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Alberta Business Grants Ltd.

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Youth Employment Experience │ Canadian Parks and Recreation Association:

February 17, 2023


100% wage subsidies. The maximum wage subsidy offered through this program is $10,000 for each youth.


Officially entitled the CPRA Youth Employment Experience, this program will provide direct financial support (via 100% wage subsidies) to local governments, allowing them to offer placements that will focus on youth gaining a broad range of skills, knowledge and experience in the community parks and recreation sector. Not only will this program provide hands-on training, but each youth will be paired with a mentor at their place of employment to provide an immersive experience. Via this program, local governments will be able to hire additional youth to advance their parks and recreation priorities.

Eligible Applicants

The following Canadian local governments are eligible to apply to this Program:

  • Municipalities
  • Cities and Towns
  • Villages
  • Regional Districts
  • Indigenous Communities
  • Indigenous Governments

In addition, non-profit organizations who deliver recreation programming on behalf of the local government are welcome to apply with a letter of support from the local government. The letter must clearly articulate the partnership between the two organizations in the delivery of recreation to the local community.


Eligible youth who will be engaged in this program must be:

  • between 15 and 30 years of age when employment begins (inclusive)
  • a Canadian citizen, or permanent resident or a protected person as defined by the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act
  • legally entitled to work in Canada
  • legally entitled to work according to the relevant provincial/territorial legislation and regulations

Eligible Expenses

The goals of the CPRA Youth Employment Experience are to:

  • provide job placements for youth, particularly those facing barriers, allowing them the opportunity to gain skills and build experience in the community parks and recreation sector
  • enable youth to connect with a mentor, allowing them to gain hands-on experience in a workplace setting
  • build skills, expand networks, and increase knowledge of the parks and recreation sector for both youth and mentors
  • engage a diverse group of young Canadians in the program
  • increase the recruitment and retention of youth facing barriers to employment in Canada
  • provide much-needed support to communities to hire additional youth to advance their parks and recreation priorities

Deadline Date



Contact Name: Canadian Parks and Recreation Association

Phone Number: (613) 523-5315

E-mail Address:


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There is grant money waiting for YOU! BUT if you step in a “grant trap,” your application is a NO! Learn the FIVE most common errors to AVOID in government grants! Get the 5 Grant Gotchas now to save you countless hours.

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