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Agri-marketing Program │Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC)

Open to applications


The maximum AAFC contribution toward a project will normally not exceed $2 million per year. If you have multiple projects funded under this program, the total of all projects cannot exceed $2 million per year or a maximum of $10 million over 5 years.


The AgriMarketing Program is a $129.97-million program under the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership (Sustainable CAP).

The program will:

  • support national agricultural sectors to increase and diversify exports to international markets and seize domestic market opportunities
  • grow the economy by increasing and diversifying Canadian exports of agriculture, agri-food, agri-based products, including fish and seafood, by increasing the visibility of Canadian products and increasing the capacity of exporting producers to identify and seize market development opportunities in targeted markets

Eligible Applicants

  • You are a not-for-profit organization (an organization that operates solely for social welfare, civic improvement, pleasure or recreation, or any other purpose except profit) or Indigenous organization (a First Nation, Métis or Inuit organization)
  • You demonstrate the ability to deliver a national and/or agriculture and agri-food sector-wide project
  • You should be a member of the Canada Brand
  • You are a legal entity capable of entering into legal binding agreement

Eligible Expenses

Contributions toward eligible costs will normally be shared between AAFC and you as follows:

  • AAFC — a maximum of 50%
  • You — a minimum of 50%

Your portion of the cost-share must be cash contributions. In-kind contributions are ineligible.

A cost share of 70:30 (AAFC):You may be considered by the program with funding available to support eligible project activities for:

  • underrepresented groups such as Indigenous-led and women-owned organizations in the agriculture, agri-food agri-based products sector, including fish and seafood, that can deliver a project from a national perspective
  • market diversification efforts targeting emerging markets in the Indo-Pacific Regions
    • For the Indo-Pacific Region, this special focus on market diversification to new and emerging markets aligns with AAFC and the Government of Canada’s international trade and market development priorities such as the Indo-Pacific Strategy.

Deadline Date

Program years 2023-2026 (funding in the first 3 fiscal years): starts March 6, 2023. Program years 2026-2028 (funding in the final 2 fiscal years of the program) starts September 1, 2025.


Contact Name: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada's Contact Centre

Phone Number: 1-877-246-4682

E-mail Address:


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