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Alberta Business Grants Ltd.

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Rural Economic Development (RED) program | Ontario

February 21, 2024


Economic Diversification and Competitiveness Stream: maximum of $150,000. Strategic Economic Infrastructure Stream: maximum of $250,000.


Ontario’s Rural Economic Development (RED) program provides cost-share funding to support activities that create strong rural communities in Ontario, and opens doors to rural economic development through:

  • funding assistance to address barriers to economic development and labour force challenges, better position rural communities to attract or retain investment, and enhance economic growth
  • funding to build community capacity and support for economic development in Ontario’s rural communities
  • investments in rural communities to help diversify and grow local economies – making economic growth more inclusive so rural Ontario continues to share in the province’s economic prosperity

Eligible Applicants

To be eligible to apply to the RED program, you must be:

  • a municipality
  • a not-for-profit entity
  • an Ontario Indigenous community or organization
  • a Local Services Board

Eligible Expenses

The calculation of cost-share funding for all selected projects will be based on the total eligible costs outlined in the application.

  • Funding may be provided at the amount or percentage requested, or at a reduced amount or percentage (subject to limits within each stream).
  • The project’s maximum eligible costs cannot be increased.
  • The timeframe of the project cannot be extended without the written approval of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) (in its sole discretion).

All selected applicants must enter into a contribution agreement with the Province of Ontario. All applicants have joint and several liability for any funded project.

Deadline Date

The RED program is closed and is not accepting applications.


Contact Name: Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness and Ministry of Rural Affairs

Phone Number: 1-877-424-1300

E-mail Address:


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Download Now! Five Grant Gotchas

There is grant money waiting for YOU! BUT if you step in a “grant trap,” your application is a NO! Learn the FIVE most common errors to AVOID in government grants! Get the 5 Grant Gotchas now to save you countless hours.

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