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NSERC and L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science Supplement │Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)

Open to applications




NSERC and L’Oréal Canada, in collaboration with the Canadian Commission for UNESCO, offer one $10,000 supplement annually to a woman involved in a promising research project who has been awarded an NSERC Postdoctoral Fellowship (PDF) and who has demonstrated exemplary involvement in science promotion, mentorship and leadership.

Eligible Applicants

To hold this supplement, you must:

  • be a woman
  • be awarded and accept an NSERC PDF
  • take up the NSERC PDF award in Canada
  • be invited to apply for the NSERC and L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science supplement

Eligible Expenses

NSERC and L’Oréal Canada will supplement the successful candidate’s NSERC PDF award by $10,000 ($5,000 from NSERC and $5,000 from L’Oréal Canada) for one year. One supplement is offered annually.

Deadline Date

April (date will be announced only to those who have been invited to apply).


Contact Name: Virginie Hotte-Dupuis or NSERC Scholarships and Fellowships division

E-mail Address: or


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