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Indigenous Forestry Initiative | Natural Resource Canada:

October 30, 2023


up to $50,000


The objective of the Indigenous Forestry Initiative (IFI) is to advance reconciliation in the forest sector by supporting Indigenous-identified priorities to accelerate Indigenous awareness, influence, inclusion, and leadership.

The IFI provides financial support to inclusive, Indigenous-led activities in the forest sector, such as:

  • gathering, developing, using, and protecting Indigenous knowledge and science
  • Indigenous leadership and participation in forest stewardship
  • the identification, consideration, and pursuit of economic development opportunities

Eligible Applicants

Eligible recipients are:

  • Indigenous individuals and entities, including:
    • Indigenous communities and governments (Indian Act bands, self-governing First Nations, Métis community organizations, modern treaty implementation organizations including economic development corporations constituted under a modern treaty, etc.)
    • tribal councils or entities that fulfill a similar function (e.g., general council)
    • national and regional Indigenous organizations, as well as tribal organizations
    • Indigenous organizations (with 50% or greater Indigenous ownership) that are legally registered or incorporated for-profit and not-for-profit corporations, businesses, joint ventures, partnerships, associations, co-operatives and institutions
  • Non-Indigenous entities, validly incorporated or registered in Canada, who are working with or on behalf of one or more endorsing Indigenous partner organization(s), including:
    • not-for-profit organizations
    • academia and research associations
    • provincial, territorial, municipal and regional governments

Eligible Expenses

Projects eligible for contributions include:

  • engagement and consultation activities
  • knowledge and science activities
  • planning and decision-making activities
  • forest sector development, conservation, and workforce diversification activities

In this call, grants of up to $50,000 are targeted to support Indigenous preparation and participation in industry or government-led sustainable forest management (SFM) planning, forest policy development, or other instances where free, prior, and informed consent (FPIC) is sought in relation to forest sector development.

The intent for offering these targeted grants is to enhance the influence of Indigenous communities on sustainable forest management practices in Canada.

Deadline Date

Closed. Expressions of Interest (EOIs) was October 30, 2023.

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There is grant money waiting for YOU! BUT if you step in a “grant trap,” your application is a NO! Learn the FIVE most common errors to AVOID in government grants! Get the 5 Grant Gotchas now to save you countless hours.

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