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There is grant money waiting for YOU!

BUT if you step in a “grant trap,” your application is a NO! Learn the FIVE most common errors to AVOID in government grants! Get the 5 Grant Gotchas now to save you countless hours.

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Acceleration │ SCALE AI:



Up to $50,000 in the form of reimbursement.


Scale AI’s Acceleration program is here to help you connect your clients, boost their revenue, and help them become bigger players in the world of AI. The Acceleration program extends funds to programs that have passed through our certification process. The Acceleration program does not directly fund individual AI startups or SMEs. Rather, Scale AI provides funding to the partner organizations that do.

Eligible Applicants

Programs certified by Scale AI’s Acceleration program may receive up to $50,000 in the form of reimbursement of eligible costs per AI startup or SME focused on building applied AI products and services for supply chains. Here’s how it works:

  • Funds are allocated based on number of startups or SMEs graduating a program
  • Each certified program is allocated a specific number of eligible startups and SMEs
  • Startups and SMEs must be based in Canada to be eligible for funding

Eligible Expenses

Budget include expenditures made in Canada relating to program activities that fall into one of the following categories:

  • wages and salaries for carrying out program activities;
  • costs related to equipment, room, coworking space, lab, facilities and supplies, including rental, operation and maintenance costs of the program;
  • materials, supplies, software and licences used by the program;

In-kind contributions are not considered as an eligible cost. However, these will be recognized as a tangible contribution to the program and will be considered as an additional benefit in the selection process.

All other costs will not be eligible for reimbursement. For example, capital investments, losses on investments, taxes, fines and penalties, depreciation, gifts, entertainment, legal fees, in-kind contributions and other expenses will not be eligible for reimbursement under this program.

Deadline Date



I’m going to let you in on a secret: You don’t have to waste countless hours or drown in paperwork to win grants

With ABG, you can find the right grants, prepare for your meeting, and write a winning application that will get you the most money, in the least amount of time.

Contact Alberta Business Grants right now.

Download Now! Five Grant Gotchas

There is grant money waiting for YOU! BUT if you step in a “grant trap,” your application is a NO! Learn the FIVE most common errors to AVOID in government grants! Get the 5 Grant Gotchas now to save you countless hours.

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