable salary of $ 25,000 for a nine-month work term. Deadline: February 28 of every year.

Apprenticeship Incentive Grant for Women (AIG-W) is a taxable grant worth $3,000 per level. Deadline: March 31, 2023.

Self-employment Program offers eligible Albertans who are looking to develop and start a new business. Learn more.

5. Environment/CleanTech

NEW! Industrial Transformation Challenge: Up to $50 million to help the province’s industrial sector reduce emissions, improve competitiveness. Deadline: December 19, 2023.

NEW! Alberta Petrochemicals Incentive Program provides grants to companies to attract investment in new or expanded market-driven petrochemical facilities.

Emissions Reduction Alberta (ERA) is contributing up to $5 million to the Clean Energy Transition Partnership’s (CETP) Joint Call 2022. Deadline: November 23, 2022.

Clean Energy for Rural and Remote Communities Program. An additional $300 million is available until 2027.

Application is now open for Alberta Methane Emissions Program. Funding available up to 100% of eligible cost.

Climate Resilience Capacity Building Program:  funding up to $80,000 per project. Application is a  first-come, first-served basis. Apply now!

Energy Innovation Program (EIP): funds research, development and demonstration projects, and other related scientific activities. Learn more about their funding opportunities.

Bioenergy contributes to the development of low carbon fuels, the reduction of consumer and industrial solid waste, and waste reduction from agricultural development.

Critical Minerals and Emerging Technology is positioned to help reduce emissions, diversify Alberta’s economy, and enable technologies that facilitate other clean technology focus areas. Learn more.

Innovative Solutions Canada is looking for Canadian small businesses and innovators to develop novel solutions to solve challenges. Check here for more information.

Submit an Expression of Interest to demonstrate the value of your technology through the Expanded Technologies Pilot program. Incentive limit for parent companies increases from $500,000 to $1 million.

6. Export

Canadian Clean Energy R&D Partnering Delegation to India. Deadline: November 25, 2022.

Do you want to grow your Fintech company in the United States? Apply now to Canadian Technology Accelerator – New York FinTech program. Deadline: December 12, 2022.

Interested to scale up your business in the UK? Apply now to United Kingdom Enterprise Software – Canadian Technology Accelerator. Deadline: December 14, 2022.

Alberta Export Expansion Program: receive up to 75% of reimbursement as you promote Alberta exports through outbound international business travel.

Join a Canadian Technology Accelerator (CTA) to explore opportunities to grow your business in 12 global tech hubs worldwide. Learn more.

Interested to pursue international research and development collaboration with a foreign partner? Apply to Canadian International Innovation Program (CIIP).

Alberta Innovates is now accepting new applications for the Export Readiness – Micro Voucher. Apply here.

7. Indigenous

Apply now to Education Partnerships Program to receive support in the advancement of First Nations student achievements in school. Deadline: December 31, 2022.

Need funding for Indigenous-led clean production capacity projects? Apply here before funding expires.

Band Support Funding helps First Nations with the costs of local government and with administering services. Learn more.

The Emergency management Assistance Program (EMAP) allows for the purchase of low-value equipment for emergency preparedness and mitigation projects. Apply here.

Indigenous Forestry Initiative (IFI) provides financial support to Indigenous-led economic development projects in Canada’s forest sector. Funding available: $1 million per year.

Community Opportunity Readiness: Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) provides funding up to $3 million for community economic infrastructure proposals. Learn more.

Are you an indigenous business owner? Learn about the Aboriginal Entrepreneurship Program to know how to access non-repayable contributions to support your business.

$44.8 million funding initiative to create 12 new shelters for Indigenous women and children escaping family violence. Learn more about this opportunity.

8. Municipalities

Alberta’s government is reinstating fire services training grants. A total of $500,000 a year in grants will be available. Stay tuned for more details.

Alberta Community Partnership helps municipalities by providing support for regional collaboration and capacity building initiatives. Deadline varies on eligible projects and components.

Recreation Energy Conservation Program: available funding up to $750,000 funding. Application is first-come, first-serve basis.

Community building recommissioning grant provides up to $55,000 to cover up to 60% of eligible costs. Apply now before all funding is allocated.

Municipal Natural Assets Initiative (MNAI) invites local governments to submit an expression of interest to develop a high-level natural asset management roadmap. Application is ongoing.

Green and Inclusive Community Buildings: continuous intake is still open and provides up to $3 million funding.

9. Non-Profit

Creating new child care spaces or starting new child care programs? Child care – Space Creation Grant is now open.

Next deadline to apply for Healthy Horizons Foundation is on December 2. Apply here.

INOVAIT funds collaborative R&D Projects: up to $2 million grants available. Deadlines: Pilot Fund – October 24, 2022; Focus Fund – December 20, 2022.

Neighbour Grants offers up to $7,500 to help people build their sense of inclusive belonging in their own communities. Next deadline: January 10, 2023.

Youth Justice Fund is currently accepting new proposals for both multi-year and short term pilot projects starting between April 1, 2023 and March 31, 2025.

Stabilize Program – Adapt and Innovate Stream: This funding will help protect and promote Alberta sport and cultural identity, support tourism, and restore community vibrancy. Deadline: January 31, 2023.

Canada Post Community Foundation provides grants to projects that improves the life of children and youth. Next application opens in March 2023.

Apply for funding to implement the Black-Led Philanthropic Endowment Fund for the maximum total budget of $199,476,227.

10. Post Secondary | Varies

The Elevate Fall 2022 call will offer 2 award options: Standard ($60k) and Thematic ($80k). Find here if you are eligible to apply.

Canada Graduate Scholarships – Master’s program: valued $17,500 for 12 months. Deadline: December 1.

Idea to Innovation (I2I) grants helps accelerate the pre-competitive development of your promising technology. Next deadline: January 6, 2023.

Insight Development Grants: valued at $7,000 to $75,000 over one to two years. Deadline: February 2, 2023.

National Housing Strategy Longitudinal Outcomes Research Grant: a total of $4.8 million available in this program.

Imperial Research Grant: is made to full-time faculty members to support research work carried out by students under their direction. Learn more.

NSERC Alliance – Alberta Innovates Advance Program: request up to $150,000 funding. Guidelines for 2022/2023 will be uploaded in the coming weeks. Stay tuned!

11. Technology | Varies

In need of funding to boost your business technology? Apply to Canada Digital Adoption Program and get up to $15,000.

IDEaS launched four new challenges under its Competitive Projects element. Up to $1 million funding available! Deadline: December 20, 2022.

INOVAIT funds collaborative R&D Projects: up to $2 million grants available. Deadlines: Pilot Fund – October 24, 2022; Focus Fund – December 20, 2022.

Alberta Digital Traction is a funding program of up to $50,000 to cover SMEs software developmnent.

Remote Area Heating Allowance (RAHA) program is still accepting application until March 31, 2023.

Connect to Innovate program committed $585 million to improve connectivity in over 975 rural and remote communities by 2023. Application is still ongoing.

Accelerating innovations to commercialization: Qualified SMEs may be eligible for up to $150,000 in funding over a maximum one-year term.

Housing Supply Challenge: Round 4 – Building for the Future is coming soon. Stay tuned.

13. Business Award Deadlines

Nominate a Top 50 CEO. Deadline: December 1, 2022.

Enter Dieline Awards 2023 Now. Early bird ends December 13.

Entries for the 2023 (21th) ABAs are now being accepted. Deadline for Second Early-bird: December 14, 2022.

AVA Digital Awards: recognizes excellence in the digital communication. Nomination is open until December 15.

2023 Prime Minister’s Awards. Deadline:  January 17, 2023.

Global Energy Show Award Call for Submissions now open! Deadline: February 3, 2023.

Nominate a remarkable Albertan from your community for consideration to receive the Alberta Order of Excellence. Deadline: February 15, 2022.

Application to I.D.E.A.L Biosciences Employer Recognition program will open this fall.

Nominations for the 2023 Prime Minister’s Awards will open in the fall. Stay tuned!

The John Hirsch Prizes recognize the artistic merit and potential of emerging theatre directors. Prize amount: $6,000. Deadline: October 1, 2023.

Class starts Wednesday January 25, 2023 9:00 AM MST

Students who register receive complementary assistance applying for a training grant. Students are winning training grants to offset the course cost.
Want to learn about grants? Watch and subscribe.

For More Information Contact
David Kincade, MA
Grant Writer

Meeting Request Form: Contact

p.s. We provide a 1-on-1 solution that addresses your individual grant needs. Get started.

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