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Operating Grant: Summer Program in Aging – Planning Grant │Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)

April 15, 2025


The total amount available for this funding opportunity is $150,000, enough to fund one grant.


The specific objective of this funding opportunity is to:

  • Provide funding to develop and implement an intensive capacity-building program on the topic of Impact of climate change on the health of older persons

The host of SPA 2026 will:

  • Develop the program and curriculum for an advanced training program for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows on the topic Impact of climate change on the health of older persons
  • Include an Indigenous health component in the program
  • Recruit/lead a planning and coordination team for SPA 2026
  • Coordinate and manage the logistics related to the successful implementation of the SPA 2026 program
  • Organize a 20th anniversary symposium (with guidance from the CIHR-Institute of Aging) that celebrates the impact of the SPA program.

Eligible Applicants

For an application to be eligible, all the requirements stated below must be met:

  1. The Nominated Principal Applicant must be an independent researcher, at the time of application, who is affiliated with a Canadian postsecondary institution and/or its affiliated institutions (including hospitals, research institutes and other non-profit organizations with a mandate for health research and/or knowledge mobilization).
  2. The NPA must have their substantive role in Canada for the duration of the requested grant term.
  3. The Institution Paid receives and administers the funds on behalf of the NPA and therefore must be authorized by CIHR before the funds can be released.
  4. If the Institution Paid is not on the List of CIHR Eligible Institutions, they are encouraged to contact the Contact Centre, in advance, to enquire about the authorization process and timelines.
  5. The applicant team must include:
    1. At least one Principal Applicant (may be the NPA) who self-identifies as First Nations, Inuit or Métis and/or provides evidence of having meaningful and culturally safe involvement with Indigenous Peoples. These applicant(s) are required to complete the Indigenous Health Research Cultural Safety Form. See the How to Apply section for more details; or
    2. An Indigenous Elder and/or an Indigenous Knowledge Keeper, an Indigenous patient or person with lived/living experience, or an Indigenous service provider identified on the application in any role*.
  6. The Nominated Principal Applicant must have successfully completed one of the sex- and gender-based analysis training modules available online through the CIHR Institute of Gender and Health.
    1. Select and complete the training module most applicable to the program and submit the Certificate of Completion. See How to Apply for more details.
    2. Applicants are encouraged to review the “How to integrate sex and gender in research” section on the CIHR website.

Eligible Expenses

Applicants are advised to consult the Use of Grant Funds section of the Tri-Agency (CIHR, NSERC and SSHRC) Guide on Financial Administration (TAGFA) to determine if an expenditure is an appropriate use of grant funds.

  • Of the $150,000 available for this funding opportunity:
  • $130,000 is available to organize SPA 2026. This includes site rental, trainee and speaker/mentor accommodations, all meals and activities during the program, and any transfers to and from the airport to the location of the program. Up to $10,000 of this amount, can be dedicated to hire up to four local trainees who will help with program planning. These local trainees will attend the SPA program and perform onsite tasks as needed.
  • $20,000 is dedicated funding to organize a twentieth anniversary CIHR-IA Summer Program in Aging Symposium, entitled Impact of CIHR-IA SPA and the evolution of research on aging in Canada.
    • The following costs are not eligible for support:
      • Stipend/salary support for investigators, research trainees or technical assistants (other than for aforementioned purposes);
      • Purchase or maintenance of equipment;
      • Operating costs of research projects, including clinical trials.
  • The Tri-Council Policy Statement 2 (TCPS 2 – Chapter 9 Research Involving the First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples of Canada) recognizes the importance of respecting the culture and traditions of Indigenous Peoples and acknowledges the necessity to incur expenditures in that regard in the conduct of research. As such, the Agency considers these expenditures eligible for payment from the grant holder’s grant funds (with appropriate backup documentation);
    • Costs related to community mobilization and engagement, including culturally relevant promotional items such as, tobacco, cloth, feasting and gift giving for honoring ceremonies, and cash reimbursements (in a method acceptable to the individual or community being reimbursed) to compensate community participation; and
    • Contracts and/or consultant fees for knowledge translation and communication activities for Indigenous Elders, community members, and Indigenous Knowledge Keepers involved in activities related to the Indigenous community.

Deadline Date

April 15, 2025

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There is grant money waiting for YOU! BUT if you step in a “grant trap,” your application is a NO! Learn the FIVE most common errors to AVOID in government grants! Get the 5 Grant Gotchas now to save you countless hours.

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