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AgriInnovate Program | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC)

March 31, 2028


The maximum Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) contribution toward a project will normally not exceed $5,000,000.


The AgriInnovate Program is a program under the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership (Sustainable CAP).

The program provides repayable contributions to incent targeted commercialization, demonstration and/or adoption of commercial-ready innovative technologies and processes that increase agricultural and agri-food sector competitiveness and sustainability benefits.

Eligible Applicants

You must meet all of the following criteria to be eligible.

  • You are a for-profit organization that is incorporated in Canada
    • Businesses and/or corporations
    • Co-operatives
    • Corporations and cooperatives in Indigenous communities
  • You are a legal entity capable of entering into legal binding agreements

Eligible Expenses

Eligible costs will not necessarily include all or be limited to the following:

  • Capital expenditures
    • Renovations, site improvements, leasehold improvements, building purchase*, construction* and related costs
    • Machinery, equipment, and software purchase and installation costs
  • Contracted services
    • Professional or specialized services needed to undertake eligible project activities and for which contracts are entered into
    • Costs of contracted work related to compliance with the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act 2012
  • Salaries/benefits
    • Labour, including wages/salaries and benefits, and specific per diem fees
  • Other direct project costs
    • Rental, lease of facilities, equipment or machinery
    • Goods and services and all related shipping and transportation costs
    • Construction or operating licenses and permits required to carry out the project
    • Start-up costs, including interest capitalized during construction, insurance during construction, fees and charges for operation of equipment for adjustment and calibration, and training
    • Production of materials required to fulfill obligations under the agreement, including translation and production of materials in the second official language
    • Limited marketing costs, such as hiring of marketing expertise and other related activities as may be deemed necessary to the success of the project (a maximum of 20% of total eligible costs are available for marketing activities);
    • Materials/consumables needed to undertake the project
    • Other reasonable costs directly related to the project, at the discretion of AAFC

Deadline Date

Applications will be accepted on a continuous basis until the end of the program on March 31, 2028, or until funding has been fully committed.

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There is grant money waiting for YOU! BUT if you step in a “grant trap,” your application is a NO! Learn the FIVE most common errors to AVOID in government grants! Get the 5 Grant Gotchas now to save you countless hours.

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