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There is grant money waiting for YOU!

BUT if you step in a “grant trap,” your application is a NO! Learn the FIVE most common errors to AVOID in government grants! Get the 5 Grant Gotchas now to save you countless hours.

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Neighbour Grants | Calgary Foundation

October 7, 2024


Up to $10,000 for project expenses.


Neighbour Grants helps people implement their own small acts of community right in the neighbourhoods and communities where they live by offering up to $10,000 for project expenses. The small acts of community we support tend to be projects where people:

  • Build gathering spaces, such as community gardens and naturalized areas.
  • Engage people in creative ways to address concerns, such as community-created street murals, anti-racism arts festivals, and non-partisan discussions on the importance of voting.
  • Foster a sense of pride and presence, such as cultural sharing events and achievement celebrations of local youth and seniors.
  • Give people the chance to get involved in community life, such as book- or tool-sharing libraries, new kinds of neighbourhood festivals, and skills-sharing events.
  • Plan and guide neighbourhood and community development, such as resident-driven design or sustainability workshops and Reconciliation-themed learning initiatives.

Eligible Applicants

To qualify, the small acts of community must:

  • Help people be leaders within everyday life of their own communities.
  • Form new or stronger connections between local people, groups, and organizations.
  • Strengthen people’s sense of belonging within the diversity of neighbourhood or community.

Registered charities and other qualified donees can apply for projects that take place in Calgary, Banff National Park, Canmore, Rocky View County, the Municipal Districts of Big Horn, Foothills, Kananaskis and Wheatland (including towns and hamlets), and the surrounding First Nations of Treaty 7 territory.


Eligible Expenses

Typical costs are for community involvement. Examples: Event space rental, refreshments, supplies people will use to build or offer something for the community, and fees for artists who will help people participate and create something great, or honoraria to Indigenous Elders who teach and guide a project in a good way.

Deadline Date

July 30 – for results announced mid-August; August 27 – for results announced mid-September; October 7 – for results announced end of October


Contact Name: Julie Black, Citizen Engagement Associate

Phone Number: 403-802-7720

E-mail Address:


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Download Now! Five Grant Gotchas

There is grant money waiting for YOU! BUT if you step in a “grant trap,” your application is a NO! Learn the FIVE most common errors to AVOID in government grants! Get the 5 Grant Gotchas now to save you countless hours.

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