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Alberta Business Grants Ltd.

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Found 31 Results
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Agriculture Economic Development program │ Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA):
Open to applications

Through the Agriculture Economic Development program, you can create the right conditions to allow agri-business to prosper. This program can help: identify opportunities and challenges in your local agricultural sector […]


November 22, 2023

deadline_date: September 30, 2027
Open to applications

AgriAssurance Program – National Industry Association Component | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Open to applications

The AgriAssurance Program is a $64.05-million program under the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership (Sustainable CAP). The program will: contribute to the overarching objectives of Resiliency and Public Trust Strategic Initiatives of […]


Price Pooling Program │ Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada:
Open to applications

The Price Pooling Program provides a price guarantee that protects marketing agencies and producers against unanticipated declines in the market price of their products. Program participants use the price guarantee […]


deadline_date: March 31, 2025
Open to applications

AgriStability Program | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Open to applications

AgriStability is one of the business risk management programs under the Canadian Agricultural Partnership. It protects Canadian producers against large declines in farming income for reasons such as production loss, […]


Agri-Québec Plus
Open to applications

The Agri-Québec Plus program offers complementary financial support to Québec’s farm businesses that: Participate in the AgriStability program; Have a net annual income of under $50,000; Work in sectors where the products are not […]


AgriStability (Quebec)
Open to applications

AgriStability (Quebec) is a front-line program intervening to protect the overall income of your farm business. It is based on your actual financial information and stabilizes your income in the […]


Capital Support for Aspiring Farmers
Open to applications

To improve the chances of success of an aspiring farm business, this financial product offers a capital payment holiday of up to five years. Capital Support for Aspiring Farmers  aims […]


deadline_date: December 31, 2032
Open to applications

Financial Assistance Program to promote the development of greenhouses│MAPAQ
Open to applications

On November 25, 2020, the government approved by decree the enhancement of the Financial Assistance Program to promote the development of greenhouses. Thanks to this enhanced program, greenhouse producers who […]


Seller-Lender Formula
Open to applications

Seller-Lender Formula offers financing solutions and support for transferring a business that are advantageous to both the seller-lender, or borrower, and the buyer.


deadline_date: January 31, 2024
Closed to applications

Support for Biofood Exports
Closed to applications

The SEB is a financial assistance program funded by the Ministère de l’Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l’Alimentation (MAPAQ). It targets individual projects to develop markets outside Quebec for Quebec […]


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