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Alberta Business Grants Ltd.

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Found 1196 Results
Page 87 of 120
deadline_date: June 30, 2024
Closed to applications

Green Construction through Wood (GCWood) Program
Closed to applications

The Green Construction through Wood (GCWood) program encourages the use of innovative wood-based building technologies in construction projects. This program supports Canada’s commitment to reach 2030 and 2050 emissions reduction […]


November 22, 2023

deadline_date: March 31, 2027
Open to applications

Green Freight Program
Open to applications

The Green Freight Program will help fleets reduce their fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions through fleet energy assessments, fleet retrofits, engine repowers, logistical best-practice implementation and the purchase of […]


deadline_date: August 10, 2022
Closed to applications

Institutional Support of Entrepreneurship Education
Closed to applications

Institutional Support of Entrepreneurship Education (ISEE) provides Alberta’s publicly funded institutions and other innovative organizations with funding to offer entrepreneurial learning opportunities to secondary and post-secondary students and recent graduates, to help […]


Graduate Student Scholarships
Open to applications

We are proud to support the next generation of leaders in emerging technology areas in their pursuit of academic excellence through scholarship funding that can enable the student to devote […]


Indigenous Courtwork Program
Open to applications

The Indigenous Courtwork Program (formerly the Aboriginal Courtwork Program) is provided through contribution agreements with participating provincial governments. In the three territories, federal financial support is provided through the Access […]


Child Support Resolution Program
Open to applications

The Child Support Resolution Program is free. This program helps parents: reach an agreement about financial support for their children enter a legally enforceable court order for child support Parents […]


Drug Treatment Court Funding Program
Open to applications

The Drug Treatment Court Funding Program provides contribution funding to the provinces and territories to implement drug treatment courts (DTCs). DTCs offer eligible offenders with a substance use disorder the […]


On-reserve Income Assistance program
Open to applications

On-reserve Income Assistance program helps eligible on-reserve residents and Status Indians in the Yukon cover the costs of their daily living and provides funding to access employment supports.


deadline_date: October 23, 2023
Closed to applications

Indigenous Guardians:
Closed to applications

Indigenous Guardians funding provides Indigenous Peoples with a greater opportunity to exercise responsibility in stewardship of their traditional lands, waters, and ice. Funding for Guardians initiatives supports Indigenous rights and […]


Canadian Technology Accelerators:
Open to applications

Join a Canadian Technology Accelerator (CTA) to explore opportunities to grow your business in 12 global tech hubs worldwide. There’s no cost to join, other than your travel and accommodation. […]


Page 87 of 120

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There is grant money waiting for YOU! BUT if you step in a “grant trap,” your application is a NO! Learn the FIVE most common errors to AVOID in government grants! Get the 5 Grant Gotchas now to save you countless hours.

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