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Don’t let the dread of government grants prevent you from receiving non-repayable money. A grant writer provides a 1-on-1 solution that addresses your individual grant needs: finding grants, pitching agencies, writing grants, or final reporting.
Get started in grants with a Grant Writer
Work directly with David Kincade and his team to start winning government grants. We help with all aspects of your grant journey from finding the right grants to writing compelling grant applications.
Guess what?
The dread of grants is over TODAY.
Get the exact help you need from a Grant Coach.
A Grant Writer is for businesses and not-for-profit organizations eligible for grants.
You are eligible for grants if you are in,,,
We absolutely love our subscription to the Alberta Gazette! While we've only been subscribed for a few months, we can certainly recognize the value of such membership; our team is small and having this delivered to my mailbox twice a month is a fantastic value, as it would take many hours to do research and find out this information on my own. I know that there will be many funding opportunities for us over the next several months through Alberta Grant Gazette!
Jelena Bojic Director, Community Relations Concordia University of Edmonton
Prior to working with David Kincade at Alberta Business Grants, we knew our business could qualify for grants. Since we are focused on growing our business, we didn’t have the time or resources internally to research and apply for grant funding. Thankfully we were introduced to David Kincade by one of our customers. David is a grant expert and tremendous talent. Alberta Business Grants prepared a VIP grant package with significant opportunities, and David helped prepare our Meeting Preparation Package. We are now able to tell our project investment case to grant agencies in a clear and compelling way. If you are looking to win a grant, David Kincade is the best in the business.
“ABG has helped us create a solid foundation for our grant applications that we trust to refer back to. The gazette in particular is a great resource to have, as it acts like an extension of our team.”
Patrick Walther co-CEO AGvisorPRO Inc
founder of Alberta
Business Grants
Hi, I’m David Kincade, founder of Alberta Business Grants.
You’re probably here because you’re frustrated with the grant process — from finding grants that are right for you to filling out the application on time.
But I’m here to tell you that grant writing doesn’t have to be a time-consuming, complex process that ends with you losing
out on money (and pulling out your hair, as a result).
When you download The Ultimate Guide to Winning Government Grants, you’ll dramatically increase your grant knowledge. The intention of the book is to be “the first step” in your grant journey, but as the tips grew more and more (became 100), it really has insight I’ve gained over 15 years in grants at ALL STAGES of the grant process. When you are done reading this guide, you will have a clear “Yes” or “No” to continue with grants.
The goal is to save you countless hours.
You’ll get access to my best tips, a grant writing expert with a background in politics and public relations, which will give you the competitive advantage you need to win the most coveted grants.
Get started in grants with LAUNCH
Don’t let the dread of government grants prevent you from receiving non-repayable money. Start working with the best in the business today!
Q. How does a Grant Coach work?
A. You work one-on-one with David Kincade in working sessions via Zoom. You explain your specific problem, and David suggests the best path forward.
Q. Can he help with all aspects of grants: finding grants, meeting grant agencies, writing applications, or with final reporting?
A. Yes.
Q. Does David work with clients in all provinces?
A. Yes. David has clients across the country. A grant is a grant. David will coach you to write a high-quality grant, faster.
Q. Does he help with writing?
A. Yes. Writing is his expertise. He is fluent in English and Governmentese.
Q. How much does a Grant Coach cost?
A. It’s $250 hour. No commissions or success fees. No other fees. You pay for his expertise, like a lawyer or accountant.
Q. Can I get a grant to cover his fees?
A. If you take David’s 21-hour course 1-on-1, you can potentially win a training grant.
Q. How do I know if David is good?
A. David is author of Golden Grant Rules and been working in grants for nearly 20 years. Testimonials are available all over this website. By booking a one-hour call, you are mitigating risk.
Q. I’m starting a business. Will a Grant Coach help me?
A. If you are moving into a sector with grants, a coaching call will add value. If you are starting a business in a non-grant sector, you are most likely only eligible for training and student grants.
Q. How long before I win a grant?
A. Depends on the grant. Some student grants take days. Some grants take months. We had one client apply in April and found out in February! It was a nice surprise though.
Q. How do I get started?
A. Start with a one-hour coaching call. No commitment is required beyond the call.
Get started in government grants with LAUNCH.
Winning grants can be a huge waste of time and money if you don’t work with an expert in the grant space. When you work with ABG, you get a solution to your exact grant needs – from finding the right grants to writing a compelling grant application.
Along the top of the site, you will see a "call to action." It's an orange bar.
Alberta Business Grants
Edmonton, Alberta
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There is grant money waiting for YOU! BUT if you step in a “grant trap,” your application is a NO! Learn the FIVE most common errors to AVOID in government grants! Get the 5 Grant Gotchas now to save you countless hours.