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There is grant money waiting for YOU!

BUT if you step in a “grant trap,” your application is a NO! Learn the FIVE most common errors to AVOID in government grants! Get the 5 Grant Gotchas now to save you countless hours.

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Connection Grants │ Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)



Events: $7,000 to $25,000; Outreach activities: $7,000 to $50,000.


These grants support events and outreach activities geared toward short-term, targeted knowledge mobilization initiatives. These events and activities represent opportunities to exchange knowledge and engage with participants on research issues they value. Events and outreach activities funded by a Connection Grant can often serve as a first step toward more comprehensive and longer-term projects.

Eligible Applicants

Applications may be submitted by institutions or by individual applicants and teams (consisting of one applicant or project director and one or more co-applicants and/or collaborators).

Institutional Connection Grant applications must be submitted by an eligible Canadian institution to conduct an event, outreach activity or a combination of the two that allows the institution to achieve strategic objectives relevant to its mission and mandate. The project director must be affiliated with the host institution (the applicant), prepare the application on behalf of the host institution and be responsible for the overall leadership of the project. The term “institution” from this point on in this description refers to both postsecondary institutions and not‑for‑profit organizations.

Individual Connection Grant applicants (except postdoctoral researchers) must be affiliated with an eligible Canadian postsecondary institution at the time of application. Applicants conduct an event, outreach activity or a combination of the two that primarily falls in their areas of expertise and will allow them to make a significant contribution to their field of research. In the case of a team approach, all team members must meet the eligibility criteria specific to their role.

Eligible Expenses

Events are short-term activities that are usually completed in a week or less (e.g., a two-day conference or a one-week workshop). The bulk of the activities will happen within this short period. As part of the overall proposal, applicants may request support for longer-term activities directly related to the event (e.g., developing proceedings, publications or reports, or other forms of knowledge synthesis).

Proposed events can be:

  • face-to-face or involve virtual interaction;
  • discipline-specific, or cross-disciplinary and/or cross-sectoral; and
  • open- or closed-invitation.


Proposed outreach activities must be designed to engage a broader public in social sciences and humanities knowledge through one or a combination of the following: knowledge dissemination, transfer, brokering, translation, synthesis, exchange, networking or co-creation beyond what would typically be achieved through an event. Proposed activities can include, but are not limited to:

  • adaptation (including translation, for example, into French, English or Indigenous languages) of texts or presentations for the purpose of broader knowledge mobilization to different audiences;
  • development of policy briefs, knowledge syntheses and scoping reviews;
  • development of articles for print or online publication in newspapers or weekly or monthly magazines—whether specialized or general interest;
  • virtual networking;
  • media events (such as television/radio presentations);
  • summer schools/institutes;
  • speaker series;
  • public debates;
  • artistic exhibits, performances or festivals;
  • development/use of interactive technologies, audio-visual products or software; and/or
  • development/use of educational aids, instruments or equipment.

Deadline Date

Open and closes. February 1, 2024; May 1, 2024; June 20, 2024; November 1, 2024 (8 p.m. eastern)

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Download Now! Five Grant Gotchas

There is grant money waiting for YOU! BUT if you step in a “grant trap,” your application is a NO! Learn the FIVE most common errors to AVOID in government grants! Get the 5 Grant Gotchas now to save you countless hours.

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