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Fruit and Vegetable Industry Development Program │Government of New Brunswick

February 1, 2025


30 to 50% of eligible costs to a maximum of $30,000 per producer per year.


To encourage and support New Brunswick fruit and mixed vegetable producers who want to increase production by providing financial assistance for:

  • adopting season extension and Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA) technologies;
  • enhancing storage capacity; and
  • investing in on-farm equipment to improve efficiencies and build production capacity.

Eligible Applicants

  • New Brunswick producers of fruits and mixed vegetables including new entrants that supply NB consumers with commodities that do not meet the province’s self-sufficiency status.
  • New entrants whose ultimate goal is commercial-scale production.

Eligible Expenses

  • Element A – Season Extension and CEA Technologies
    • Heated greenhouses, unheated greenhouses, tunnels (high, low or mini-tunnels) or hydroponic technologies.
    • Materials and equipment to be considered for funding include plastic, polycarbonate; thermal row covers (for greenhouses and tunnels only); steel structures; heating, ventilation, electrical, plumbing, anchoring systems, environmental condition monitors and controllers and irrigation system for season extension and CEA technologies.
    • Upgrades may be considered if there is a strong rationale.
  • Element B – Post-Harvest Cooling, Freezing and On-Farm Storage Systems
    • On-farm cooling, refrigerating, freezing and storage technologies for fruit and vegetable including freezers, refrigerators, walk-in coolers, Coolbot systems, heating/curing systems, controlled atmosphere systems, in-floor drainage systems, plumbing systems, ventilation systems, electrical, insulation and cement base, environmental condition monitors and controllers and other related building supplies.
    • Technologies that allow for field heat removal from produce such as hydro or air.
    • Pre-cooling systems.
    • The components of the on-farm storage facility may be used or new but should be designed to meet industry standards. Engineering plans may be required.
    • Only the cost of off-farm hired labor for site preparation and construction of the facility will be eligible, unless otherwise specified in the letter of offer.
    • The proposed on-farm storage facility could be a stand-alone building or may be integrated into an existing building. The facility should meet basic on-farm food safety and must comply with any other food safety program required by the farm’s supply chain (ex: Export, wholesale, direct to consumer markets, etc.). The facility should also be insulated and have an appropriate temperature regulating system.
    • Upgrades may be considered if there is a strong rationale.
  • Element C – Scaling-up:
    • Equipment and related supplies that involve automation and improve efficiency may be eligible provided it allows additional production capacity.
    • Equipment associated with field production of fruit and mixed vegetable crops such as bed shapers/plastic layers, precision seeders, planters, weeders and harvesters may be eligible provided it allows additional production capacity.
    • Equipment used to wash, clean, grade and/or pack produce and related supplies (electrical and plumbing systems) may be eligible provided it allows additional production capacity.
    • The equipment may be used or new but should be designed to meet industry standards.
    • Only the cost of off-farm hired labor for site preparation, to assemble and to install the equipment will be eligible, unless otherwise specified in the letter of offer.

Deadline Date

All applications must be received no later than February 1st, 2025.

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There is grant money waiting for YOU! BUT if you step in a “grant trap,” your application is a NO! Learn the FIVE most common errors to AVOID in government grants! Get the 5 Grant Gotchas now to save you countless hours.

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