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A number of grants exist in the “green” sector. In fact, it’s one of the most popular areas for grants.

Below you will find a list of grants. Remember, you can also search green grants in the open grant database.

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The Clean Technology program provides technologies and mechanisms for decarbonization, particularly in the energy sector, and technologies that facilitate the achievement of net-zero goals that have been set by industry participants. Clean technology is an important driver of innovation, environmental improvements, economic growth, and jobs. Practically, the Clean Technology program is designed to focus on reducing emissions and achieving environmental performance goals.

  • Critical Minerals and Emerging Technology work is focused on critical minerals demand that is driven by batteries and e-mobility. Lithium is an important mineral in the energy transition and lithium market growth is driven by the need for Li – ion batteries for electronics, electric mobility, and energy storage.  This area is categorized into critical minerals, rare earth elements, mining & extraction technologies, and emerging technologies. 
  • Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS) & Hydrogen work is driven by the need to further decarbonize the oil and gas sector, petrochemicals, electricity production, and heavy industry. CCUS is a component of how we deliver climate change goals in the oil and gas sector. Similarly, hydrogen is a critical part of Alberta’s decarbonization future and is intrinsically linked with CCUS in Alberta’s Hydrogen Strategy and Roadmap. 

Deadline: Open and closes.

Contact: Alberta Innovates │ 1-877-423-5727




ERA was created in 2009 to help deliver on the province’s environmental and economic goals. ERA takes action on climate change and supports economic growth by investing in the pilot, demonstration and deployment of clean technology solutions that reduce GHGs, lower costs, attract investment, and create jobs in Alberta.

ERA’s clean technology investments help innovators develop and demonstrate Alberta-based technologies that lower emissions and costs. Scaling up innovation will ensure Alberta succeeds in a lower emissions world. ERA is investing in a diverse portfolio of transformative, sustainable technologies that reduce GHG emissions and position Alberta for success in a lower emissions economy.

ERA has two funding streams to help Alberta prosper while reducing emissions.

Deadline: Open and closes.

Contact: Emissions Reduction Alberta | 780-498-2068 |




Value: Varies.


The National Research Council of Canada Industrial Research Assistance Program (NRC IRAP) is Canada’s leading innovation assistance program for small and medium-sized businesses.

If you operate an innovative small or medium-sized business in Canada, we can help you build your innovation capacity and take your ideas to market. We do this through financial assistance, advisory services and connections to the best business and R&D expertise in Canada. It’s a winning model we’ve been using to drive business growth—and Canada’s innovation system—for over 70 years.

Strategic objectives:

  • Help small and medium-sized businesses in Canada develop and commercialize technologies.
  • Collaborate with regional and national organizations on initiatives that support the development and commercialization of technologies by small and medium-sized businesses.

Deadline: Ongoing

Contact: IRAP | 1-877-994-4727 |




SDTC is an outcomes-based investor, driving impact through the economic and environmental returns of the technologies we fund. SDTC will be working to implement several recommendations recently shared by Innovation Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED).

Who can get funding?

SDTC only provides funding to Canadian Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs). Funding requests from a majority-owned Canadian subsidiary of a foreign multinational enterprise are not eligible.

  • START-UP AND SCALE UP – An average contribution of $2 million to $4 million, with funds disbursed over the life of the project up to a five-year period.
  • SEED – SDTC Seed Funding supports promising early-stage Canadian entrepreneurs with one-time non-repayable contribution of $50,000 to $100,000 for innovative technological projects with environmental benefits.

Deadline: Open and closes.

Contact: Sustainable Development Technology Canada | (343) 804-0691 |




Value: Varies.


The Green Building Technology Network (GBTN) will move the mission forward by funding specific incremental elements of approved building projects that employ innovative technologies, products or processes that support the reduction of GHG emissions in buildings OR provide training and education related to the innovative solutions to upskill the current and future workforce

Led by SSRIA and funded by Alberta Innovates and Western Economic Diversification Canada, the Green Building Technology Network (GBTN) will provide funding towards projects submitted by its members that support the following objectives:

  • Achieve a path to energy consumption reduction, 40% greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction by 2030 and a regional zero carbon built environment by 2050.
  • Integrate new clean technologies and/or design approaches that support energy conservation and/or enhanced building performance in actual buildings (new or retrofit).
  • Model, monitor, measure and analyze data from actual building performance.
  • Upgrade professional development and/or skills in the AEC sector relating to these clean technologies and/or design innovations.

Deadline: Closed. Projects must be completed no later than March 31, 2023.

Contact: Pam Goertzen (Executive Director ) │




Value: Varies


NGIF Capital is a Canadian venture capital firm offering grant and equity financing for cleantech startups with solutions for the gaseous energy sector. NGIF Capital is unique as it brings Canada’s energy industry leadership to every investment taking startups and their ideas from concept to commercialization. NGIF Capital operates Industry Grants (the original Natural Gas Innovation Fund), the Emissions Testing Centre, and Cleantech Ventures.

  • NGIF Accelerator – The NGIF Accelerator mandate is to de-risk and accelerate technology development by supporting startups through their pilot projects, field trials, and industry validation. NGIF Accelerator will coordinate with federal and provincial governments to co-fund projects to advance market commercialization. NGIF Accelerator currently operates the Industry Grants Program and the Emissions Testing Centre Program.
  • NGIF Capital – NGIF Capital is a venture capital firm and for-profit investment arm of NGIF with a dedicated team of professionals that operates current and future investment funds. NGIF Capital is unique in how it brings energy industry leadership to every investment with strong connections to every part of the value chain. NGIF Capital currently operates Cleantech Ventures Fund I.

Deadline: Ongoing.

Contact: Natural Gas Innovation Fund (NGIF) │ +1 343-633-3921 │




Value: Up to $150,000


Applied Research and Development grants support research and development (R&D) projects led by college researchers in partnership with private, public or not-for-profit organizations while encouraging collaboration with universities and/or other colleges. This opportunity allows the development and strengthening of research links and collaborations between different institutions and/or partners that have a common goal of creating economic, social and/or environmental benefits while contributing to the research ecosystem continuum.

Eligible Applicants:

Canadian colleges (including CEGEPs and polytechnics) eligible to administer grants from at least one of the three federal granting agencies can apply. Colleges apply on behalf of their researchers and the partner organization(s). Universities and other colleges may be included in the project as co-applicants with an eligible college.

To apply, colleges must have at least one partner organization (in the private, public or not-for-profit sectors) whose cash contribution is recognized for cost sharing with NSERC.

For a list of Canadian colleges currently eligible to apply, see the list of eligible institutions for the agency you are applying to (NSERCCIHR or SSHRC). To become an eligible institution, see the Institutional eligibility requirements and the frequently asked questions on institutional eligibility.

Deadline: Applications can be submitted at any time.

Contact: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada │




Value: The maximum EcoAction funding is $100,000 per project; the minimum funding amount request is $25,000 per project for a maximum duration of 36 months.


Provide financial support to non-profit and non-government organizations for Canadian communities to take on local action-based projects that produce measurable, positive effects on the environment and to build the capacity of communities to sustain these activities in the future.

EcoAction funds projects that:

  • lead to tangible environmental results
  • engage the community to improve the environment
  • increase environmental awareness
  • increase capacity in communities
  • result in sustainable outcomes and engagement following project completion

This year, funding is available for new projects that engage Canadian communities and clearly demonstrate measurable, positive results related to the following key environmental priority: Fresh Water.

Your project must address the following priority result:

  • Canadians contribute to improving freshwater quality through actions that reduce harmful substances in fresh water and/or restore and protect freshwater ecosystem health.

Eligible Applicants:

Non-profit groups working on projects focused on coastal and fresh water quality and conservation, or reduced emissions or adaptation to current and future climate change impacts may be eligible for funding. Eligible organizations include:

  • Environmental groups
  • Community groups
  • Youth and seniors’ groups
  • Community-based associations
  • Service clubs
  • Indigenous organizations

 Eligible Expenses:

Non-profit and non-governmental groups and organizations are eligible to receive funding, examples include:

  • environmental groups
  • community groups
  • youth and seniors groups
  • community-based associations
  • service clubs
  • domestic Indigenous governments, organizations, boards, commissions, communities, councils, associations and authorities

 Deadline:  March 22, 2024.

Contact: EcoAction Community Funding Program │




Value: Varies.


The Environmental Damages Fund (EDF) is a specified purpose account administered by Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) to direct funds received from fines, court orders and voluntary payments to priority projects that will benefit Canada’s natural environment.

Fines directed to the EDF are used to fund projects that focus on the following four categories in order of priority:

  • restoration
  • environmental quality improvement
  • research and development
  • education and awareness

Eligible Applicants:

Eligible applicants are not-for profit organizations and may include:

  • non-governmental organizations (e.g. environmental community groups)
  • universities and academic institutions
  • Indigenous organizations
  • provincial, territorial and municipal governments

Individuals, businesses, and/or other federal departments or agencies are not eligible to apply for funding, but are encouraged to partner with eligible applicants. Offenders that have been fined or made monetary payments directed to the EDF are not eligible to apply or to partner with eligible groups for fines or monetary payments they have made that were directed to the EDF.

Eligible Expenses:

  • human resource costs, including salaries and benefits
  • travel costs not to exceed Treasury Board approved rates
  • material and supplies costs
  • printing and production costs
  • communications and distribution costs
  • equipment rental or purchase
  • vehicle rentals and operational costs
  • translation costs
  • liability insurance costs that are directly attributed to carrying out the project
  • a reasonable share of overhead and/or administrative costs and rent that is directly attributed to carrying out the project, as negotiated with the office in your region
  • any GST/HST that is not reimbursable by Revenue Canada and any PST not reimbursable by the provinces

Deadline: Open and closes.

Contact: National EDF Office │




Value: Up to $1,000,000


The Investments in Forest Industry Transformation (IFIT) program facilitates the adoption of transformative technologies, products, and processes by bridging the gap between development and commercialization. The IFIT program aims to create a more competitive and resilient forest sector with a focus on low-carbon projects that result in new or diversified revenue streams.

  • CAPITAL INVESTMENT PROJECTS – The IFIT capital investment projects stream provides non-repayable contributions of up to $10 million of a project’s eligible costs to enable forest sector firms to adopt transformational technologies and diversify product streams, ensuring industry competitiveness and greater environmental outcomes.
  • STUDIES PROJECTS – The IFIT studies stream provides non-repayable contributions of up to $1 million of a project’s eligible costs for studies linked to the advancement of innovation in the forest sector in support of a future capital investment or a strategic shift by forest sector firms.


IFIT funding is open to the following applicants:

  1. Legal entities validly incorporated or registered in Canada including:
    • for-profit and not-for-profit organizations such as companies, industry associations, and research associations
    • Indigenous organizations and groups
  2. Provincial, territorial, regional, and municipal governments and their departments and agencies where applicable

Deadline: Ongoing until June 30, 2024.

  • Window 1: Apply by September 30, 2023 for a decision by February 29, 2024.
  • Window 2: Apply by December 31, 2023 for a decision by May 31, 2024.
  • Window 3: Apply by March 31, 2024 for a decision by August 31, 2024.
  • Window 4: Apply by June 30, 2024 for a decision by November 30, 2024.

Contact: Investments in Forest Industry Transformation │




Value: Varies.


Federal funding programs supported by the Canadian Forest Service help diversify forest products, markets and processes to support the competitiveness of Canada’s forest sector.

  • 2 Billion Trees program supports tree planting projects as part of the Government of Canada’s commitment to plant two billion trees by 2030 and establishes the nature-based building blocks needed to get to net-zero emissions by 2050. Status: Ongoing call for proposals is now open.
  • Early Intervention Strategy Small Scale Research program supports scientific research that addresses key science needs for spruce budworm management activities. Status: Closed.
  • Expanding Market Opportunities Program increases market opportunities for the Canadian forest industry in offshore markets and non-residential construction and mid-rise segments in North American markets.
    Status: Program ended on March 31, 2023, and is no longer accepting applications for funding.
  • Fighting and Managing Wildfires in a Changing Climate Program supports Provinces and Territories to procure specialized wildland firefighting equipment; and supports training of up to 1,000 community-based wildland firefighters across Canada. Status: Training Fund – Closed; Equipment Fund – Ongoing.
  • Forest Innovation Program supports early stage innovation that accelerates the growth of Canada’s bioeconomy through investments in research, development and technology transfer activities in the forest sector. Status: Ongoing.
  • Green Construction through Wood (GCWood) Program encourages the use of innovative wood-based building systems and technologies and advanced bio-products in construction projects in new and existing buildings that are highly replicable to help decarbonize Canada’s built environment. Status: Ongoing until June 30, 2024.
  • Indigenous Forestry Initiative helps to increase the participation of First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples in the Canadian economy and improve economic outcomes for Indigenous peoples throughout Canada. Status: Closed.
  • Investments in Forest Industry Transformation Program supports Canada’s forest sector in becoming more competitive, resilient and environmentally sustainable through targeted investments that accelerate the adoption of innovative technologies and products. Status: Ongoing until June 30, 2024.

Deadline: Open and closes.

Contact: NRCan │ 1-855-525-9293 0r 343-292-6096 │




Value: Varies


FRIAA serves the people of Alberta and is accountable to the Minister responsible for Forestry. Over nearly two decades, FRIAA has helped Alberta continue to develop world-class forest management practices and a sophisticated understanding of the relationships between things like human activity, forest resources, species at risk, and wildfire. It is, uniquely, an organization able to collaborate with Academia, Government, Municipalities, Communities and Industry. It has supported practical and applied research, on-the-ground forest improvement strategies as well as innovative approaches to forest inventory and planning that helps Alberta manage its forest resource in a sustainable manner.


  • Community Reforestation Program – supports sustainability of forest resources by reforesting cutblocks harvested by smaller timber operators.
  • Forest Resource Improvement Program – enhance forest resources and improve the integrated management of Alberta’s forested lands for the benefit of Albertans.
  • Mountain Pine Beetle Program – supports efforts aimed at controlling suppressing and eradicating mountain pine beetle in Alberta.
  • Mountain Pine Beetle Forest Rehabilitation Program – provides funding for the rehabilitation of pine-dominated forests that have been negatively impacted by mountain pine beetle and are not expected to recover in a reasonable time period on their own in a reasonable time period.
  • FRIAA Firesmart Program – helps communities and residents manage and reduce the threat of wildfire. The program supports communities in carrying out activities aimed at reducing the threat at wildfire.
  • Caribou Habitat Recovery Program – supports Alberta Environment and Parks’ efforts to sustain and improve caribou habitat in a way that supports healthy and self-sustaining caribou populations.
  • Enhanced Reforestation of Legacy Disturbance (EnRLD) Program– provides funds to sequester carbon by reforesting public lands that have been disturbed by wildfire.
  • Wildfire Reclamation Program – helps to re-establish forest cover damaged and destroyed by wildfire on areas that already underwent, or were in the process of undergoing, reforestation.
  • Community Fireguard Program – funding the construction of community fireguards that provide for enhanced public safety and improved protection of at-risk communities.

Deadline: Varies.

Contact: Forest Resource Improvement Association of Alberta (FRIAA)  │ (780) 429-5873 │




Value: Varies.


FireSmart builds skills in First Nations communities to prevent and prepare against wildland fires. Programming involves training First Nations teams in wildfire suppression duties, as well as fuel management and vegetation clearing, which reduces the intensity and spread of wildfires. FireSmart also leverages Indigenous knowledge of the local environment and terrain to improve emergency planning, preparation and response to wildfires.

Eligible Applicants:

  • First Nation communities
  • Band or tribal councils
  • Indigenous organizations

Deadline: Proposals for projects in fiscal year 2021 to 2022 will be reviewed on an ongoing basis until funding is exhausted or until March 31, 2022.

Contact: Larry Price, Interim Manager, Forest Fuel Management Department │ 250-320-8580 ext. #502 │




Value: From $100,000 to $6 million to eligible organizations


The new Climate Action and Awareness Fund will invest $206 million over five years to support Canadian-made projects that help to reduce Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions. The Climate Action and Awareness Fund is designed to support projects that can create middle class jobs for Canadians who work in science and technology, academia and at the grassroots community level. These projects are critical as we continue to build a sustainable net zero emissions economy by 2050.

Eligible Applicants:

To be eligible for funding under this request for proposals, lead applicants must be one of the following:

  • not-for-profit non-governmental organization
  • university or academic institution
  • Indigenous organization

Lead applicants are responsible for submitting their proposal and for negotiating and signing a funding agreement if selected. Lead applicants are encouraged to partner with at least one other organization, such as a non-governmental organization, Indigenous organization, university and academic institution, small and medium-sized enterprise, and/or a provincial, territorial or municipal government.

Eligible Expenses:

The minimum project funding request is $100,000 and the maximum is $6 million. Organizations requesting funding between $100,000 up to $500,000 must spend funds over one to two fiscal years, starting in 2020-2021. Organizations requesting over $500,000 up to $6 million must complete their project within five years of the signed Funding Agreement.

Funding for the Climate Action and Awareness Fund comes from two existing programs:

  • Environmental Damages Fund – provides a mechanism for directing funds received as a result of fines, court orders, and voluntary payments to priority projects that will benefit Canada’s natural environment
  • Climate Action Fund – has awarded up to $3 million per year to support innovative ideas that raise awareness and build capacity for action that contributes to Canada’s clean growth and climate change plan, the Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change.

Deadline: There are currently no funds available. Previous deadline- July 18, 2022.

Contact: Climate Action and Awareness Fund │




Value: Varies.


The Net Zero Accelerator (NZA) initiative invites forward-looking Canadian companies to contribute to Canada’s global leadership efforts by meeting its ambitious target of reducing GHG emissions by 40 to 45% by 2030, and achieve net zero by 2050. The NZA supports the Government of Canada’s strengthened climate plan, A Healthy Environment and a Healthy Economy, to deliver a stronger economy that thrives in a low-carbon world to the benefit of all Canadians. With up to $8 billion in funding to support large-scale investments in key industrial sectors across the country, the NZA ensures that Canada:

  • remains competitive in a net-zero economy
  • reduces greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions

The following NZA investment pillars have been chosen to maximize the impact of program investments:

  1. Decarbonization of large emitters – Focusing on near-term emissions reduction.
  2. Industrial transformation – Helping establish industries transition to the net zero economy.
  3. Clean technology and battery ecosystem development – Capitalizing on net zero opportunities by fostering emerging sectors.

Deadline: The NZA has been in high demand since its launch in 2020. The Strategic Innovation Fund is prioritizing projects that can deliver near-term emissions reductions to help meet the 2030 target.

Contact: ISED Citizen Services Centre │1-800-328-6189




Value: The Adoption Stream intake will provide non-repayable contributions in the range of requests of $25,000 up to $2 million per project.


The Adoption Stream supports the purchase and installation of commercially available clean technology or equipment upgrades that will reduce greenhouse gas (GHG), fertilizer and methane emissions.

The new intake will be more ambitious in terms of reducing GHG emissions and will also emphasize support for measurable fertilizer and methane emission reductions in line with Government of Canada targets. Where possible, project submissions will be prioritized according to higher GHG, fertilizer or methane emission reductions.


  • You’re a for-profit organization
  • You’re a Canadian entity and/or incorporated in Canada
  • You’ve secured your portion of financial contributions for the project, per the cost-share ratios, before applying
  • You have not previously received funding from the Adoption Stream
  • You’ll submit only one application (including subsidiaries) over the life of the program (2021-2026)
  • Your project activity(ies) are eligible under the program
  • You’re a legal entity capable of entering into legal binding agreements

Program priorities and eligible activities:
The Adoption Stream will support the adoption of clean technology by Canadian farmers and processors that reduce GHG, fertilizer and/or methane emissions and respond to environmental sustainability. The program will further prioritize projects through 3 priority areas:

  • Green energy and energy efficiency improvements
  • Precision Agriculture
  • Bioeconomy solutions

Deadline:  The application intake period is now closed. All projects must be completed by March 31, 2026.

Contact: ACT Program│ 1-877-246-4682 │ Adoption Stream:; Research and Innovation Stream:




Value: The maximum amount payable to a recipient will generally not exceed $2 million per project. The maximum amount payable to a recipient with multiple projects will generally not exceed $5 million.


The Research and Innovation Stream will support pre-market innovation, including research, development, demonstration and commercialization activities, to develop transformative clean technologies and enable the expansion of current technologies, in 3 priority areas:

  • Green energy and energy efficiency
  • Precision agriculture
  • Bioeconomy


Eligible applicants under the program are:

  • for-profit organizations, including agri-food processors
  • not-for-profit organizations, including co-operatives
  • Indigenous groups

Eligible applicants must be legal entities capable of entering into legally binding agreements. Project work and activities must be carried out in Canada.

Eligible activities under the Research and Innovation Stream are of the following nature and type:

  • Applied research and development of clean technologies
  • Piloting and evaluating clean technologies
  • Demonstration and knowledge and technology transfer activities
  • Commercializing and scaling up clean technologies
  • Other activities that support the Research and Innovation Stream as determined by the program

Deadline: The application intake period for the program is open.

Contact: R&I Stream│ 1-877-246-4682 │




Value: Up to 100% of project costs.


The Clean Energy Improvement Program puts it all within reach with an affordable, flexible, and streamlined approach to financing. Access competitive financing covering up to 100 per cent of project costs and repay conveniently through your property’s regular tax bill. This innovative financing approach, also known as Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE), is garnering successful results across North America. This is the first such program in Alberta and is available now in select municipalities.

Eligible Applicants:


Eligible Expenses:

All eligible residential upgrades will be listed on the program website when the program launches in Summer 2021. Examples include high-efficiency heating and cooling systems, windows, insulation, water heaters, and solar photovoltaic systems.

Deadline: Open.

Contact: Alberta Municipalities │1-888-506-9996




Value: 75 percent of project costs, up to a maximum of $20 million.


The $131-million Industrial Energy Efficiency and Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage (IEE CCUS) Grant Program is part of Alberta’s $750-million investment from the  Technology Innovation and Emissions Reduction (TIER) fund to cut emissions, create jobs and contribute to Alberta’s economic recovery.

The IEE CCUS program is helping Alberta’s large industrial emitters:

  • reduce emissions
  • increase competitiveness
  • lower carbon compliance costs
  • improve energy efficiency through technology and equipment upgrades

Eligible Applicants:

Facilities must be regulated or eligible to be regulated under the TIER Regulation to be eligible for funding. If an applicant were to propose a new facility as part of its project, that facility would have to be eligible for regulation under the TIER Regulation.

There is no minimum or maximum total project cost eligibility requirement. Existing projects are eligible; however, grant funding cannot be used towards retroactive project costs. Total grant and award funding from all external sources cannot exceed 85 per cent of total project costs.

Only emissions reductions that are regulated under TIER are eligible for funding.

Eligible Expenses:

  • Salaries and Benefits
  • Indirect and Admin Expenses
  • Approved Travel Rates
  • Any other costs that in opinion of Alberta Environment and Parks (AEP), are considered to be direct and necessary for the successful implementation of the project and have been approved in writing by AEP prior to being incurred.

Deadline: October 30, 2020. The remaining $31 million in IEE CCUS program funding will be allocated to support more projects in late 2021.

Contact: Industrial Energy Efficiency and Carbon Capture and Utilization Program │




Value: 50% of Total Project Costs up to a maximum $5,000,000 per Project.


Zero Emission Vehicle Infrastructure Program was designed by the Government of Canada for its steadfast belief that electrification is key to decarbonizing its transportation sector and transitioning to a low-carbon future.

This program aims to deploy a network of zero-emission vehicle charging (level 2 and higher) and refuelling stations in more localized areas where Canadians live, work and play.

Eligible Applicants:

Legal entities validly incorporated or registered in Canada including not-for-profit and for-profit organizations such as:

  • Electricity or gas utilities
  • Companies
  • Industry associations
  • Research associations
  • Standards organizations
  • Indigenous and community groups
  • Academic institutions
  • Provincial, territorial, regional or municipal governments or their departments or agencies where applicable
  • International legal entities validly incorporated or registered abroad including for-profit and not-for-profit organizations such as: Companies, Industry associations, Research associations, Standards organizations, and Academic institution.

Eligible Programs:

The program targets multiple infrastructure streams:

  • Public Places and On-Street
  • Workplaces
  • Light-Duty Vehicle Fleets
  • Medium and Heavy-Duty Vehicle Fleets
  • Multi-Unit Residential Buildings (MURBs)
  • Mass Transit

Deadline: Extended until June 22, 2021.

Contact: Government of Canada │




Value: $100K to $20M funding


The new $675M Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF) – Onshore Program is helping Canadian onshore oil and gas companies invest in green solutions to continue their progress toward reducing methane emissions while facing the current economic crisis and COVID-19 pandemic.

Eligible Applicants:

All upstream and midstream oil and/or gas sector companies with projects to reduce or eliminate routine venting of methane rich natural gas from conventional, tight and shale oil and gas operations can apply. To be considered for funding under the Program, the applicant must satisfy all of the following:

  • Comply with the eligibility criteria listed in Sections 2.1 through 2.5 of this Applicant’s Guide;
  • Be a validly incorporated or registered legal entity in Canada;
  • Be an oil and gas company, or a provincial, territorial or municipal government that owns or operates an upstream and/or midstream conventional, tight, and/or shale oil and gas facility(ies) located in Canada; and,
  • Provide all of the mandatory documentation listed in Section 6.2 of this Guide, including information contained in an engineer certified BOA or equivalent, either as a separate document or as part of the applicant’s Business Plan.

Eligible Expenses:

Eligible projects will be implemented in one or more of the following sectors:

  • Upstream oil and gas production: including operations from the wellhead to the transfer of oil and/or gas into midstream gathering systems;
  • Midstream oil and gas: including operations such as gathering and pipeline transporting, processing, treating, storing, and/or marketing of oil, natural gas, and natural gas liquids.

Deadline: Intake 3 is now closed.

Contact: ERF- Onshore Program │




Value: Varies

Description: Global Affairs Canada (GAC) is seeking a simple and eco-friendly way to econment while managing refuse at GAC sites in Canada and abroad. Solutions currently exist for recyclables and compostable, but GAC is seeking a solution for the waste that is going to landfill.

Eligible Applicants:

Solution proposals can only be submitted by a small business that meets all of the following criteria:

  • for profit
  • incorporated in Canada (federally or provincially)
  • 499 or fewer full-time equivalent (FTE) employees
  • research and development activities that take place in Canada
  • 50% or more of its annual wages, salaries and fees are currently paid to employees and contractors who spend the majority of their time working in Canada
  • 50% or more of its FTE employees have Canada as their ordinary place of work
  • 50% or more of its senior executives (Vice President and above) have Canada as their principal residence

Eligible Expenses:

The program will fund projects that proposed solutions to eco-friendly waste converter:

  • be able to convert some of the garbage into energy to operate and the rest into a usable product
  • be portable (i.e. ensure ease of regular movement by truck or something smaller to different locations)
  • be user friendly (i.e. the program or mechanisms for its operation should be easy to understand and operate by the staff that will be placed in charge of them)
  • be waterproof and able to function in extreme temperatures (- 35 degrees Celsius to +35 degrees Celsius) to accommodate the various seasons during the course of the year
  • result in fewer CO2 emissions than a garbage truck for the same volume of garbage
  • be able to process one 7-16 gallon-bag of garbage at a time
  • be easily cleaned and have removable containers/basins that can be used to catch and transfer the product to wherever it will be used
  • not release toxic fumes that will pollute the environment
  • be able to fuel their own operation using waste

Deadline: Closed. Previous deadline: May 28, 2020.

Contact: Government of Canada │




Value: Varies


Announced in Budget 2017, Impact Canada is a Government of Canada-wide effort that will help departments accelerate the adoption of innovative funding approaches to deliver meaningful results to Canadians.

This Impact Canada challenge platform is a core component of the initiative. It allows Government of Canada departments to issue challenges on a common site and reach a diverse group of problem solvers and innovators.

Impact Canada Challenges:

Deadline: Varies

Contact: Impact Canada │




Value: Varies

Description: Canada’s Oil Sands Innovation Alliance (COSIA) is an alliance of oil sands producers focused on accelerating the pace of improvement in environmental performance in Canada’s oil sands through collaborative action and innovation.

COSIA bring together leading thinkers from industry, government, academia and the wider public to improve measurement, accountability and environmental performance in the oil sands in four priority areas. COSIA’s Innovation Opportunities provide focused, actionable descriptions of the current state of opportunities related to environmental processes and impacts of the oil sands industry. Each represents a possibility that, if realized, would contribute towards the achievement of COSIA’s environmental aspirations.

Environmental Priority Areas:

Deadline: Varies

Contact: Canada’s Oil Sands Innovation Alliance (COSIA) │ 403-444-4282 │




Value: Varies.


Founded in 2008, CCIA is a statewide, industry-led, industry-focused organization dedicated to promoting Colorado’s cleantech industry. CCIA impacts Colorado’s policies, people, products and programs that drive expansion of a cleaner, cheaper, more efficient and secure energy economy. Through advocacy, public policy leadership, development and education, CCIA works to ensure that Colorado is a global cleantech leader.

CIA Cleantech Challenges:

Deadline: Varies.

Contact: Colorado Cleantech Industries Association (CCIA) │ (303) 748-5424 │





Value: Varies


Canada Green Corps is an innovative youth employment programme designed to launch the careers of talented, yet un- or underemployed, Canadian youth. Funded through Environment and Climate Change Canada, Canada Green Corps strategically fulfills government commitments to provide new employment opportunities for youth and showcase national leadership on climate action.

Eligible Applicants:

  • Non-profit organizations
  • Municipal, provincial, and territorial governments, institutions, agencies, and Crown corporations
  • Indigenous organizations (including band councils, tribal councils, and self-governing entities)
  • Private companies

Eligible employers must:

  • Offer meaningful work experience
  • Offer a 4 to 6 month term
  • Pay a portion of the youth’s salary

Eligible participants must:

  • Be eligible to be a part of the Green Corps
  • Be between 18 and 30 years of age
  • Be legally entitled to work in Canada
  • Not be a full-time student or co-op student

Additional restrictions do apply.

Eligible Expenses:

A wage subsidy for the duration of your Green Corps participant’s employment at your organization.

Deadline: Closed. Future deadlines to be determined.

Contact: United Nations Association in Canada │ (613) 232-5751 │




Value: $1,000


Women for Nature have established a grant/bursary for a young person “The Young Leader Grant” to develop and implement a project to celebrate the role that nature plays in our Canadian culture and identity.

Eligible Applicants:

Youths (under 30 years old)

Eligible Expenses:

This grant of $1,000 will support project implementation in the year 2021, to celebrate the role that nature plays in our Canadian culture and identity.

Deadline: February 28, 2021

Contact: Nature Canada │ 1-800-267-4088  or  613-562-3447




Value:  Up to $750

Description: The Alberta Emerald Foundation’s (AEF) Emerald Youth Grant program empowers students and youth (under 25) to make their dream environmental projects a reality. The AEF strives to distribute a total of 30 grants per year through the Emerald Youth Grants program.

Eligible Applicants:

  • Only group projects are eligible for funding. Individuals will not be approved.
  • Applicants are only eligible for one grant per granting period.

Eligible Expenses:

Funds are distributed in two amounts: $500 upfront when your environmental project pitch is approved. The remaining $250 will be distributed once we have reviewed your final report.

Deadline:  Fall (August-December) and Spring (January–June).

Contact: Alberta Emerald Foundation │




Value: Maximum $500


The Alberta Emerald Foundation believes in inspiring the next generation of eco-heroes by supporting Alberta’s young people (aged 25 and under) in their environmental efforts. With funds from founding program sponsors, and other sponsors and individual donors, the Alberta Emerald Foundation provides micro-grants of up to $500 to youth-led and youth-targeted environmental projects and initiatives. The Alberta Emerald Foundation intends to allocate over 100 Youth Environmental Engagement Grants each year.

Applications can be submitted in the following categories:

  • Green Builders: For the development of new green spaces, or the enhancement and improvement of existing ones. Includes community gardens, outdoor classrooms, and urban naturalization projects
  • Green Scholars: For educational experiences that result in environmental learning, inspiration, and personal/professional development. Includes presentations, experiments, field trips
  • Green Caretakers (Presented by ABCRC): For the creation of new recycling or composting programs, or the enhancement and improvement of existing ones
  • Green Energizers (Presented by Altalink): For the initiation of renewable energy or energy conservation projects, or the enhancement and improvement of existing ones
  • Green Guardians: For the protection and/or restoration and/or maintenance of natural habitats and areas

Eligible Applicants:

  • Schools and community organizations
  • Project or initiative must be led or targeted at individuals who are aged 25 years and under

Eligible Expenses:

To assist with the costs associated with environmental engagement activities, schools, classrooms, and community groups are invited to apply for a micro-grant of up to $500.

Deadline: Closed. Future deadlines to be determined.

Contact: Gregory Caswell │ 780-905-0390 │




If you found the right grant, your next step is to contact the grant agency. Here are Six Questions You Should Ask a Grant Agency Before You Write.

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