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There is grant money waiting for YOU!

BUT if you step in a “grant trap,” your application is a NO! Learn the FIVE most common errors to AVOID in government grants! Get the 5 Grant Gotchas now to save you countless hours.

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Career Starter Program | BioTalent Canada



Up to $20,000 in support, including wrap-around services.


The Career Starter Program facilitates the transition of barriered youth into the labour market. It bridges the gap between talent and industry, introduces participants to the bio-economy as a viable career path, and enables employers to strengthen their workforce.

Eligible Applicants

Participants must be:

  • Between 15 and 30 years of age (inclusive) 
  • New hires to the organization 
  • Not be in school full-time (part-time students can apply) 
  • Able to work full-time 
  • A Canadian citizen, or permanent resident or a protected person as defined by the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act 
  • Legally entitled to work in Canada 
  • Legally entitled to work according to the relevant provincial/territorial legislation and regulations 
  •  Barriered youth, including the following but not limited to: 
    • Involuntary NEET: Youth who are involuntarily not in employment, education, or training (NEET) 
    • Youth living with disabilities  
    • Youth in Official Language Minority communities 
    • Indigenous youth 
    • Recent immigrant and/or refugee 
    • Youth from racialized community groups 
    • 2SLGBTQI+ 
    • Youth experiencing homelessness or precarious housing 
    • Youth living in low-income households 
    • Youth residing in rural or remote areas 
    • Youth living with family care responsibilities (single parent youth, caregiver of dependents) 
    • Youth who are early leavers from high school 
    • Underemployed youth 
    • Women in STEM 
  • Youth Furthest from Employment: Youth aged 15 to 30 who are chronically not in employment, education or training (NEET) for at least 6 monthsAND who have other unmet basic needs (for example, income security, housing, disability, health, etc.) that undermine their employability. These youths also experience broader systemic barriers that negatively impact their ability to find and keep employment. Examples of these barriers are noted above, under the definition of barriered youth.  

Employer must:

  • Work within the bio-economy 
  • Maintain an internal process for supervising and mentoring for the participant 
  • Provide a full-time position, 30 hours per week or more for a minimum of 3 months 
  • Assign a mentor/job coach who will act as an advisor, counselor or guide to the participants and will promote personal and professional development. The mentor will provide support and feedback to the participants 
  • Submit progress reports as requested by BioTalent Canada 
  • Contribute at least 40% of the total salary of each participant 

This position must not be funded by another Federally funded program like IRAP, Mitacs, etc.

Eligible Expenses

In addition to the paid internship, the program will provide additional supports including: 

  • A BioTalent Canada case manager for each participant to create individualized case plans to follow up on goals, challenges and achievements and recommend wrap-around services to support them through a successful placement. 
  • Funding for wrap-around services —each participant will be granted individualized access to wrap-around services at an average of $2,500 per participant. Anticipated offerings include, but are not limited to training, disability accommodations, and various other services such as:  
    • Relocation costs 
    • Transportation supports 
    • Housing Assistance  
    • Accessibility accommodations 
    • Additional training for job success 
    • Counselling and mental health supports 
    • Personal protective equipment  
    • Childcare 
    • Legal supports  
    • Cultural competency training 
    • Networking events 
    • Mentoring 
    • Virtual networking sessions for participants 
    • Onboarding tools for employers, including a diversity and inclusion HR policy template and ongoing monitoring to ensure program success 

Deadline Date

Ongoing. Please click the link indicated below for update.


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Download Now! Five Grant Gotchas

There is grant money waiting for YOU! BUT if you step in a “grant trap,” your application is a NO! Learn the FIVE most common errors to AVOID in government grants! Get the 5 Grant Gotchas now to save you countless hours.

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