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There is grant money waiting for YOU!

BUT if you step in a “grant trap,” your application is a NO! Learn the FIVE most common errors to AVOID in government grants! Get the 5 Grant Gotchas now to save you countless hours.

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National collective promotion | Musicaction

March 14, 2025


Maximum assistance can be up to $400,000.


This program aims to carry out large-scale collective promotion activities or initiatives that will have a significant impact on the development, visibility, accessibility or positioning of French-language Canadian music in national and digital markets.

Eligible Applicants

  • Event or organization in Quebec
  • Canadian Francophonie event or organization
  • Any other company whose main activity is related to sound recording, insofar as the project justifies it.

Eligible Expenses

  • Generally, expenses are eligible from the time the application is submitted.
  • Expenses submitted at the time of application are subject to acceptance by Musicaction.
  • Eligible expenditures are determined based on market prices.
  • Only internal expenses related to the labour directly assigned to the project are eligible. Generally, they cannot represent more than 25% of the eligible costs of the project. Musicaction may require a job description from the employees for whom expenses are claimed.

Deadline Date

Registration date: March 14, 2025, at 5 p.m. (EDT).


Contact Name: Nathalie Parent (Program Officer)

E-mail Address:



Arts and Culture




Event, Music

I’m going to let you in on a secret: You don’t have to waste countless hours or drown in paperwork to win grants

With ABG, you can find the right grants, prepare for your meeting, and write a winning application that will get you the most money, in the least amount of time.

Contact Alberta Business Grants right now.

Download Now! Five Grant Gotchas

There is grant money waiting for YOU! BUT if you step in a “grant trap,” your application is a NO! Learn the FIVE most common errors to AVOID in government grants! Get the 5 Grant Gotchas now to save you countless hours.

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