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There is grant money waiting for YOU!

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On-Farm Value-added Program │ Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership in Alberta

February 28, 2025


Eligible capital expenses: will be cost-shared at 25% grant and 75% applicant. Eligible non-capital expenses: will be cost-shared at 50% grant and 50% applicant up to a maximum total amount of $50,000. The $50,000 maximum includes a $5,000 maximum for travel expenses.


The On-Farm Value-Added Grant Program supports primary producers in adding value to their agricultural products to grow sales, expand production capacity, explore market opportunities and create jobs in Alberta.

The program has 2 streams:

  • On-Farm Value-Added Stream A: (maximum grant $50,000) applications are assessed based on eligibility criteria
  • On-Farm Value-Added Stream B: (grant over $50,000 to maximum grant $250,000) applications are assessed based on eligibility criteria and merit scoring.

Eligible Applicants

To be eligible, an applicant must:

  • be a primary producer
  • be an individual or a corporation registered in Alberta that is operating in Alberta, or that can establish to the satisfaction of the minister that it will operate in Alberta
  • be responsible for input costs for crops, bees or livestock
  • produce at least $25,000 worth of commercial agriculture production annually
  • not be a landlord whose only interest in the crop, bee, cattle operation is ownership of the land
  • be adding value past harvest or slaughter of the agricultural product

Eligible Expenses

Eligible activities

Applicants can apply for activities under one or more of these funding categories:

  • processing capacity expansion
  • food safety improvement
  • new product and process development
  • market development and access

Deadline Date

Stream A – Opens April 15, 2024; Stream B – Open April 15 – May 27, 2024. Stream A application window will close when funds are fully utilized and may reopen if new funds become available.


Contact Name: On-Farm Value-Added Program team

Phone Number: 310-FARM (3276)

E-mail Address:








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There is grant money waiting for YOU! BUT if you step in a “grant trap,” your application is a NO! Learn the FIVE most common errors to AVOID in government grants! Get the 5 Grant Gotchas now to save you countless hours.

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