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Indigenous Languages Component – Multi-distinction and Indigenous Urban Organizations │Canadian Heritage

Closed to applications


Canadian Heritage can fund up to 100% of eligible expenses.


The objectives of the Indigenous Languages Component are to:

  • support the efforts of Indigenous communities and Indigenous organizations to reclaim, revitalize, maintain and strengthen their Indigenous languages
  • create new Indigenous language speakers, increase fluency, immersion opportunities, increase use of Indigenous languages, and the documentation of all Indigenous languages

Eligible Applicants

To be eligible, an applicant must be an Indigenous multi-distinction and urban organization or group within Canada, and in good standing.

Indigenous organization or group refers to an organization or group that is owned and controlled by Indigenous persons, including an Indigenous-owned corporation or an Indigenous controlled not-for-profit organization, which directly delivers language revitalization services or that otherwise supports the delivery of language revitalization services. This includes:

  • not-for-profit organization;
  • institution and accredited programs;
  • ad hoc group that has formed to do a specific language project; and
  • for-profit organization, provided that the activities for which they are requesting funding will not result in income generation for their sole benefit.

Multi-distinction refers to organizations or projects that include Indigenous language activities from more than one distinction. The distinctions are First Nations, Inuit and Métis.

Eligible Expenses

Only expenditures for activities related to the objectives of the Indigenous Languages Component – multi-distinction languages and Indigenous urban organizations are eligible, these include:

  • start-up costs for Indigenous organizations whose mandate is to support the reclamation, revitalization, maintenance and strengthening of Indigenous languages;
  • salaries and employee benefits;
  • in exceptional circumstances, stipends, allowances or honoraria for attendance in a course or activity;
  • travel expenses, which must not exceed the rates permitted as per travel on government business;
  • professional development and training programs;
  • meetings;
  • rent and utilities related to the activities;
  • photocopying and printing services related to the activities
  • translation and communications;
  • professional, consulting and Elder fees;
  • equipment rental, service and purchase;
  • costs associated with information technology, including purchase and upgrade of hardware and software;
  • minor renovation in the context of promotional languages activities;
  • project supplies and resource materials related to the activities;
  • general liability insurances; and
  • administrative costs, such as: bookkeeping services, office supplies, telephone, fax, utilities, postage and courier fees, photocopying, printing, rent for office space, audit, legal, translation. Administrative costs cannot exceed 15% of the total approved funding.

Eligible expenses approved for a fiscal year must be incurred between April 1 and March 31 of that fiscal year.

Deadline Date

The application deadline for fiscal year 2025-2026 is February 17, 2025, by 11:59 pm (ET).

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