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Skills development and Technical and vocational education and training (TVET) fund

March 6, 2025


up to a maximum $49.5 million


The skills development and technical and vocational education and training (TVET) fund call is a single-step application process requiring applicant organizations to submit a full proposal.

The total amount of funding available under this call is up to $49.5 million over 5 years. Global Affairs Canada (GAC) may fund one proposal, or none, up to the maximum funding available.

Eligible Applicants

Applicants should review the eligibility screening requirements to ensure that they are eligible for funding under this call. GAC will not pre-assess or comment on the eligibility of specific potential applicants. To be eligible, you must meet each of the following eligibility screening requirements and, where stipulated, provide supporting documentation. If your organization is submitting a proposal on behalf of a group of organizations that would sign the funding agreement with GAC, each organization (i.e. co-signatory) must meet all of the following requirements and provide documentation:

  • Your organization is a Canadian organization, which means for the purpose of this call that your organization is legally incorporated in Canada, established with an office and employees in Canada and can provide proof of legal status (e.g. a letter of incorporation) along with a Canada Revenue Agency business number;
    • If your organization is an Indigenous organization in Canada, it must provide supporting documentation on its history, governance and/or ownership structure.
  • You must provide separate financial statements for your organization’s 2 most recent fiscal years. Audited statements are preferred. If these are not available, statements must be signed by a member of the board of directors of each signatory, by the board’s delegate or by the owner(s). Note: since financial statements usually provide comparative information from the previous year, these statements will be used to do a 3-year trend analysis;
  • Your organization is registered in the Partners@International portal; and
  • You must provide an Organization Attestation (PDF, 102 KB, 4 pages) signed by the organization’s chief financial officer or a duly authorized board member.

If you are unable to respond to any of the above requirements, your organization is not eligible to apply under this call.

Eligible Expenses

Projects supported by the fund shall:

  • Support the achievement of the defined ultimate and intermediate results framework;
  • Target the hardest-to-reach young people, including young women and girls, youth living with disabilities, marginalized youth, refugees and displaced populations;
  • Target emerging sectors with growing work opportunities for youth such as the blue, green and digital economies, as per the above definitions;
  • Ensure, in partnership with employers including local businesses and private sector organizations, that:
    • technical, vocational and transferable skills training, as well as curriculum development, are responsive to local and national labour markets;
    • programming includes the provision of work-readiness opportunities, such as career counselling, job placements, internships and apprenticeships, mentorships, business development services, financial inclusion, etc.;
  • Support an enabling environment through collaboration with local and/or national governments to identify and address systemic barriers that prevent access to training and decent work opportunities for youth; and
  • Ensure gender equality and women’s and girls’ empowerment are integrated where possible.

Transferable skills include a range of skills and competencies often called soft skills, life skills, employability skills and socio-emotional skills.

Deadline Date

The deadline for submitting a proposal is March 6, 2025, 12 p.m. (noon) Eastern Time.

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