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Alberta Business Grants Ltd.

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BUT if you step in a “grant trap,” your application is a NO! Learn the FIVE most common errors to AVOID in government grants! Get the 5 Grant Gotchas now to save you countless hours.

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Youth Take Charge | Department of Canadian Heritage

July 15, 2024


Up to $500,000 per fiscal year.


The Youth Take Charge Program aims to strengthen youth attachment to Canada through engagement. In this context, youth is defined as individuals between 7 and 30 years of age.

Our key expected results include youth being engaged in communities and aware of the importance of being an active and engaged citizen.

We support youth-led projects that include activities in 1 or more of 4 thematic areas:

  • arts and culture
  • civic engagement and youth
  • economic activities
  • history and heritage

Eligible Applicants

The following organizations are eligible for funding:

  • a Canadian registered not-for-profit organization
  • a Canadian registered charitable group
  • an Indigenous representative organization

To be eligible for funding, you must also:

  • have a minimum of 3 years of experience in serving youth on a significant national or provincial/territorial scale. This engagement is defined by a number of factors, such as:
    • geographic reach: your activities reach beyond your immediate regional community
    • demographic impact: you directly engage a significant number of youth on an annual basis
  • have adequate security and safety policies and procedures in place demonstrating the nature and length of your experience in delivering youth programs

For-profit entities, governments (federal, provincial/territorial or municipal administrations), Crown corporations or other federal institutions, and public or parapublic groups or organizations (for example, schools, colleges, universities, school boards, public libraries) are not eligible.

Eligible Expenses

We will only fund project-related expenses, which can be of cash and in-kind value; these may include:

  • promotion and communication;
  • youth participant training;
  • volunteer support;
  • travel, which must not exceed the rates permitted for travel on government business;
  • hospitality fees;
  • professional consultant fees directly related to project delivery;
  • artists and performers;
  • event / venues;
  • special measures expenses related to accessibility for youth participants with disabilities; and
  • administration expenses.

In-kind contributions are considered real contributions to the cost of the proposed project but are not reimbursable. Donated goods and services may be considered in-kind contributions if they:

  • are essential to your project’s success;
  • are eligible and would otherwise have to be purchased or paid for by you;
  • can be measured at fair market value (i.e. in relation to similar goods and services); and
  • are balanced by an equal revenue in your budget (i.e. total in-kind expenses equal total in-kind revenues).

Funding for administration expenses will be limited to a maximum of 15% of total project funding.

Deadline Date

The application intake is now closed.


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Download Now! Five Grant Gotchas

There is grant money waiting for YOU! BUT if you step in a “grant trap,” your application is a NO! Learn the FIVE most common errors to AVOID in government grants! Get the 5 Grant Gotchas now to save you countless hours.

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