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Dairy Farm Investment Program

March 31, 2023


Maximum of $100,000 for all projects


The Dairy Farm Investment Program is a five-year (beginning 2017-2018) $250-million program to help Canadian cow’s milk producers improve productivity through upgrades to their equipment.

It is intended to assist dairy producers adapt to the anticipated impacts of the Canada–European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA).

Eligible Applicants

Applicants must ensure that they meet all eligibility criteria before applying.

Under DFIP Phase 2, eligible applicants must be legal entities capable of entering into legally binding agreements in Canada. Eligible applicants must be Canadian licensed cow’s milk producers. Applicants must own a valid dairy license stating the production quota and be registered with a provincial milk marketing board.

Applicants not approved under Phase 1 must re-apply if they wish to have their project considered under Phase 2.

An applicant may submit only one application per dairy license for Phase 2.

Eligible Expenses

DFIP Cost Categories and Types include:

  • Equipment
    • Costs of new equipment. Please refer to Annex A for a list of eligible equipment types.
  • Associated Costs
    • Associated costs are those costs related to the purchase of new equipment, such as:
      • Consultant fees: as billed to the applicant and including reasonable travel costs for the consultant, to assess how the applicant can improve on-farm efficiencies and productivityNote: Consultant fees are only eligible if the applicant is applying for DFIP funding for the purchase of equipment stemming from the consultant’s report/recommendation
      • Installation (Labour): physical labour and associated technical and trade services for the installation of eligible equipment
      • Installation (Material costs): material costs, including tool rental and machinery rental, for the installation of eligible equipment
      • Retrofits (Labour): physical labour and associated technical and trade services for retrofits of an existing facility (as it relates to the installation and operation of eligible equipment)
      • Retrofits (Material Costs): material costs, including tool rental and machinery rental, for retrofits of an existing facility (as it relates to the installation and operation of eligible equipment)
      • Salaries and Benefits: limited to incremental costs only, for salaries and benefits pertaining to:
        • transportation and installation of eligible equipment
        • training
        • existing facility retrofits (as it relates to the installation and operation of eligible equipment)
      • Shipping: costs related to shipping eligible equipment
      • Training: costs, including reasonable travel costs for the trainer, for short term training related to the implementation of eligible equipment
      • Travel (Ground Transportation, Per Diem): for required training to properly operate the eligible equipment, accessories and commercial off-the-shelf software
      • Other Associated Cost: related to the purchase of eligible equipment

Deadline Date

The application intake period for the Dairy Farm Investment Program is closed.


Contact Name: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada c/o Dairy Farm Investment Program (DFIP)

Phone Number: 1-877-246-4682

E-mail Address:


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There is grant money waiting for YOU! BUT if you step in a “grant trap,” your application is a NO! Learn the FIVE most common errors to AVOID in government grants! Get the 5 Grant Gotchas now to save you countless hours.

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