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AgriAssurance Program – Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Component │Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC)

Closed to applications


The maximum Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) contribution toward a project will normally not exceed $50,000.


The AgriAssurance Program is a $64.05-million program under the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership (Sustainable CAP).

The program will:

  • contribute to the overarching objectives of Resiliency and Public Trust Strategic Initiatives of Sustainable CAP by enabling the development and adoption of industry-led sector-specific assurance systems to manage risks, enhance resiliency and address market considerations and challenges to public trust at the national level
  • help small and medium-sized enterprises export products by supporting the adoption of assurance systems and tools to make verifiable claims in order to meet market requirements

The program has 2 components:

  • National Industry Association Component
  • Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Component

Eligible Applicants

You must meet all of the following criteria to be eligible.

  • You are a not-for-profit organization (an organization that operates solely for social welfare, civic improvement, pleasure or recreation, or any other purpose except profit) or Indigenous organization (a First Nation, Métis or Inuit organization)
  • You operate in the agriculture, agri-food and agri-products industry including the fish and seafood industry
  • You are directly involved in growing, harvesting, processing, or otherwise transforming or consolidating your products
  • Your project is aimed at meeting actual market-specific certification requirements (support under this component is only provided for initial certifications, not subsequent renewals)
  • You have up to 500 full-time equivalent employees
  • Your annual revenues don’t exceed $100 million
  • You are a legal entity capable of entering into legal binding agreements

Eligible Expenses

Eligible costs are project expenses, claimed or contributed, that fall within the set program cost categories and respect all program limitations. To be considered eligible, all costs must be:

  • included in the project application form budget
  • related to the activities included in the work plan
  • fall within the work plan activities timeframe

Deadline Date

Due to the high demand, the application intake period is now closed. Additional application dates may be announced in the future.

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