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Global Call for Collaborators – Pfizer Migraine Research

November 13, 2024


Up to $500,000 USD, for a length of 24 36 months.


This competitive call for collaborator(s) (CFC(s)) seeks to identify investigators with innovative research proposals who are interested in
partnering with Pfizer and potentially other likeminded investigators on co-developing research studies in migraine. Proposals selected from this CFC(s) will work in collaboration with the Pfizer medical team to co-develop a research project and final study protocol. In all studies, the investigator will be the regulatory sponsor of the study.

Eligible Applicants

Applicant Eligibility Criteria:

  • Global
  • The institution and Principal Investigator (PI) must be based in one of the eligible countries.
  • Only organizations are eligible to receive funds and in-kind support, not individuals or medical practice groups (i.e., an independent group of physicians not affiliated with a hospital, academic institution, or professional society).
  • If the project involves multiple departments within an institution and/or between different institutions / organizations / associations, all institutions must have a relevant role and the requesting organization must have a key role in the project.
  • The PI must have a medical or postdoctoral degree (MD, PhD, or equivalent), an advanced nursing degree (BSN with a MS/PhD), or a degree in Pharmacy, Physiotherapy, or Social Work.
  • The applicant must be the PI or an authorized designee of such individual (e.g., PI’s research coordinator).
  • The PI must be an employee or contractor of the requesting organization.
  • If selected, the PI and their organization are willing and able to engage in a Research Collaboration with Pfizer; see definition of ‘Research Collaboration’ further down for details.
  • For all Research Collaborations (RCs), the grant requester (and ultimately the grantee) is responsible for the design, implementation, sponsorship, and conduct of the initiative supported by the RC, including compliance with any regulatory requirements. Pfizer may be involved in the design of the study protocol and project development, as well as the conduct or monitoring of the research program. Preference will be given to PIs that are open to collaborative agreements with other institutions with similar research interests.
  • Requesting organization must be legally able to receive award funding directly from Pfizer Inc. We strongly recommend that applicants confirm this with their organization or institution prior to submitting an application. Funding awarded to organizations that are subsequently found to be unable to accept funding directly from Pfizer Inc. may be cancelled.

Eligible Expenses

Under this LOI submission, applicants must utilize the CFC template to submit a high-level synopsis of the proposed research study. The research study must focus on one (or more) of the below. Pre-clinical and interventional clinical trials, will be considered:

  • The effects of rimegepant on non-pain aspects of migraine (in particular – cognitive dysfunction, mood/affective disturbances, vertigo), or assessing/defining functional clinical benefit in migraine.
  • The effects of rimegepant on migraine populations with high disease burden (e.g., chronic migraine, medication overuse/medication overuse headache, psychiatric comorbidities).
  • Systematic evaluation of the short- term preventive use of rimegepant during periods of increased risk for migraine.
  • The assessment of rimegepant in non-migraine headache disorders (e.g., cluster headache and post-traumatic headache).
  • Outcomes associated with the use of rimegepant or zavegepant in understudied adult populations, such as men, underrepresented racial, ethnic, and LGBTQIA+ individuals.
  • Combination studies with rimegepant or zavegepant in the acute treatment of migraine.
  • The assessment of zavegepant in the following: status migrainosus, cluster headache, functional GI disorders.

Deadline Date

November 13, 2024

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