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BUT if you step in a “grant trap,” your application is a NO! Learn the FIVE most common errors to AVOID in government grants! Get the 5 Grant Gotchas now to save you countless hours.

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‘A’ Award Grant │Alex’s Lemonade Stand foundation for Childhood Cancer

June 13, 2024


The requested budget should be in proportion to the scope of the proposed project and should be at or under $800,000 USD in direct costs over four years. A maximum of $200,000 in total costs may be requested per year.


The purpose of the ‘A’ Award Grant is to advance ALSF’s mission to find cures and better treatments for childhood cancers by providing support to early career scientists who want to establish a career in pediatric oncology research. The ideal applicant has an original project that is not currently being funded. Demonstration of a future commitment to pediatric cancer investigation as well as institutional support for the career development of the investigator are critical components of a successful application. A mentor is required, and a career development plan must be included.

Eligible Applicants

  • Applicant institutions must be based in the United States or Canada. Applicants need not be United States citizens. Funds must be granted to nonprofit institutions or organizations.
  • Applicants must have an MD, PhD or MD/PhD (DO, MBBS or equivalent) and be within ten years of their terminal degree and five years of their first faculty appointment as an Assistant Professor at the time that their application is submitted. More senior Assistant Professors, as well as Associate and Full Professors, are ineligible. If still at the Instructor level, the applicant must have a firm commitment from the Department Chair/Division Chief at the time of grant submission for an Assistant Professor position within one year of receiving the award.
  • A minimum of 75% of the applicant’s time during the ‘A’ Award period must be allocated as non-clinical protected time for all research activities. This percentage of time includes both ‘A’ Award activities and the applicant’s other research responsibilities.
  • Mentor(s) must be identified and must be in the applicant’s home institution. A co-mentor whose research expertise is aligned with the application could be added from an outside institution.
  • Applicants cannot be the Principal Investigator (PI) of a K99/R00 or other independent, nationally competitive award (e.g., R01 or equivalent, P or U award) that has been funded or recommended for funding (i.e., will be funded) any time before the ‘A’ Award grant start date. R01 equivalent grants include the DP1, DP2, DP5, R01, R37, R56, RF1, RL1, U01 and selected R35 activity codes. Applicants cannot have 2 R21s or 2 R03s at any time before the award. Applicants, when unsure, are encouraged to contact ALSF at least 4 weeks before the application due date to determine eligibility.
  • Applicants may have mentored-career development grants (such as K01, K08, K23, K25) or mentored-research grants (such as ACS-Clinician Scientist Development Grant; DoD Physician Research Award) from other funding sources during the ‘A’ Award period, but there must be clear documentation of how scientific and budgetary overlap will be avoided.
  • Applicants currently holding an ALSF Young Investigator (YI) Grant may apply. If the ‘A’ Award is given, it would supersede the YI grant if there is an overlap in the funding periods.

Eligible Expenses

The requested budget should be in proportion to the scope of the proposed project and should be at or under $800,000 USD in direct costs over four years. A maximum of $200,000 in total costs may be requested per year.


  • ALSF adheres to the NIH salary cap for principal investigator(s).
  • Indirect costs are not allowed.
  • The grant may not be renewed; no-cost extension requests are allowed.
  • Other budget items may include the following: fringe benefits, travel, supplies, and equipment under $10,000. ALSF funds cannot be used for tuition remission.

If utilizing a subcontract or subaward, you must include this expense in the budget.

  • No indirect costs will be paid.
  • The PI’s institution is responsible for disbursing funds forsubawards and/or subcontracts.

Deadline Date

Application Due: June 13, 2024 By 8pm ET.


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Download Now! Five Grant Gotchas

There is grant money waiting for YOU! BUT if you step in a “grant trap,” your application is a NO! Learn the FIVE most common errors to AVOID in government grants! Get the 5 Grant Gotchas now to save you countless hours.

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