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There is grant money waiting for YOU!

BUT if you step in a “grant trap,” your application is a NO! Learn the FIVE most common errors to AVOID in government grants! Get the 5 Grant Gotchas now to save you countless hours.

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Partnership Grants │Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)

February 10, 2025


Stage 1: up to $20,000; Stage 2 (by invitation only): up to $2.5 million


Partnership Grants provide support for new and existing formal partnerships over four to seven years to advance research, research training and/or knowledge mobilization in the social sciences and humanities. This is done through mutual co-operation and sharing of intellectual leadership, as well as through resources as shown by cash and/or in-kind contributions.

Partnership Grants are intended for large teams of postsecondary institutions and/or organizations of various types that work in formal collaboration.

Eligible Applicants

Applications must be submitted by an eligible Canadian institution. The project director must be affiliated with the host institution (the applicant) and prepares the application on behalf of the host institution and the formal partnership. The term “institution” from this point on refers to both postsecondary institutions and not‑for‑profit organizations.

Project directors who have received a SSHRC grant of any type but have failed to submit an achievement report by the deadline specified in their Notice of Award are not eligible to apply for another SSHRC grant until they have submitted the report.

  • Postdoctoral researchers are eligible to be project directors if they have formally established an affiliation with the host institution within five months of the grant start date, and maintain such an affiliation for the duration of the grant period. Before applying, postdoctoral researchers must confirm with their institution’s research grants officer that the institution can administer the funding if awarded.
  • Students enrolled in a program of study are not eligible to apply as project directors. However, a PhD candidate is eligible to apply if they:
    • will have met all requirements for the PhD before the grant is awarded, including all course work and successful defence of their dissertation; and
    • establish a formal affiliation with a host institution within five months of the grant start date, and maintain this affiliation for the duration of the grant period.
  • Federal scientists who are affiliated with a Canadian postsecondary institution must demonstrate that their proposed research or research-related activity is not related to either the mandate of their employer or the normal duties for which they receive payment from that employer.

Eligible Expenses

Partnership Grants undergo a two-stage adjudication process. Only applicants successful in Stage 1 will be invited to apply in Stage 2.

Stage 1: Applications successful in Stage 1 are valued at up to $20,000. These funds help applicants successful in Stage 1 to prepare for the Stage 2 application, that is, to:

  • further refine the question(s) to be addressed;
  • establish partnership arrangements, a governance structure and/or an approach/methodology; and
  • consolidate their collaborative activities.


Stage 2 (by invitation only): Partnership Grants in Stage 2 are valued at up to $500,000 per year over four to seven years, up to a total of $2,500,000.

Deadline Date

February 10, 2025 (8 p.m. eastern)

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Download Now! Five Grant Gotchas

There is grant money waiting for YOU! BUT if you step in a “grant trap,” your application is a NO! Learn the FIVE most common errors to AVOID in government grants! Get the 5 Grant Gotchas now to save you countless hours.

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