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Humanitarian Workforce: COVID-19 and other large-scale emergencies │Public Safety Canada

March 31, 2026


$36.3M each year for stream 1 and stream 2 combined.


The Supporting a Humanitarian Workforce to Respond to COVID-19 and Other Large-Scale Emergencies program supports non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to provide assistance to jurisdictions in Canada.

Funding from this program helps eligible organizations build capacity and deploy resources to respond to emergencies including the COVID-19 pandemic or other large-scale emergencies such as wildfires and floods. For example, this program can provide funding for an NGO to temporarily deploy nurses to assist with vaccination, following a Request for Federal Assistance from a province or territory.

Eligible Applicants

Eligible recipients for this program are Canadian not-for-profit organizations that would be approved by the Deputy Ministers’ Emergency Management Committee (DM-EMC) based on meeting these eligibility criteria and proposal requirements.

Capacity-building projects and deployment projects are eligible.

Eligible projects for funding under the Program must aim directly to reduce the impact of COVID-19 or other large-scale emergencies in Canada and fall under one or more of the following streams:

  • Stream 1: Emergency Readiness: Capacity Building
  • Stream 2: Emergency Response:
    • Stream 2A: Supporting Emergency Response and Recovery through Risk Reduction.
    • Stream 2B: Virtual Relief Services; and,
    • Stream 2C: Surge health and emergency management services.

Eligible Expenses

Eligible expenditures, including expenditures resulting from a redistribution of funds by recipients, are:

  • Salary, including benefits and overtime for paid administrative and operational employees engaged in eligible activities;
  • Emergency equipment and supplies (such as PPE, medical supplies, cots, tents, etc.);
  • Medical equipment ($10,000 or less per acquisition);
  • Movement and transportation of equipment;
  • Material shipping & handling;
  • Transportation services;
  • Sustainment of deployed personnel and volunteers;
  • Operational supplies (such as emergency social services and basic needs: emergency lodging, food and clothing for individuals and families);
  • Professional services (e.g., legal, accounting, and auditing services, should the capacity not already exist in the organization);
  • Incremental insurance fees for operations;
  • Minor capital acquisitions net of disposal ($10,000 or less per acquisition);
  • Program supplies and materials ($10,000 or less per acquisition);
  • Travel and living expenses related to the delivery of the project;
  • Rental (equipment);
  • Rental (facilities);
  • Computer services, research costs and collection and analysis of statistics;
  • Translation and simultaneous interpretation activities;
  • Printing and distribution activities directly related to eligible activities;
  • Costs associated with restoring infrastructure to a level exceeding its pre-disaster condition for enhanced resilience (subject to limitations set out in section 11);
  • Decontamination of private property and infrastructure, and public infrastructure to a level exceeding its pre-disaster condition (subject to limitations set out in section 11);
  • Repairs to a non-primary dwelling, and building materials associated with said reconstruction (subject to limitations set out in section 11);
  • Hospitality in the Indigenous context will be considered as an eligible expense for:
    • gatherings
    • feasts
    • ceremonies
    • circles

    Hospitality in this case takes the form of food and drink but does not include alcohol.

  • Other costs, as approved in writing by the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness.

Deadline Date

The Supporting a Humanitarian Workforce to Respond to COVID-19 and Other Large-Scale Emergencies program expires on March 31, 2026.


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