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Alberta Business Grants Ltd.

There is grant money waiting for YOU!

BUT if you step in a “grant trap,” your application is a NO! Learn the FIVE most common errors to AVOID in government grants! Get the 5 Grant Gotchas now to save you countless hours.

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Counter Uncrewed Aerial Systems Sandbox 2024 │ Innovation for Defence Excellence and Security (IDEaS)

December 31, 2023




Building on the results of the 2022 CUAS Sandbox, the Department of National Defence (DND) and the CAF and its defence and security partners (RCMP, public safety, etc.) are seeking CUAS solutions that can detect and/or defeat Micro and Mini UAS with systems that can be integrated into the broader military command and control systems, with an emphasis on hard-kill options.

New in 2023!

  • Sandbox prizes will be awarded, with $1 million for first place, $500,000 for second place, and $250,000 for third place. This will be based on the solution of the innovator’s concept as demonstrated at the Sandbox, combined with short-term growth potential which the DND/CAF expects to see at the CUAS Sandbox 2026.
  • In addition to the Sandbox, DND/CAF is looking for low Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 1-5 game-changing CUAS concepts that may be funded for development. See NEW – CUAS Concept development tab on this page.

Eligible Applicants

  • Applications are open to individuals, academia, not for profit organizations, and industry of any size, as well as provincial, territorial, and municipal organizations.
  • Federal government departments/agencies, and federal Crown Corporations are not eligible to submit applications to this Call for Applications.
  • Foreign companies can apply. Sandboxes are not exclusively restricted to made in Canada products/solutions; however, the level of Canadian content within each application will be given consideration during the evaluation process as described in section 6 of the Application Form.
    • How developed must my solution be? TRL 5 or higher. At a minimum, at the time of application your solution must have already successfully completed the work and validation testing associated with refining the integration of the solution’s components (Solution Readiness Level 5 or higher). This ensures that solutions are ready for the near-end state demonstrations and testing in a simulated environment that DND/CAF expects in a Sandbox. Learn more about TRLs.

Eligible Expenses

DND/CAF is providing the test environment at no cost to participants; however, DND/CAF recognizes there are costs incurred by participants to attend the Sandbox. In previous Sandboxes we provided up to $12,000 on a 50% cost sharing basis to contribute towards travel and hotel expenses.

In recognition of inflationary costs over time we are increasing the funding available to $20,000. Additionally, we are seeking to streamline the administrative burden for this and potentially remove the 50% sharing limitation. Details on these revisions will be announced in 2024, prior to the Sandbox.

Deadline Date

The 2024 CUAS Sandbox is underway! Stay tuned for updates on the event through social media – #DefenceIDEaS!

I’m going to let you in on a secret: You don’t have to waste countless hours or drown in paperwork to win grants

With ABG, you can find the right grants, prepare for your meeting, and write a winning application that will get you the most money, in the least amount of time.

Contact Alberta Business Grants right now.

Download Now! Five Grant Gotchas

There is grant money waiting for YOU! BUT if you step in a “grant trap,” your application is a NO! Learn the FIVE most common errors to AVOID in government grants! Get the 5 Grant Gotchas now to save you countless hours.

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