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Documentary Heritage Communities Program | Library and Archives Canada

January 9, 2025


Program funding can cover up to 100% of a project’s eligible expenses.


The program helps document Canada’s history, so we can share it with current and future generations. The purpose of this program is to provide approximately $ 1.5 million in funding each year to local organizations in support of Canada’s documentary heritage. The term “documentary heritage” refers to records and publications (written or audio-visual) that reflect Canada’s history. Some examples include:

  • photographs
  • audio or video recordings
  • treaties
  • dictionaries and lexicons
  • portraits
  • diaries
  • maps

Eligible Applicants

Local non-profit documentary heritage organizations can apply, such as:

  • archives
  • genealogical organizations or societies
  • historical societies
  • Indigenous organizations or government institutions (a First Nations, Inuit, and/or Métis Nation band council, government organization or non-profit organization – cultural centres, community organizations, historical societies)
  • private libraries
  • organizations with an archival component (an organization with a documentary heritage collection that portrays the past of the organization, its predecessors or the community in which it is located. The archival component would provide a dedicated storage for the collection(s), include accessible high-level descriptions and be accessible to the public.)
  • professional library or archival associations (incorporated bodies that represent the professional development of archivists, librarians, historians, authors, and information managers)

All applicants must be privately funded (50% or more) except for Indigenous organizations or government institutions.

Eligible Expenses

We can provide financial help for project-related expenses only, which can include:

  • Translating project-related communications material
  • Translating descriptive information (such as metadata), notably for official-language minority communities
  • Administration, shipping, promotion and communication expenses related to the project
  • Salaries and wages for project staff and consultants, and any travel expenses (consistent with the National Joint Council’s Travel Directive)
  • Honoraria for Indigenous Elders
  • Buying and/or renting equipment and software required for the project (for example, to convert, digitize, preserve or catalogue)
  • Purchasing materials required for the project (such as archival boxes)
  • Project launch event costs, such as hospitality and acknowledgement/visibility of the contribution provided by the Government of Canada
  • Gifts to Indigenous Elders, valued at less than $100 each
  • Insurance costs for a travelling exhibition
  • Professional costs for conservation/preservation treatments
  • Project results evaluation costs (for example, staff or consultants to report on progress and results)
  • Training, competency and capacity-development activities

Deadline Date

January 9, 2025, at 11:59 p.m. (PST).

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There is grant money waiting for YOU! BUT if you step in a “grant trap,” your application is a NO! Learn the FIVE most common errors to AVOID in government grants! Get the 5 Grant Gotchas now to save you countless hours.

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