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Accelerating Hydrogen Challenge | Emissions Reduction Alberta (ERA)

September 26, 2023


up to $7 million with a minimum request of $250,000.


The Accelerating Hydrogen Challenge will invest up to $25 million to build a strong pipeline of hydrogen technologies across the province’s value chain including hydrogen production, storage, transmission, and end-use.

ERA’s $25 million Accelerating Hydrogen funding call will invest in later-stage pilot, demonstration, and first-of-kind projects. Funding is sourced from the Government of Alberta’s Technology Innovation and Emissions Reduction (TIER) fund.

Eligible Applicants

Innovators, technology developers, municipalities, Indigenous-led organizations, associations, research and development organizations, universities, not-for-profit organizations, and others are invited to apply.

Collaboration between multiple organizations is encouraged. Applicants are encouraged to partner with Alberta’s post-secondary and research institutions, Indigenous communities, and municipalities where appropriate.

Successful projects will demonstrate innovative solutions and next generation technologies and include elements of technology advancement and de-risking rather than deployment of commercially available solutions.

Eligible Expenses

Proposals are invited for technology solutions in all areas of the hydrogen value chain, including hydrogen production, transportation, storage, end use, and enablers.

Projects of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Low-carbon hydrogen production
    • Next-generation solutions for producing hydrogen from methane
    • Electrolytic production of hydrogen from water and clean electricity
    • Other emerging alternative hydrogen production pathways including photolytic hydrogen, bio-hydrogen, etc.
  • Novel hydrogen infrastructure
    • Hydrogen pipeline technologies including coatings and treatments
    • Novel hydrogen storage
    • Hydrogen distribution and delivery solutions
    • Hydrogen safety and infrastructure enablers
    • Hydrogen districts, clusters, and similar
  • Novel hydrogen carriers
    • Liquid carriers such as ammonia, methanol, or synthetic fuels
    • Metal-organic frameworks and similar
    • Power-to-gas and other hydrogen-based energy storage solutions
  • Hydrogen in industry
    • Substitution of low-emissions hydrogen as an industrial feedstock, chemical input, or fuel
    • Hydrogen fuel cells and turbines for production of power and/or heat for commercial or industrial applications
  • Hydrogen in transportation
    • Novel hydrogen fueling infrastructure
    • Hydrogen-fueled heavy-duty vehicles and equipment (transit, freight, services, mining, construction, agriculture, etc.)
    • Hydrogen for rail and aviation

Deadline Date

September 26, 2023.


Contact Name: Emissions Reduction Alberta (ERA)

Phone Number: 780-498-2068

E-mail Address:


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There is grant money waiting for YOU! BUT if you step in a “grant trap,” your application is a NO! Learn the FIVE most common errors to AVOID in government grants! Get the 5 Grant Gotchas now to save you countless hours.

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