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Grant Matchmaker

An Open Letter to an Unemployed Albertan,

Before we get into grants, I want to tell you that I’ve been unemployed in my life. It sucks.

You might be down and out right now, but I have complete confidence if you want to get a job and work hard, you will get one – especially now.

Businesses need good people.

I’ve worked with enough business owners over the years that finding good workers is still hard to do.

Due to the pandemic, you can actually take your resume, a grant for your salary, and a 100% training grant to your job interview.

Alberta Jobs Now Program

This “program” is governmentese for a grant. It’s a grant (aka free money) that an employer gets for your salary – but they need to know about it and apply for it! If they pay you $50,000 a year, the employer can get up to 25% of your salary back.

That’s amazing!

I’m not an HR professional, but if I were you, I would study how this grant works, then when you’re speaking to an employer, you should tell them they can get a grant to hire you! Many employers won’t even know about it.


Study the grant guide before you tell them that to ensure you are eligible. If you have questions, you should contact the grant agency.


The Grant Guide will refer to your status as an “Unemployed Trainee.”

The grant guide defines how you are eligible as well as the type of training you can get.

I’m going to make this one easy for you. Read this from the grant guidelines:

“Unemployed Trainees

An employer is eligible to receive up to $15,000 in funding per trainee per fiscal year (April 1 to March 31). Employers training and hiring unemployed Albertans will have 100 per cent of their eligible training costs funded under the CAJG program. Employers must pay 100 per cent upfront and receive reimbursement for eligible costs verified by receipts.”

Pretty amazing, eh?

You’ve got the tools.

The only thing left is a shot of confidence for you.

And for that, we’ll hear from Dale Carnegie:

“Fear is a bully and a coward and all we have to do to conquer fear is to forget that it is there. You can do it.”

If you don’t want to work for anyone else, you can read my blog about Starting a Business with Grants.

Have a great week!!

David Kincade


Download Now! Five Grant Gotchas

There is grant money waiting for YOU! BUT if you step in a “grant trap,” your application is a NO! Learn the FIVE most common errors to AVOID in government grants! Get the 5 Grant Gotchas now to save you countless hours.

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