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CleanBC – Organics Funding Program (OFP) │Government of British Columbia

February 13, 2025


B.C. government will contribute $15 million to fund up to 66% of eligible project costs of the successful projects.


The CleanBC – Organics Funding Program (OFP) helps keeps organic waste out of landfills and reduces greenhouse gas emissions.

Eligible Applicants

You must be one of the following to be an eligible applicant:

  • Indigenous governing bodies, as defined in the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act
  • Municipalities of B.C.
  • Regional districts in B.C., including:
    • Metro Vancouver Regional District
    • Greater Vancouver Sewerage and Drainage District (GVS&DD)

Eligible Expenses

Eligible project costs will be all costs considered by the Province to be direct and necessary for the successful implementation of the project, including:

  • Management and professional service costs required to develop and construct the facility, such as accounting, monitoring, communications, official languages translation, audit charges, GHG emission reductions, and results monitoring, measuring and reporting;
  • Materials and supplies costs;
  • Printing, production, and distribution costs;
  • Equipment and capital asset purchase or rental, except vehicles, directly related to the construction and/or operations of the facility. Purchased equipment and capital assets must be acquired with ownership retained by the recipient until at least March 31, 2037 to be eligible;
  • Contractors required to perform activities related to the project components;
  • Training fees directly related to the operation of the facility;
  • Expenditures related to meetings or ceremonies with First Nations communities (including traditional medicines, cultural foods, tea and sacred plants) for seeking input and engagement of a proposed processing facility in proximity with a First Nations communities;
  • Monetary Honoraria offered to Indigenous Elders and/or Knowledge Keepers for seeking input and engagement of an organic processing facility in proximity with First Nations communities. This may also include a traditional opening/closing ceremony and/or prayer, and the sharing of Indigenous knowledge and protocols (including spiritual advice to individuals);
  • Any Goods and Services Tax / Harmonized Sales Tax (GST/HST) that is not reimbursable by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), and any Provincial Sales Tax (PST) not reimbursable by the Province;
  • Administrative and overhead administration costs, which includes incremental human resource costs, including salaries and benefits; and
  • Other costs that, in the opinion of the Province, are considered to be direct and necessary for the successful implementation of the project and have been approved by the Province in writing prior to being incurred.
  • Payments by the Recipient under a Partnering Agreement reimbursing the Partner for expenses described in 3.1 (a) to (k).

Deadline Date

The application submission period for funding under the 2025/2026 fiscal year is open from December 3, 2024 to February 13, 2025, 3pm.

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There is grant money waiting for YOU! BUT if you step in a “grant trap,” your application is a NO! Learn the FIVE most common errors to AVOID in government grants! Get the 5 Grant Gotchas now to save you countless hours.

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