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On-Farm Climate Action Fund (OFCAF) │ Results Driven Agriculture Research (RDAR):

July 6, 2024


maximum grant payment of $75,000.


OFCAF is designed to help producers tackle climate change by supporting new actions to lower greenhouse gas emissions. This is intended to reduce the risk of new practices, while expanding, sustaining and documenting activities that may not occur without this funding. The program is delivered by Results Driven Agriculture Research (RDAR) with funding from the Agricultural Climate
Solutions initiative managed by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.

OFCAF provides financial support to producers to accelerate adoption of beneficial management practices (BMPs) that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and support increased production efficiency, sustainability, and resiliency on their farm operations.

Eligible Applicants

To receive funding, applicants must meet these conditions:
  •  Be an active producer (includes a proprietorship, corporation, or registered partnership) that can
    demonstrate a minimum of $25,000 gross farm income in Alberta.
  • Work with a Professional Agrologist (PAg) or Certified Crop Advisor (CCA), see Guide to Accessing
    Agricultural Recommendations in Alberta ( to
    develop a BMP Action Plan that is based on agronomic advice and identifies the cost difference
    from usual practices.
  • The BMP Action Plan must include labelled maps of project field boundaries and LLDs on aerial
    photos or images. Any labelling method may be used, or see Guide to Locating and Labelling BMP
    Action Plans (
  • Complete an online application using RDAR’s Agriculture Research Grant Organizer (ARGO). The
    forms describe current practices and planned improvements (
  • Document pre and post-project conditions with date-stamped GPS-located photographs (these
    details are typically automatically recorded on digital photos in a jpg format).
  • Provide permission for post-project inspections.
  • Be headquartered in Alberta and apply funds only to lands in Alberta.
  • Have a minimum eligible total project cost of $2,500.
  • Pay 100% of the costs upfront (no in-kind).
  • All reimbursement payments are considered taxable income.
  • Pre-approval by RDAR in writing is required to be eligible for program funding.

Eligible Expenses

OFCAF provides cost-shared funding to eligible producers and supports the training of Certified Crop Advisors and Agrologists as well as information sharing throughout the agricultural community. The objective of OFCAF is to support Producers in adopting Beneficial Management Practices (BMPs) that store carbon and reduce greenhouse gases, specifically in the areas of:

  • Nitrogen Management
  • Cover Cropping
  • Rotational Grazing

These practices also provide other environmental benefits such as improved biodiversity and soil health. Other activities to support the adoption of BMPs, such as outreach, education, and training, are also supported.

Deadline Date

Intake is currently paused.


Contact Name: Results Driven Agriculture Research (RDAR)

Phone Number: 1-877-503-5955

E-mail Address:


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There is grant money waiting for YOU! BUT if you step in a “grant trap,” your application is a NO! Learn the FIVE most common errors to AVOID in government grants! Get the 5 Grant Gotchas now to save you countless hours.

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