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Alberta Business Grants Ltd.

There is grant money waiting for YOU!

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Green Jobs Initiative │ Canadian Parks and Recreation Association:

February 16, 2024


The maximum wage subsidy offered through this program is $5,062.00 for each youth.


The Canadian Parks and Recreation Association (CPRA) has secured Government of Canada funding via Parks Canada to support a two-year “green jobs” program for youth. This program will provide direct financial support (via wage subsidies) to local governments (municipalities, Indigenous communities, etc.) and other sector organizations, reaching nearly 280 jobs (approximately 140 per year) that focus on green career-related activities.

Eligible Applicants

Canadian local governments, Indigenous communities and other sector organizations are eligible to apply to this Program. Other sector organizations include:

  • Not for Profit Environment Organizations
  • Environmental Science Centers
  • Conservation Organizations
  • Museums
  • Education Institutions
  • Community NGOs
  • Provincial NGOs
  • Park Authorities
  • Villages/Towns
  • Youth Agencies
  • Regional Districts
  • Community Centres

Eligible Expenses

The goals of the Green Jobs Initiative are to:

  • Create nearly 280 meaningful job experiences for youth
  • Provide opportunities and learning experiences, for nearly 280 youth to build skills and become successful in the workplace
  • Build a generation of youth that will value nature close to home and potentially pursue an opportunity to build a career in the green jobs sector
  • Generate much needed support to local governments and other sector organizations to hire additional youth to advance their green priorities

Deadline Date

Now the application period for 2024 Green Jobs is closed.


Contact Name: Canadian Parks and Recreation Association

Phone Number: 6135235315

E-mail Address:


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There is grant money waiting for YOU! BUT if you step in a “grant trap,” your application is a NO! Learn the FIVE most common errors to AVOID in government grants! Get the 5 Grant Gotchas now to save you countless hours.

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