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Team Grant: Healthy Youth (2024) | Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)

February 4, 2025


The total amount available for this funding opportunity is $9,000,000.


This funding opportunity is a direct response to calls for Canada to do better when it comes to youth health and wellness, particularly with historically excluded or underrepresented youth, and to put diverse youth and youth voices at the centre of multi-dimensional solutions to youth-identified priorities.

Eligible Applicants

For an application to be eligible, all the requirements stated below must be met:

  • The Nominated Principal Applicant (NPA) must be one of the following:
    • an independent researcher or a knowledge user, affiliated with a Canadian postsecondary institution and/or its affiliated institutions (including hospitals, research institutes and other non-profit organizations with a mandate for health research and/or knowledge translation);
    • a researcher or scholar working in a municipal, provincial or territorial government in Canada where the activity which forms the subject matter of the funding is not being funded by specific programs of those municipal, provincial and territorial governments;
    • an individual affiliated with an Indigenous non-governmental organization in Canada with a research or knowledge mobilization mandate;
    • An Indigenous and other non-governmental organization (including community organizations and regional health authorities) in Canada with a research or knowledge mobilization mandate.
  • The NPA must have their substantive role in Canada for the duration of the requested grant term.
  • The Institution Paid must be authorized to administer CIHR funds by the funding start date.
  • The NPA must have successfully completed one of the sex- and gender- based analysis online training modules through the CIHR Institute of Gender and Health and submitted a Certificate of Completion (see How to Apply.) Please select and complete the training module most applicable to your research project.
    Organizations as NPAs: For organizations applying as the NPA, a representative of the organization must complete the training module on the organization’s behalf.
  • The leadership team must include each of the following in a Principal role (Nominated Principal Applicant, Principal Applicant or Principal Knowledge User) and be comprised of a minimum of three individuals, one of each type, as follows:
  • The team must include an Early Career Researcher (ECR) or a Mid-career Researcher (MCR) in a Principal role. Note: The ECR/MCR may hold other roles including one of the above leadership roles.
  • One member of the applicant team must be designated as the Knowledge Mobilization Champion.
  • For research solely focused on Indigenous communities, including research focused on 2S and/or other gender diverse Indigenous youth, the applicant team must include at least one Principal Applicant or Principal Knowledge User who self-identifies as Indigenous (First Nations, Inuit or Métis) and/or can provide evidence of having meaningful and culturally safe involvement with Indigenous Peoples (see How to Apply).
  • For research involving but not solely focused on Indigenous communities, including research involving 2S and/or other gender diverse Indigenous youth, the applicant team must include at least one person who self-identifies as Indigenous (First Nations, Inuit or Métis) and/or can provide evidence of having meaningful and culturally safe involvement with Indigenous Peoples, in any Applicant or Knowledge User role (see How to Apply).
  • For research that is either focused on, or involving, Indigenous communities, including research focused on or involving 2S and/or other gender diverse Indigenous youth, the applicant team must include an Indigenous Elder and/or an Indigenous Knowledge Keeper in any role, including collaborator.
  • For applications involving research with historically excluded or underrepresented groups at least one member of the applicant team in any role, must provide evidence of meaningful experience, necessary knowledge and expertise to work with that group while incorporating EDI considerations and applying EDI best practices (see How to Apply).

Eligible Expenses

CIHR and partner(s) financial contributions for this initiative are subject to availability of funds. Should CIHR or partner(s) funding levels not be available or are decreased due to unforeseen circumstances, CIHR and partner(s) reserve the right to reduce, defer or suspend financial contributions to grants received as a result of this funding opportunity.

  • The total amount available for this funding opportunity is $9,000,000, enough to fund approximately six (6) grants. This amount may increase if additional funding partners participate. The maximum amount per grant is $300,000 per year for up to 5 years, for a total of $1,500,000 per grant.
  • Of this $9,000,000:
    • $ 4,500,000 is available to fund three (3) applications relevant to the purpose and objectives of this funding opportunity.
    • $ 1,500,000 is available to fund one (1) application relevant to the Indigenous Youth Health research area.
    • $ 1,500,000 is available to fund one (1) application relevant to the Two-Spirit, Trans, Non-Binary and/or other Gender Diverse Youth Health research area.
    • $ 1,500,000 is available to fund one (1) application relevant to the Reducing Social Inequalities in Health among Canada’s Youth research area.
    • Applications relevant to each research area will be funded top down in order of ranking. Remaining applications in the competition will be pooled together and funded in rank order. If a research area is undersubscribed or lacks fundable applications, funds may be rolled into the general competition pool.

Deadline Date

Register by December 10, 2024, and apply by February 4, 2025.

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