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Environmental Damages Fund (EDF) │Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC)

Open to applications


Available funding varies according to the number of court awards and voluntary contributions directed to the EDF.


The Environmental Damages Fund (EDF) is a Government of Canada program administered by Environment and Climate Change Canada. The Fund receives money from fines, penalties, court orders, and voluntary payments for environmental violations. This money is used to support projects that will benefit Canada’s natural environment, usually in the area where the violation occurred.

The Fund invests in projects falling within 4 funding categories:

  • Restoration
  • Environmental quality improvement
  • Research and development, and
  • Education and awareness

Eligible Applicants

To be eligible, applicants must be not-for-profit, and may include:

  • non-government organizations (e.g., environmental community groups, registered charities, etc.)
  • Indigenous organizations, defined as:
    • national, provincial, and territorial Indigenous organizations
    • Tribal councils
    • Indigenous communities
  • universities and academic institutions (e.g., community colleges, CÉGEP)
  • provincial, territorial, and municipal governments.

Applicants must provide an identification number for their organization in their application, such as a Charitable Number, Non-Profit Organization Registration Number or First Nations Band Number.

Eligible Expenses

EDF funding is available for projects that fall into one or more of the following four EDF funding categories:

  • Restoration
    • restore the same type of natural resource(s) lost, of the same quality and value in the locale where the incident occurred
    • restore the same type of natural resource(s) lost, of the same quality and value in another locale
    • restore the same type of natural resource(s), but of different quality in the locale where the incident occurred
  • Environmental quality improvement
    • improve or enhance different natural resources in the locale in which the incident occurred
    • improve or enhance different natural resources in a different locale
    • improve or enhance environments previously degraded by pollutant discharges or other human-induced alterations (e.g., tidal barriers, dike lands)
  • Research and development
    • undertake the assessment or research of environmental damage in support of restoration planning, including the long-term effects and cumulative impacts of pollutant discharges, or for increased understanding of limiting factors for migratory bird populations
    • develop environmental damage assessment and restoration methods, including techniques for the valuation of damage; restoration alternatives (e.g., environmental management plans)
  • Education and awareness
    • promote education related to environmental damage restoration, including training for the assessment and restoration of damage, or for increased awareness and compliance with environmental regulations
    • promote community capacity building and environmental stewardship in support of environmental damage restoration

Deadline Date

The Environmental Damages Fund is accepting funding applications until April 16, 2025, 15:00:00 Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).

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